Eh best you can do with The Arrow is provide your party a 10% attack speed buff if they are close to the person you used it on.
I guess that's nice but I want more.
I would 100% be okay and in support of BRD getting a haste song
Eh best you can do with The Arrow is provide your party a 10% attack speed buff if they are close to the person you used it on.
I guess that's nice but I want more.
Despite being a 54 BRD, I still haven't wrapped up the 2.XX content to enter HW yet, so I have no idea what Minuet does beyond the fact people hate it.
I am highly skeptical with the vocal shitstorm surrounding the change as I do feel BRD could really use a shakeup. Maybe I'll also find Minuet to be a poor implementation when I earn it, but the whining sounds a bit too ridiculous...
I'm talking about patches in terms of "sound patches", a technical term for how sounds are sampled and used in a digital audio workstation environment that composers use when creating music with computers.
Is there some kind of setup requirement for Battle Litany? It seems to get used fairly late into the opening of the battle which made taking full advantage of crit for DoTs tougher.
Hah, and some people in FC chat thought they wouldn't address WM. Sounds like the Japanese XIV community is just as pissed about it as we are so I think it'll get changed significantly. Problem is I don't see it happening until like September at the earliest.
Glad they fixed the stupid Bloodletter bug though.
I would 100% be okay and in support of BRD getting a haste song![]()
It's just a 180 second cooldown.
Which is fun because they still haven't figured out a way to reset cooldowns on party wipes, so it's often not up for the start of combat.
Is there some kind of setup requirement for Battle Litany? It seems to get used fairly late into the opening of the battle which made taking full advantage of crit for DoTs tougher.
I 100% believe it's impossible to play Machinist at 52 and Bard at 52 with their respective BLM stances and not walk away with the impression that Bard is fundamentally badly implemented. I wasn't a fan of Minuet to start, but 52 Machinist killed Bard for me because it's the exact same thing only not half-assed. I've done almost everything in Heavensward endgame on both jobs now, and the biggest blow to Minuet is the existence of Gauss Barrel making it obvious it's possible to implement something like that without the massive jank.
Even when PS3 support is dropped, how sure can we be that the servers can handle it?such an advanced feature takes time to develop.
expect it to be rolled out during the release of 4.0.
Eh best you can do with The Arrow is provide your party a 10% attack speed buff if they are close to the person you used it on.
I guess that's nice but I want more.
Well, I guess I don't see how RoD is better now by taking away the free TP proc, either from WV or into QN. Unless I'm mistaken, just because it shares a recast timer with Bloodletter doesn't mean it is 0 TP like Bloodletter. It still is one of the most expensive abilities to use and taking away the proc makes it even less desirable to me.
I'm not sure why Square has this reputation of not listening to the player-base when it comes to issues like bard jank. In my opinion they've always been one of the better developers with QoL requests compared to the other MMO's I've played (WoW included).
... 100% materia melding.
I never had any doubt it'd be addressed, kept saying that in FC chat. A lot of people seemed to be of the opinion that they wouldn't throw it in the game just to admit it's not a good change so soon. Seems like they pretty much did just that, though, which makes me happy to see.
I honestly hope that they have an open dialogue with the community (all communities, not just Japan!) about how to fix WM and the 3.0 BRD skills. I'm afraid their idea of how to fix it won't be what people want so they should ask for ideas.
Completely talking out of my ass here, but I'm going to bet it's changed to a 30% damage cooldown and kept as-is, while the abilities that require it will no longer require it.
Well, I guess I don't see how RoD is better now by taking away the free TP proc, either from WV or into QN. Unless I'm mistaken, just because it shares a recast timer with Bloodletter doesn't mean it is 0 TP like Bloodletter. It still is one of the most expensive abilities to use and taking away the proc makes it even less desirable to me.
What item progression should I focus on to get through the pre-expansion story as painlessly as possible?
IE what weapons or armors to buy?
I'm not sure why Square has this reputation of not listening to the player-base when it comes to issues like bard jank. In my opinion they've always been one of the better developers with QoL requests compared to the other MMO's I've played (WoW included).
It's hard to give them too much credit here when so many baseline QoL things were (and still are) missing.
"Wow they responded and added item links in chat!" was a legitimate response to that QoL change that wasn't available at launch despite the game being redesigned with the hotbar MMO template in mind. You still can't link more than one in the same chat message. You still can't message friends while in a duty, either.
Can any drks confirm this ?
This (if it is legit) on top of DA bugs, mean I might wait things out a bit on my DRK (till the bugs are fixed). Guess I'll level my NIN or WAR while I wait.
I was so close to 59 too.
well just read some BG posts.... rip DRK till hotfixes
Real talk, I can't wait to fail Materia V pentamelds for days.
