I'm not well versed on this skill so forgive my ignorance but don't BLM deal with this all the time with no issue? Though I will give you that on Ravana, specifically, there is a positional requirement that BLMs ignore but there are plenty of other fights in the game where BLM has to worry about moving and dpsing all the same.
The main difference is that from their core inception, BLM have been turrets. Bards haven't been. The class was designed around being mobile. Repelling Shot is just one example of that. Adding cast times in to skills has changed up a lot of what bard can do. Cancelling your next attack after using an oGCD is annoying.
Not being able to fit two oGCDs in between your GCDs is annoying. Empyreal Arrow being indie GCD is annoying.
Funny enough, moving is the easiest part of the New
Coke Bard since the movement/cast times are rather lenient. However, BRD is missing a way to move while dpsing, like a Scathe. So if there are large moments of running, you can't ABC as Bard without Feint. You can use Blunt Arrow, Bloodletter, or a Straighter Shot proc, but that's all. Saving Straighter Shot procs for moving is pretty shitty. Even BLM can force a proc now with Sharpcast. Machinist has Reload/Quick Reload to force procs to allow movement. Bard has none of that and it makes the most mobile ranged class into the absolute least.
There are a few easy fixes to make bard feel better. The feel is definitely off, but I think the concept of the new bard is fucking great. I still have fun with it and really like playing it, but the results are so shitty I don't even feel fully comfortable bringing it into Alexander.