Wow, the relic lights really are buffed.
For Nexus you need to do between 42 and 62 Sastashas undersized which take 5 minutes each
I've heard unsynced Ifrit normals are even faster for light.
Wow, the relic lights really are buffed.
For Nexus you need to do between 42 and 62 Sastashas undersized which take 5 minutes each
Level 50 ~ 60 for crafters is expensive as fuck. And I'm only at level 53 with most classes at the moment, doing company provisions and leves.
My wife is helping with her miner and I have a botanist at 52, but you still need lots of crap to craft stuff. Want a level 53 off-hand for your Leatherworker? You'll need 4 mythrite ores and a mythrite ingot, that need 1 mythrite nuggets to create, that needs 5 mythrite sands. And the holy cedar wood and holy rainbow cloth, that needs holy waters, that need dravanian shit that costs 1,2k each or you can gather from unspoiled nodes. For a damn level 53 offhand.
I'm going to check, could be a way for saving some money. But if I go that way, I'll probably have to forget about HQ turn ins for leves and for the grand company provisions.If you can hold out for 2 more levels, I'm pretty sure you can buy lv. 55 gear at moghome? I know there's gathering gear there, not 100% sure about crafting.
The state of the server I'm on is pretty dire. There are a lot of notable people leaving the server/people from my fc planning to leave. I think Mateus has the smallest population of lvl 60's (going by something I was told) and a lot of people can't find groups to do content with, including me except the few times my fc leader needed a sub for Thordan. I don't really consider myself an elitist so I'm not trying to sound like 1, but my server is almost too casual.
Basically how I feel. I still play a lot but only because of the people in my fc and to help some of them out, basically how I cap my tomes for the week now that pvp is dead. Also the people switching are going to servers like Sargatanas so idk the state of that server but it has to be better then what's going on hereI've heard that the game is having some pretty severe population woes on a lot of servers other than Balmung/Gilgamesh and maybe Ultros?
Overall I think the state of the game is pretty dire. I really, really like the game but there's... not a whole lot to do other than farm glamour and level alternate classes. Diadem is kind of a flop. It's times like these that I'm happy I'm a roleplayer since that gives me something to actually do most of the time, but buh.
Hopefully the new relic weapons inject a bit of life into the game--we really need some longterm goals that aren't controlled by weekly lockouts.
Did all of the Verminion challenges last night. Had to use YouTube help for two of them -- one explained basic "LOL easy win" strategy on non-boss, the other for probably the hardest one of them all if you don't use a guide. Tried all before looking at any guides and cleared, including one-shotting the last two. The last two are amazing, too. Got my Twintania minion, too.
So glad I bothered to learn how to play with a controller. While m/kb combo makes it much easier to play, there's nothing strenuous enough to require it in the challenge mode. No idea about playing against people. Anyway, Asami, is there anyway to game the system to get the last two minions without having to actually git gud? Like if if had another character on another account that could play me, could I just "exploit" that? I had fun with the challenge mode stuff, but looking into the actual player vs player strats, it looks unappealing so don't think this will be like normal PVP where I got hooked.
Mmmm... I've been play too many other things to make serious comments on the game. My FC is dead as dead can be. My LS are slow, our Thordin group tries maybe one a week now. Our raid group is on hiatus, we get a void ark run in and are gearing up another person for the raid group. Beyond that.
Basically how I feel. I still play a lot but only because of the people in my fc and to help some of them out, basically how I cap my tomes for the week now that pvp is dead. Also the people switching are going to servers like Sargatanas so idk the state of that server but it has to be better then what's going on here
Edit: Lol massive brain flop, wrote Sagitarrius as server name
Gee guys why server population issues? I don't get it lol. Oh btw I'm on the most popular server.What server population issues? I still get too many users on server warnings each time I log in.
I'm also on Balmung though.
What server population issues? I still get too many users on server warnings each time I log in.
I'm also on Balmung though.
Meanwhile we're trying to make a new raid group and the prospects are looking decently well. The game is as dead as you make it I guess.
3.1 had more story than any of the 2.1-2.3 story patches.
This is not admittedly a compliment.
3.1 banked a lot on Verminion--which it doesn't seem like the player base is really taking to--and Diadem which is sort of in a weird spot since it's an excellent timesink if you want a grindfest loot piñata, but has by association devalued other content introduced (people will mass farm Diadem instead of Void Ark because Diadem potentially rewards more and requires less) and will seemingly poof into irrelevance once the thirst for i210 fades since Diadem gear is useless for glamour. Thordan is interesting and pretty fun, but also seems to be a thing that is done mostly by statics in part because everyone needs a break from Savage.
