PLD is calling you back.
Join the Light Side my son.
As intended since the day FF series came in existence.
PLD is calling you back.
Yay more ravana tonight, or did hive man get the shield and sword already.
lol nopePLD is calling you back.
Yeah I didn't get it, got the axe though.I honestly can't remember... and even if he didn't he should have enough tokens to buy them at this point :0.
Why is it still locked? I just did the quest to unlock it. Is it because of item level?
Why is it still locked? I just did the quest to unlock it. Is it because of item level?
So, uh, I probably just missed this....
....whatever happened to that whole, Derp Lion mount, the one that datamining revealed some patches back.
Why is it still locked? I just did the quest to unlock it. Is it because of item level?
Man, Glamour prism are fucking expensive for what they cost. Overall the Glamour system is too expensive for what is it.
DRK level 50 quest:Did I just start playing Persona all of a sudden?
So what's the best way to get Carbontwine right now? Is it still the CT weekly? Have a WAR and NIN sitting at lvl 50 I want to deck out in i130 gear when leveling up.
I sure feel silly for grinding poetics those last few weeks before HW. Now it rains em from the sky.
I don't laugh, since I joined the game late its the first time Im able to access end game content before they enable duty finder for it. Took me a few seconds to get what was happening xDI couldn't help but laugh at this. I figured the bold red letters had it all covered.
i believe so. hunts also give them and there isnt a restriction
I couldn't help but laugh at this. I figured the bold red letters had it all covered.
I didn't even know you could pre-make parties before doing dungeons.
Probably waiting for when Yokai Watch releases in NA?
Well it's not like a cultural barrier should be a detriment towards being able to identify obvious hmmmmmmm......."mistakes" that are aperant to those invested in their class.At least the JP players are complaining about the same things... right?
If they release that via Mog Station Code than anyone could get it since the codes are not region locked for Bonus Items.Maaaaybe? Whole situation there is kinda weird, since it's kinda a cross-promotional thing and kinda not and the same time.
Initially I figured they'd just release it as a funny looking mount. XD
At least the JP players are complaining about the same things... right?
At least the JP players are complaining about the same things... right?
Almost every official review or review-in-progress I've seen about Heavensward spends the majority of their articles bitching about having to complete the story through 2.55. Not exactly great early coverage of the expac.
Yoshi P. said:Hello, everyone,
FFXIV producer/director Yoshida here.
Thank you for all the feedback you've been posting regarding bard.
I'd like to take a moment to discuss how the development team recognizes the current situation and our plans for adjustment.
The Wanderer's Minuet
In regards to the Wanderer's Minuet, the ability that you learn from the level 52 job quest, we are aware of the following points of feedback:
Until reaching level 60, using Wanderer's Minuet will result in less damage being dealt in comparison to when you are not using it.
It's difficult to feel the benefits of Wanderer's Minuet versus the risk of not being able to move while attacking, which was a perk of playing as a bard.
It's difficult to use Wanderer's Minuet because the casting time required for activating it is too long.
As a result of the initial bad impression given by the first problem, and the length of time required to cast it, I think that it's still difficult to feel the benefits of this ability even when you hit level 60.
The team is currently working on fixes to resolve these problems.
In addition to making adjustments so that the effect of this ability is fitting right after you learn it, we will be making it easier to switch into and out of Wanderer's Minuet and eliminating the current aspects that make it difficult to use. At the same time we will be paying close attention to the balance of each skill so the damage output at level 60 does not largely increase.
The Warden's Paean
We've been receiving feedback that the utility and value of using the Warden's Paean seems low, and the development team is aware of this. We are currently looking into adjustments.
Regarding the bug wherein actions cannot be used temporarily
I apologize for the inconveniences caused by this bug. We addressed this in today's hotfix. I apologize for the time it took to properly address.
There has only been a small amount of time since you all have reached level 60 (this goes for all jobs; not just bard), and the new raid will be opening shortly, so I'm sure you will continue to explore your jobs with trial and error.
The development team is constantly keeping a watch on job balance, and we will be reading over all of the feedback we receive after the raid has opened and making adjustments as necessary.
