Changes to Paladin's Oaths?
I'm interested.
I'm interested.
Aiming Midas gear
It sucks
At least we can get a potato version of the new Alex gear from normal mode!
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog~
I'm kind of curious how they plan to boost that sustained damage. Maybe boost potency of Gauss Round? Maybe Ammo?Oh well, MCH getting buffs, bowmage to become even less appealing. I was going to wonder if they were going to do something to Hypercharge but something that bumps sustained will be appreciated too. No more throwing pebbles between burst phases.
So good.
Oh nice, did you transfer to Cerberus? What's your ingame name?
I'll probably stay bard since I got the relic.I'm kind of curious how they plan to boost that sustained damage. Maybe boost potency of Gauss Round? Maybe Ammo?
I assume they're going to have to tweak Bard a bit under the hood as well. Warden's Paean fix isn't going to really continue to make the class appealing. I wonder how many Bards are going to jump ship to Machinist for Midas.besides myself
cool !I did! (I also fantasiad to an Elezen on the way.) The GAF FC was a lot of fun but the lag was getting too much for me. Plus being on an EU server means I see more of primetime so there are always a lot of people around which is nice.
They're abolishing Law, will that hinder relic a bit? Though I think you can get the same stuff with Poetics so probably not.
I'm kind of curious how they plan to boost that sustained damage. Maybe boost potency of Gauss Round? Maybe Ammo?
I assume they're going to have to tweak Bard a bit under the hood as well. Warden's Paean fix isn't going to really continue to make the class appealing. I wonder how many Bards are going to jump ship to Machinist for Midas.besides myself
I should look at what the accuracy/parry situation is like on the gordian fending accessories**, I think I have all of them from AS1 repeats. If it's bad at least tomes will be uncapped so you can get fending and then use AS2 books on coat (I can't be the only one with 75 million of those things by now). Parry being unescapable is probably only bad potential change from this, could end up with every piece like the belt where you can't escape it. Or you end up with too much ACC trying to.This is gonna be s bumpy ride
I definitely do think that they just need to find a way to make secondary synergy make sense with Machinist. They don't have that heavy reliance on crit, but maybe det/ss will end up being their bread and butter like you said. Making SS scale well with turrets might be an easier solution, which would make that a more sought after stat for that group. Det maybe could get a bit of a buff and with the amount of actions that MCH can do, maybe that could also be a swaying factor.-snip-
There's always time to get that gu-I'll probably stay bard since I got the relic.
Gordian Gun is better anyway but we've still not seen it. Just piles and piles of DRG spear and armor!
Soul Survivor probably closer, It's really really good in like one fight(AS4) and then it's decent to useless elsewhere. The DRK Tempered Will? Unleash is at least super good for leveling before AD and still better for threat/mp wise if you just going to use once or twice and not actively trying to aoe dps.Also, Dark Knight is the answer to your question about which class doesn't have a throwaway skill. Dark. Knight. The closest throwaway skill is like what... Unleash?
I don't really know if Gordias was the best time to jump ship since people who were raiding were typically already accustomed to raiding and so making any large scale changes and class switching was a bit dicier than usual. The counterpoint to this statement is the rise of how many Dark Knights we see in the raid meta. I guess my counter-counterpoint is that DRK is more or less the exact same thing as a PLD/WAR love child would be. Basically, I could see people raiding on Bard for this tier to just get it over with, not wanting to switch during progression (which took months instead of weeks) and then messing around with MCH in the off season, seeing incoming 3.2 buffs, and thinking about taking the show on the road since Midas looks to be easier than Gordias, insomuch as in the realm of popular thought.
Welp now I gotta find those vit accessory gears :/
PLD getting buffs and Ketsen's already had the VIT accessories for months. Praise be to Gaius.
Overall, I like the changes.
I think the Mentor system is a creative but ultimately flawed attempt at helping people git gud. You can't teach people to git gud when they think they're already there.
There are going to be a lot of really shitty mentors just chasing achievements and rewards.
Honestly one of the best bullet points was queuing as a group for duty roulette, as it stands right now it's exceedingly hard to level with a friend because of all of the restrictions.
Biggest disappointment of the letter was all of the incredibly uninspired circular arenas for what looks like every single boss fight.
Is the safe in the GAF house available to any member to store stuff? My armory chest is getting full.
The Armoire is accessible to everyone. If you're talking about the FC chest then regular members only have access to the first tab.
That's the company chest, and everybody dumps their garbage in there, which means there's never any room.Is the safe in the GAF house available to any member to store stuff? My armory chest is getting full.
I want Ravana healer set. Bismarck would be ok too.
Changes to Paladin's Oaths?
I'm interested.
Queued into A3 normal for the first time in a long while and was having some serious PTSD. Like, seriously scared of every mechanic. Geez.
You have a WHM? lolLevel your tank with my WHM.
You have a WHM? lol
It's 50. I need it for my mentor license.
We can pretend to be tank-healer mentors for practice for the real thing. :>
Queue carry me on SMN then also so I can be a senpai like I've always dreamed.
How many LoV matches do you need to play to become a LoV mentor
Think about GAF help night except with rando sprouts! What's the worst that can happen?that's horrifying
Whichever you prefer. I just need a healer and then I can nurture all of the sprouts \o/Not sure if intentionally highlighting why the three role requirement is silly or just random chance.
Whichever you prefer. I just need a healer and then I can nurture all of the sprouts \o/
It probably means we'll have to go back to Diadem.
snap click clank whirr whiz and boomSo is the GAF mansion going to be playing Under the Weight 24/7?
So we know what we're going to have on our lawn next patch.