So thoughts after watching most of the podcast now...
I like how Miunih says the assumed priority of SCH/SMN raising is not always how it should be (but most of the time it should). I usually get a lot of crap from people for raising as WHM when I'm not asked to. The issue always stems from it's probably the most instinctive reflex I have in the game. I'll usually have the raise off before SCH/SMN says "I got it" on voice chat. The mindset is that, MP permitting, the faster you get them up the sooner they can recover from weakness/contribute to the fight. I understand that there are priorities depending on the fight. Sometimes casting raise right away (especially as WHM) is not optimal, and I will admit that has caught me with my pants down a handful of times (ie doing it before a big tank buster or raid damage and not healing for that 2-3 second window, and somebody else died as a result of my raise). But it's good that healers learn/understand priorities in fights in terms of raising vs healing, and I guess if you're like me with that reflex, you have to sometimes learn to fight it.
I love Miunih's talk on GCDs as a healer. SO MUCH THIS. If you get behind on the fight in terms of GCDs as a healer, you can have a very bad time. RNG and deviations from the script are the leading causes of this in progression, and if you hesitate to take action for the length of a GCD window, the delay might spiral into an unrecoverable sequence. I've tried to explain this to people so many times when we wipe and it's basically looked at as a BS excuse (ie you didn't know what to do). The most you can do I feel is vocalize the issue and try to make the party understand there is a bad time coming up unless something can intervene, ie tanks using an extra CD, but sometimes the solution is more complicated and can't be easily vocalized in the window of time left (or rather for me, explaining it would take too much focus off the fight regardless, leading to a wipe anyway). The thing I have to do is recognize what was the incident that triggered the sequence and be able to anticipate it better in the future to avoid the same scenario. Also, as a WHM, this is the single most important use of Presence of Mind to me - it's the emergency button to try to catch up when this occurs, whether it was due to my slow reactions, not recognizing something, or another player's mistake. But it can only recover so much. And Miunih also says he uses PoM as the "oh shit" button, but if you can work it into points of the fight where it's unlikely to have the "oh shit" moment and have it up later for when "oh shits" might possibly happen, you should be using it in some fashion. It also speeds up CD recovery for the duration of the buff -- something I don't think a lot of WHM realize.
Something, Something, Miunih views SCH as a support healer only, mainly there as another DPS (I agree with this a lot). While a WHM should contribute (and in some cases is needed to contribute) DPS in raid fights, it's only because if they weren't DPSing at those points they'd be sitting around twiddling their thumbs and you're being useless. However, the majority of the fight, a WHM can (and IMO) should be healing and pro-actively taking actions to ensure the survival of all party members so as to basically allow 7 people in the fight to be virtually non-stop DPSing. WHM can DPS, yes. We can actually, if allowed, put up a good amount of DPS. However, that's not really optimal in most situations (the situations where it's optimal is if for some reason the other healer is going to do the majority of the healing or you're doing content on farm or you grossly out-gear the fight). Honestly, it's up to how the party works. If you and your co-healer share a lot of the healing and both output decent DPS, then that's what works for you. If you're like me, I want my co-healer to be pumping out as much DPS as possible until I absolutely have to have some healing assistance, otherwise trust me to do most of the healing.
But Enigma and Miunih point out the game is designed with all healers having a decent amount of skills that are DPS abilities and not healing abilities. Thinking you can go into progression raiding (while it's relevant) and not contribute any DPS as a healer (even if you solo heal stuff) is not very feasible. Miunih even says that he views every single class in the game as inherently a DPS, but each has unique abilities that gives them secondary responsibilities. The faster a fight goes by, the easier it is on everyone. Tanks need to see themselves as DPS, who have hate generating and damage mitigation skills to handle taking the brunt of a boss's attacks. Enigma does stress that either extreme for tanks/healers is not optimal, either. A WAR should not be in defiance the whole fight, and a SCH should not be in cleric the entire fight (for progression). You have the find a balance.
AND for people in progression, please listen to their remarks on going into a new fight. LEARN. THE. MECHANICS. FIRST. FIGURE OUT THE FIGHT. Optimize DPS AFTER you know how you're dealing with mechanics. Simply seeing stuff is good for progression even if you cheesed your way into a next phase. As a healer, you need to keep your party alive to see stuff. Once you know the phases, you can begin to work in DPS.
LOL @ Accuracy discussion. We did FCoB carries last night for poetics. T13. Had Fluid Aura, Assize, and Stone III all miss in a row. THANK YOU YOSHIP. Enigma and Miunih suggesting a better balance of healing accuracy would be nice in the future so healers could at least consistently do decent/reliable DPS. Enigma says if SCH had too much accuracy, though, the class would be broken. Because of the accuracy problems and how WHM can't sustain MP as well as SCH, heavy DPS output from WHM is detrimental to progression simply because they can't sustain it and it burns up their MP too quickly. Nice suggestion from the host about a temporary accuracy boost if healers go into cleric stance.
Totally didn't consider (because I don't know enough about BRDs) to ask for Reign of Death to be up when I want to DPS in progression because it lowers enemy my lower accuracy is less of a pain in the ass.
As for CD usage, I mentioned PoM earlier, but WHM should be using Asylum and Assize as much as they can. I am guilty of holding on to it longer than I should to use it to recover from big aoe hits. Shroud thing I feel the same way, I burn it when I can. The only time I need to use it for hate reasons is A3S around the time of the first party knock back (especially after I got 210 weapon) and A2S on Wave 8 at some point, though that one isn't as relevant any more. The whole thing on Divine Seal and Benediction is good advice (I don't always follow it though). I feel like I use Divine Seal a good amount in most fights, but I tend to subconsciously time it around key moments...I think. Benediction I hold on to unless it's going to be needed as part of the fight script. Like A1S Tankbuster or if it's DRK in A3S and they LD the first hand slaps. The one thing I am very, very bad at IMO, is realizing that Benediction is a license to keep DPSing. As they talked about using Ben on LD DRK on A3S, and saying they don't leave cleric stance, I realized I have never, ever been in Cleric stance during hand phase unless SCH is getting DPS down for HoP. Then again, most of the A3S time I've done has been PLD/WAR...but like, on A1S, I could be maybe be DPSing during Tank Buster by just using Ben on it since it's not affected by Cleric.
I'm not sure if Miunih said in HW he prioritizes Piety, then Spell Speed over everything else? I re-listen to it and it's not clear to me if he's only talking about 2.5 or HW. But stat weight discussion was interesting. CRIT/DET for SCH outside of progression with a good mix of piety. Says Crit is a bit overrated on SCH.
I know in the past there was some debate over WHM/SCH/AST healing potency (ie which has the most powerful overall curing tools):
Tl;dr - Nothing compares to Cure III