Quick question, if I buy the physical copy of the expansion, but own the digital base game, is that going to cause me any problems? (can get the xpac cheaper physical)
No, no problem at all.
Quick question, if I buy the physical copy of the expansion, but own the digital base game, is that going to cause me any problems? (can get the xpac cheaper physical)
So after hitting 60 and running Machinist through some stuff...
- Gauss Barrel is everything Minuet should have been, and isn't
- The damage delta is probably real but is much smaller between support classes in real-world applications than panicking Reddit people and people who just mindlessly regurgitate Reddit rhetoric would have you think. That one bad DF run you had with a Machinist is probably more about the player and less about the job being a lost cause.
- Turrets are fucking amazing
- I cannot stress enough how much Machinist benefits from its pseudo BLM-stance having an actual thought process behind it. Fights that were just a nonstop exercise in frustration on Minuet Bard are manageable and plannable on MCH.
I do think the class could use a potency buff and a slight reduction on the CDs for Reload and Quick Reload, but I don't think MCH in its current state is as broken as Bard in its current state is. More to the point, in actual content MCH can apparently hold its own with Bard so far (please note I'm not speaking for theoretical edge case perfect bards, so much as the 90% of bards you're likely to actually encounter), so it's a viable alternative as a support class. It's just one that is better thought-out currently and is a hell of a lot more fun to play. There's a reason a bunch of bards you run into in DF just flat out never touch Minuet.
So, yeah, Machinist has problems, but it is not a fundamentally broken job. Both it and Bard need some work, but Machinist needs much less to be worth using the full toolkit for.
nobody's going to wait anymore after a GM explicitly said that pulling early wasnt an offense in any nature a while back
This grind from 55→56 is oppressive.
Of course now that I've unlocked flight in W Coerthas, Drav Hinterlands, and Mist, I'm just FATE spammin'
I'm still not done with the story of Heavensward 1.0 (or is it 3.0?), but I'll say this.
They truly captured the spirit of the Final Fantasy franchise. The story is great but what is even better is how they reproduced the feeling of traveling on an adventure with a party. I really felt like my time with *Spoilers just in case*AlphinaudandEstinienwas great and felt like many adventures I had with parties in the non-mmo Final Fantasy's of the past. None of the MMO's I've played has captured this spirit so well. They also did a great job incorporating allied NPC's being helpful and actually feeling like allies during instanced quests.Lady Iceheart
if you kept clearing all the sidequests, and returning back to previous maps to check if there's sidequests popping again then you shouldn't have to grind hard, the only time i ran out of quests is halfway to 60 before the research facility, but i reckon if you did your low level and high level roulettes once everyday while leveling also then you wouldn't have to grind at all
I would love Yoshi-P to make FFXVI since he seems to get this series, but that would mean he would have to work on this game less and I don't want that either.
That wasn't my point at all though.Aggro generation from ablities that multiply aggro gained scales off the damage. So if you land a buffed Butcher's Block it's gonna give you more enmity than if you just spammed the combo with disregard to how much damage you're doing. Tanks aren't completely incorrect to obsess with strength and damage.
My bad. I don't really get the world/Company thing.
This is how I'm feeling right now especially after doing those moogle quests.
This is how I'm feeling right now especially after doing those moogle quests.
My bad. I don't really get the world/Company thing.
I've become hilariously good against Odin despite never clearing. /sigh
This is how I'm feeling right now especially after doing those moogle quests.
This is how I'm feeling right now especially after doing those moogle quests.
Let me tell you I am some kind of godsdamned master at dodging the AOE's. I'm just going through the motions at this point. Often the tanks die or the healers aren't up to par, so yeah bad groups.Wait, you haven't cleared Odin? Have you just been getting exceedingly bad groups?
This is how I'm feeling right now especially after doing those moogle quests.
Deathflare is f***ing awesome. I've been using it in dungeons and the BLM's are always like... wtf was THAT? And I just winky face. Finally SMN's have a flashy nuke.
You can't wear 2 identical rings iirc.Can i wear two lvl110 dex rings? I had one already, but the storyline is giving me the option for another, i for some reason think you cant have two...
You can't wear 2 identical rings iirc.
Yeah, I meant high level rings, which sadly are unique in most cases.You can if they are non unique![]()
Select another server, create your character, save the appearance, wake up early tomorrow morning, select Ultros, remake the character by loading the appearance, name it, confirm, go back to bed.
Quick question, if I buy the physical copy of the expansion, but own the digital base game, is that going to cause me any problems? (can get the xpac cheaper physical)
Maintenance on Tuesday, 3-7 pm JST.
Sidequests, roulettes, daily hunts and challenge log should get you there.any good exp. tips for level 58-60? or should i just continue doing sidequests? it's pretty unusual for me to lose all motivation so early. shit is boring.
the new dungeons were pretty good so far though, if you compare them to the RR standard. some nice aoe patterns. feels like turbo mode at times. it will be a travesty when they start to nerf them.
any good exp. tips for level 58-60? or should i just continue doing sidequests? it's pretty unusual for me to lose all motivation so early. shit is boring.
the new dungeons were pretty good so far though, if you compare them to the RR standard. some nice aoe patterns. feels like turbo mode at times. it will be a travesty when they start to nerf them.
any good exp. tips for level 58-60? or should i just continue doing sidequests? it's pretty unusual for me to lose all motivation so early. shit is boring.
the new dungeons were pretty good so far though, if you compare them to the RR standard. some nice aoe patterns. feels like turbo mode at times. it will be a travesty when they start to nerf them.
Yes sir, as long as it's for a new account.If I get the basic $20 PC download version does it come with one month? the one directly from the ffXIV website
Sidequests, roulettes, daily hunts and challenge log should get you there.
58-59 is kinda meh, either run the vault or more sidequests yeah. Once you get to 59, do the MSQ then do library which unlocks in the MSQ, it's great xp, just grind that until 60, goes pretty fast(like 4runs or whatever from where the MSQ leaves you).
Had exactly the same, I kept doing side quests and dungeons. Also the hard roulette gives about 200k exp and trial roulette gives a decent amount as well.
Yes sir, as long as it's for a new account.
Let me tell you I am some kind of godsdamned master at dodging the AOE's. I'm just going through the motions at this point. Often the tanks die or the healers aren't up to par, so yeah bad groups.![]()