Personally I have little motivation to do the relic right now. I'm tired of farming stuff that we were farming a year ago. It's just... Boring.
Im not rushing myself, doing beastmen and roulettes only
Personally I have little motivation to do the relic right now. I'm tired of farming stuff that we were farming a year ago. It's just... Boring.
I'm curious what the response would of been to Anima if, it still took the same amount of time, but was just presented differently. More original content, stuff focused on HW areas. Not just another old world tome/dungeon grind.Personally I have little motivation to do the relic right now. I'm tired of farming stuff that we were farming a year ago. It's just... Boring.
Already only log on to raid. If 3.2 and the new stuff isn't any good I'm probably done, I think several people in group are too.Might be time for a break Krael
Yoship: Thank you for your feedback regarding 3.x. Using this feedback, we have decided to, in the future, make it 2.x again.but with less content in patches
Yoshi just does not get it.
Yup, that's exactly it. It's 4 dungeons which are boring after a couple runs, 2 ex trials which are farmed in a week, 1 hard raid, 1 24-man ask raid you do a couple times + some minor content every 2 patches (4-6 months?). He doesn't get it. A lot of us didn't have issue with Savage being extremely hard, we had issues that there wasn't any other content that was hard (coil hard) and rewarding so you had proper progression and things to do as a static if you couldn't beat savage yet.
I got up to 20/80 items for relic but I've lost interest in grinding my relic. It's just boring doing this old content, no matter what varied way people are doing it.
I was taking a break before finding a static for me and a couple other players from our old static, but I think I may just actually quit. Now's the perfect time.
Didn't you quit yourself.Play other games.
he's going to be so mad at me
Framing this as an ilevel or DPS issue is just going in the wrong direction, and the fact he mentioned SCOB at all as a reference is terrifying because that place was the same flavor of bullshit that Alexander is loaded with. If they want to lower the DPS checks that's whatever, as long as it at least requires some competences in regards to basic class function and rotations I will be happy. But the bigger thing is just making the fights fun and not loaded with bullshit you have to endure for 11-13m (why is this always the breakpoint, can't they do challenging fights that don't force you to spend hours redoing shit you already did to master each new phase?)
I need some indicator from them that the next tier isn't just going to be DPS-light A4S styled fights, but that's what they seem to want. A4S is a fight designed to be outgeared; post-Thordan the fight got a lot quicker/easier; we clear sloppy but we clear it in some part because lol gear carry. It's the strictest DPS check and I still drop GCDs and do the "I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR DPS DO THE MECHANICS" thing like... a lot. Aside from the gear wall aspect (which they could include easily via HP checks while keeping the DPS check down), people's problems with A4S isn't that the DPS requirement itself is crazy, it's that the fight sucks. A fight that sucks with a lower DPS requirement is still going to suck. A fight modeled after the instawipe aspects of SCoB is going to suck.
The live letter seems to amount to getting that people want to raid to stroke their ego with superior iLevels, but not have it be, you know, hard so that they might feel bad about not being able to bash their faces into it to beat it through sheer time. I don't raid for iLevel so... not super reassuring here. A3S was amazing as a final fight, but they screwed up and stuck it third with no ramp-up in the FCoB-tier 1 and 2. It's a pretty basic mistake and reacting by just making everything easier is uh.
I guess good news is that allegedly SCOB designer is making it instead of just... whoever. People used to like SCOB, what happened?
I guess good news is that allegedly SCOB designer is making it instead of just... whoever. People used to like SCOB, what happened?
A1S and A3S being solely timed means you're always up against the fight, not "woops somebody got an upgrade and now we're pushing too fast, please /mdance for 15 seconds while we wait for the right part of the script."
SCoB had its good aspects but it also had the Bad Phase Push thing that is almost completely missing from Alex, outside of A4S because A4S is bullshit; having a death on leg 3 and then having Jagd dolls pop after the Manipulator is targetable is so rage inducing. Like, I lot of aspects of T6, but the original implementation of honey where you're punished for pushing phases at the wrong time is stupid. T7 was all about timing Mel's pushes; T9 had the Shadow thing. Lots of stuff where you had to manipulate how you interacted with the fight so it wouldn't wipe you. It's manageable, but it's not fun.
A1S and A3S being solely timed means you're always up against the fight, not "woops somebody got an upgrade and now we're pushing too fast, please /mdance for 15 seconds while we wait for the right part of the script."
I thought that was a good mechanic. Knowing when to burst and when to hold. The fights in SCOB were just tested out a bit better. T7 Savage being all about split-second timing was part of its challenge so for example in our 130 clear me and the other melee stood around for seconds on end because it wasn't about DPS, it was about when to do thing. And that's great! A lot of enjoyment in the new trials comes from that exact philosophy. "And now it's time for mechanics" "Okay, good job, DPS now" "A thing is out, kill this fast". It should be about finesse instead of just "okay we got a high number, the fight is now invalidated". That shit's for FFlogs audience and fuck that audience.