My problem with the new BLM, at least currently, is how tight it is to cast Fire IV while keeping Astral Fire up. Without Ley Lines, I can barely get a second Fire IV off and refresh Astral Fire with a Fire I cast. It's very close, like 1-2s remaining on Astral Fire. If I need to move for any reason [and let's face it, I will], it's even more strict. I can always Swiftcast a Fire I to keep Astral up, but I'd rather save that for later in case I really need it to cast a Blizzard IV and keep the Enochian buff going. Granted, this will become less of an issue when you get more SSPD on your gear [which, unfortunately, is pretty lacking on the Law gear-set], but right now it's extremely stressful, but then I only have a few pieces of Law gear and several vendor pieces still [I'M WORKING ON CHANGING THAT THOUGH!]. Add to this bosses that constantly jump/phase in and out/become invulnerable, and you have a major headache.Was hoping that the new BLM rotation would solidify once I'd tried it for a while. But I'm just not feeling it, maybe its just that so much of the end game content at the moment is movement intensive but it feels more irritating than challenging to play at the moment. Latency doesnt really help either. At least I've a fabulous hat to look forward to when esoterics drop.
Almost every official review or review-in-progress I've seen about Heavensward spends the majority of their articles bitching about having to complete the story through 2.55. Not exactly great early coverage of the expac.
They are also criticizing the level gaps. I actually agree with most of the criticisms i have seen tbh. I love the game but I'm also able to see it's faults. I had a friend that was not finishing the story quest and I had to convince him that he HAD to do it to participate in the expansion(face it not everyone is interested in the story they just want to level get gear do the the content.) It was not a detail that was highlighted enough imo and I had to search forums to find a definitive answers as to how far into the story you had to be. A lot of people weren't clear I read so much wrong information.
None of this applies to us because we are informed but I can see why a returning player would be pissed off by it.
This release is baffling to me as an MMO vet. A normal mmo expansion just pushes the new stuff in your face, the last WoW expansion gave you a pre-order bonus to headstart a character to previous max level and they often make the new classes overpowered at the start to spur on adoption etc.
This game. Makes you do between 15-20 hours of garbage tier filler quests that were boring as fuck sprinkled in with some dungeons and primals to tell a story that could be achieved with much less filler just to start the expansion content. All the new classes are horribly undertuned to the point where this toxic community is absolutely venomous about certain classes.
I know SE likes to beat to a different drum but other MMOs especially WoW do these things for a reason. It sells copies of the expansion. Lapsed players sign on to play the new and shiney classes/areas/content, not the old and busted. They get an expansion sale and a couple months of subs out of these people.
From what I've read though, going through the level 50 story quests does give you a free level or two by the time you reach Heavensward content. So you end up doing less grinding overall. I mean, two levels translates into a loooot of sidequests you can just skip.
That said, they probably could've removed some of the level 50 fetch quests from the main story.
In addition to making adjustments so that the effect of this ability is fitting right after you learn it, we will be making it easier to switch into and out of Wanderer's Minuet and eliminating the current aspects that make it difficult to use. At the same time we will be paying close attention to the balance of each skill so the damage output at level 60 does not largely increase.
STAY STRONGTo my static, sorry for not being a SMN. ;_;
So.... Yeah. This is not reassuring.
From what I've read of people doing the pre-HW content it gets you maybe 1/3rd of a level to 51.Not sure if you are serious...
20-30hrs trying to do 2.0-2.55 would mean you would hit 58 at least in a reasonable time.
You aren't doing less grinding, you are doing more.
They've got a strict hold on the DPS caps for each job it seems like.So.... Yeah. This is not reassuring.
I will try.STAY STRONG
Not sure if you are serious...
20-30hrs trying to do 2.0-2.55 would mean you would hit 58 at least in a reasonable time.
You aren't doing less grinding, you are doing more.
Can you hookup a Bluetooth keyboard to the PS4 just to chat but play on the DS4? Hardly talk in GAF chat as I find it a PITA to use the virtual keyboard. Still getting to grips with all the controls so I might find it easier as time passes.
Can you hookup a Bluetooth keyboard to the PS4 just to chat but play on the DS4? Hardly talk in GAF chat as I find it a PITA to use the virtual keyboard. Still getting to grips with all the controls so I might find it easier as time passes.
Without Ley Lines, I can barely get a second Fire IV off and refresh Astral Fire with a Fire I cast.