I had no problem with the Moogles cause they are cute as fuck and make the best noises.
They are also psychopaths who will ask you to kill 4 dragons for being "disrespectful".
You know who REALLY grinds me gears?
The Vanu Vanu.
ESPECIALLY that one guy from the long story line.
"I want you to kill 3 imperials"
"I want you to kill another 3 imperials"
"oh hey man,could you like, kill another 3 imperials?"
"Man did you see how I snuck into that imperial base and took their stuff? i'm such a hero"
FUCK that guy.
yeah, that's it. I hate the A and S ranks with a vengeance..
If you only do the daily/weekly you will still be able to upgrade all law gear in about three weeks. That's pretty ok in my book. (yeah I am a SCH, pun totally intended!)
Also, there is no way you can keep playing with all effects for party members on anymore. MCH and DKN combo makes it pretty much impossible to see any hostile ground aoe effects -.-
edit: blah, wanted to post in my comment above..sorry for the double spam
I tried finding that option in the graphics settings but it's not there?