Play other games.
Didn't you quit yourself.
I should of bet the under....
I thought that was a good mechanic. Knowing when to burst and when to hold. The fights in SCOB were just tested out a bit better. T7 Savage being all about split-second timing was part of its challenge so for example in our 130 clear me and the other melee stood around for seconds on end because it wasn't about DPS, it was about when to do thing. And that's great! A lot of enjoyment in the new trials comes from that exact philosophy. "And now it's time for mechanics" "Okay, good job, DPS now" "A thing is out, kill this fast". It should be about finesse instead of just "okay we got a high number, the fight is now invalidated". That shit's for FFlogs audience and fuck that audience.
Reddit said:Cloud's Motorcycle Fail
This was one of the most unprofessional things I have ever freaking seen in a game staff stream. If it won't actually happen, then don't show it off. People are going to be upset that they can't have it. What's worse is that they didn't show any footage of anything else, but then when they go and show a surprise trailer, its of this thing we can't even have, but want.
I get it, the thing was a Christmas present to a staff member, but come on. You just alienated a lot of people in the process. That was a bad business move imo.
It's hard not to unsub to be honest, I cannot believe I'm saying this.
How do you fuck up such a great start?
Yeah I was so excited during the HW launch. It was the best MMO expansion I had ever seen too with the servers being up the entire time and a very great progression from 50 to 60 with the story and quests (minus moogles of course).
Then once you got to 60 that's when it went downhill.
I'm curious what the response would of been to Anima if, it still took the same amount of time, but was just presented differently. More original content, stuff focused on HW areas. Not just another old world tome/dungeon grind.
Already only log on to raid. If 3.2 and the new stuff isn't any good I'm probably done, I think several people in group are too.
I'm just amazed at the total cluelessness YoshiP's letter showed, at least to me.
Such discontent.
I guess good news is that allegedly SCOB designer is making it instead of just... whoever. People used to like SCOB, what happened?
I haven't even watched the Live Letter and I bet it's going to be awful.
This is the worst news imaginable to be honest. If they go through more Second Coil design philosophy we'll end up with more and more fights like A4S. That's the fight that currently feels most like Second Coil design. I'd rather more Final Coil / A3S type of fights. I realize they're basically the same team that did those two tiers so it comes down to which approach they'd rather do.
IThis is the worst news imaginable to be honest. If they go through more Second Coil design philosophy we'll end up with more and more fights like A4S. That's the fight that currently feels most like Second Coil design. I'd rather more Final Coil / A3S type of fights. I realize they're basically the same team that did those two tiers so it comes down to which approach they'd rather do.
How do you fuck up such a great start?
An exception to this concept was the necessity to beat the hard versions of Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan for the relics released at 2.0; however, looking at the percentage of players who possessed relics at that time, we determined that this was a wall for players who were not into difficult content.
I realize they're basically the same team that did those two tiers so it comes down to which approach they'd rather do.
Mr. D did second coil and final coil.
As said, the second coil and final coil person is the same so we'll have to work though the dissonance of that together.
Mr. D did second coil and final coil.
As said, the second coil and final coil person is the same so we'll have to work though the dissonance of that together.
I uh
Do people just not read full posts
I don't actually care about what is said and I think you all whine too much.
And I said so in the post. I know they were the same team. The fight philosophies were not, however. Second Coil had more |The Boss| + |The Mechanics| as separate things you dealt with rather than fluid parts of the fight. It had the awkward phase pushes. Final Coil moved more of the dangerous boss mechanics to the boss itself with a few exceptions. It's what gave most of the fight progression instead of wildly different phases.
I liked you better when you were a potato.
I'm also still waiting for the shocking reveal that Mr. D did A3S. It feels like a Mr. D in FCoB mode fight.
I don't actually care about what is said and I think you all whine too much.
I uh
Do people just not read full posts
4.0 would be the only chance I could see them redeeming the game for me. The issue is content variety that is still rewarding.
Because the only two ways I can see them fixing it are:
1) Hiring a lot more artists and developers to create so much content each patch to keep content variety.
2) Fix the progression system so you have reason to run older content and isn't invalidated each patch. And then adjust difficulty of non-raid content so there is a nice mix across the board of easy, medium, hard, savage content instead of the current mainly all easy mindless content outside an occasional raid or primal.
So yeah, maybe quit until 4.0 is the best plan and see whether they are fixing it.
It's not whining here. It's a discussion on the fact that some of us don't find the game fun anymore and why that is. You still find it fun (do you?), but I am at the point where I am deciding if this is actually when I quit.