I'm really surprised to read these stories every time they come up. I wonder if it's something that's specific to NA data centers because I've literally never had anyone telling me to not DPS as a healer on Chaos. And that's pretty much all I've been doing since ARR came out.
Well I've been asked
told/yelled at
I had a very strange experience once when I was a bard near the end of 2.55. I was DF'ing Keeper of the Lake and the tank was in sword oath the whole time, and I was ripping hate off of him constantly, I was at 130, full dread gear and he was rocking 115-120. Anyways we make it through, I tell him to go to shield oath, he said "bad bard is bad"
he was kinda right
btw, its only me and galen on out of a FC with 410 members. Dead Game indeed.;