Hah, and some people in FC chat thought they wouldn't address WM. Sounds like the Japanese XIV community is just as pissed about it as we are so I think it'll get changed significantly. Problem is I don't see it happening until like September at the earliest.I wonder what made them think that BRD players would embrace the radical change.
Glad they fixed the stupid Bloodletter bug though.
I guess I should have run Sohm Al last night. =(
The way they worded everything, it sounds like we'll be getting the bandaid fix around the time Alex normal/savage comes out and then if things aren't looking better we'll get a major change for one of the major content patches. As far as bandaids go though, we likely won't see more than making WM a real stance (no cast time with a small cd after using it) and maybe buffing dmg in a few places (hopefully weapon for both Bard/Machinist).
Can any drks confirm this ?
This (if it is legit) on top of DA bugs, mean I might wait things out a bit on my DRK (till the bugs are fixed). Guess I'll level my NIN or WAR while I wait.
I was so close to 59 too.
well just read some BG posts (its still up in the air, but its not looking good. Hopefully its just a visual problem).... rip DRK till hotfixes
The random procs for DRG is fine imo. After getting used to it once I got both skills, it was fine. Doesn't really need changed imo.
Like someone else said though, I fear for Battle Litany.
Can any drks confirm this ?
This (if it is legit) on top of DA bugs, mean I might wait things out a bit on my DRK (till the bugs are fixed). Guess I'll level my NIN or WAR while I wait.
I was so close to 59 too.
well just read some BG posts (its still up in the air, but its not looking good. Hopefully its just a visual problem).... rip DRK till hotfixes
The added positional difficulty from Wheeling Thrust/Fang and Claw exists solely to make maximizing DPS via more difficult, and for good reason, if they were straightforward combo finishers to CT/FT then DRG would be even easier to faceroll and do high DPS, making other DPS classes seem less relevant. It makes sense there would need to be some kind of skill check to get the most out of the job. I wouldn't mind if SE differentiated the two skills sometime in the future, but it would need to come at the cost of potency to keep balance. DRG is already the best melee DPS in the game atm.
As a DRG I'm having a great time making tanks sweat with crit burst damage. BotD and Litany are a DRG's crack. Geirskogul is such a great skill I'd go so far as to call it the best lv60 offensive skill in the expansion. There's literally no downsides to using it except managing your BotD, it's powerful for a ranged attack, AoE, no TP or MP cost, short CD, and it's oGCD. It has diverse utility, has no animation delay or immobility, long range, and the animation looks like a fancier version of the Kamehameha Wave. If anything I'm afraid SE will nerf BotD or Geir.
I'm not talking about the double Dark Arts.No one should ever be basing the class they're going to play off of obvious non intended class mechanics. This happens in every mmo when something seems too good to be true and then people complain that it got fixed after so many days/weeks.
This is fucking ridiculous. They were so eager to fix the DA thing they created far worse bugs.Can any drks confirm this ?
This (if it is legit) on top of DA bugs, mean I might wait things out a bit on my DRK (till the bugs are fixed). Guess I'll level my NIN or WAR while I wait.
I was so close to 59 too.
well just read some BG posts (its still up in the air, but its not looking good. Hopefully its just a visual problem).... rip DRK till hotfixes
Unintended or not, it was one of the things that made DRK's other issues bearable. And it was far from too good to be true, was not broken in any way shape or form.No one should ever be basing the class they're going to play off of obvious non intended class mechanics. This happens in every mmo when something seems too good to be true and then people complain that it got fixed after so many days/weeks.
I'm not talking about the double Dark Arts.
Dark Passenger and Abyssal Drain enhanced effects on Dark Arts are just working on the first enemy that the skill hits, and whatever buff you have on you makes the MP decrease faster when you're on Darkside. I absolutely belive that making Regen drain your MP is a bug, and it was added with today "hotfixes". They need a hotfix for these hotfixes ASAP.
I'll continue to play DRK, of course. These issues will be fixed soon and I want to be at a high level when it happens.
Party Members --> Tiops ---> Vote Kick ---> HarassmentI'll join parties today saying "Hey, sorry for anything, S-E broke my class but I need EXP."
This is fucking ridiculous. They were so eager to fix the DA thing they created far worse bugs.
The DA bug wasn't even seriously broken. It was a huge quality of life thing to help with the ridiculous MP costs, and our damage was still decently behind WAR. Now it'll be even lower and MP management will be worse. Thanks SE? This bullshit could of at least waited until full balance patch and DRK gets some overall changes to compensate.
Unintended or not, it was one of the things that made DRK's other issues bearable. And it was far from too good to be true, was not broken in any way shape or form.
PLD is calling you back.
Party Members --> Tiops ---> Vote Kick ---> Harassment
Your broken class is harassing my mana as a healer.