I'm mostly curious to see if all the gear reinvigorates people's interest in raiding. Thordan weapons and access to full i210 will have a massive easing on A3S, and Thordan weapons make the leg 3 check in 4 substantially easier, but... does anyone even really care anymore? Groups burnt by A3S still seem fairly burnt, and nobody's opinion on 4 seems to have improved post-gear (7 MINUTES before of poking kneecaps before you really get to fight the boss yoship why.)
Lies, Felix got the onion knight hat last night. Glamour game is on point.
Edit: Oh, also to the second half of your post, I stopped giving a shit about A3S like a month and a half ago and I still don't give a shit. /shrug
Two more Ultros groups cleared A4S this past weekend, but overall in the various Linkshells I'm in, it sounds like alex raiding is on the decline, despite the Thordan weapons supposedly being a mechanism to "make it easier for groups struggling on A3S." All it seems to have done is make it easier for groups who cleared A3S to clear it faster, and help a very, very, very small group of people get closer to their A4S clears (on Ultros). A lot of people are already saying this raid cycle is near dead.
Also, it's no surprise whatsoever that 205 weapons aren't making it significantly easier for people to clear A3S. Most people stuck at that fight aren't even getting to enrage, and that's the only mechanic of that fight where 1 additional weapon damage might make a noticeable difference.
I still want to get A3S down before nerfs, but at this point it's bloody obvious that their design for Alexander Savage is a failure, and that the raid NEEDS the nerf. There just aren't enough people in this game "interested," in Savage level trials.
Next raid will be harder.
Bring back the wacky twister from earlyT4 again, every attack will be divebombs, every player will be quarantined, raid wide MP/TP drains. The boss will be a big sign stating Git Gud. The story will still be crap.
Raid wide MP drain?
Black Mage back in style!
(all that said, I would actually like to see GAF try to set up A3S groups outside of statics to share information and stuff/build our A3S bench, figure out what's wrecking people's day. Also I just really enjoy A3S. Timing is an issue due to static scheduling, and I think people might just be too worn down at this point?)
Real talk, as a BLM, I never found A3S to be a fun fight. I don't like being punished for being alive. And yes, I know that you can get the fight down to precise timing and have minimal movement and blah blah blah and I have for the phases that I have gotten through but the fight still isn't something I would classify as "fun"
I still want to get A3S down before nerfs, but at this point it's bloody obvious that their design for Alexander Savage is a failure, and that the raid NEEDS the nerf. There just aren't enough people in this game "interested," in Savage level trials.
It should just be SCOB again. All mechanics. All day. Like Thordan! Supposedly SCOB designers are coming back for Alex 2.
I guess it largely depends on what you find fun in a fight? Like, is Thordan fun? I would have figured it's more punishing on movement. I dunno here, new BLM to me seems entirely unfun in general regardless of the context so I have no real idea here..
Mr. D? Did he leave for A1S?
Alexander wasn't created by a single design team like Coil was. Because of time and resource constraints they basically had each battle designer create one fight for Alexander. This is probably in part why this raid feels a bit, disjointed in comparison to FCoB.
PS: I believe that the guy that did the SCoB fights, also did the FCoB fights. So hopefully 2nd Alexander is a return to form.
Older Content
Even so, this is almost beside the point. Right now the biggest problem is how few people are even attempting to clear the content. Old raiders drop out so you need to constantly replenish the ranks, and most people that haven't done Coil on pre-echo difficulty are going to be completely overwhelmed by a Savage fight.
Most MMO's appear to tackle this by putting in multiple difficulty levels, but unfortunately the difficulty levels of Alex are so vastly far apart that the normal mode isn't going to do anything to train people up for a Savage level fight. A middle tier difficulty level would solve that, but YoshiP insists that they don't have the resources to do that.
One of the problem with heavensward and FF14 in it's current state is that yes they do add more content every time. The problem is that heavensward made a bunch of old content irrelevant/obsolete or just plain unfun to do.
Bahamuth Coil is basically there for glamour and story now but it's not done by the majority of people, and new players will ignore it completely as they'll go straight to 60. Crystal Tower is now almost even more completely irrelevant.
The huge swathe of level 15 to 50 dungeons on the levelling thing really do not compare to the newer ones in terms of mechanics, and are mostly a chore (the saving grace is that the levelling roulette is the most generous in gold and are paired with the post 50 leveling dungeons). Doesn't help too that there's still this skill block mechanic which I don't know why it's still here. The dungeons are already easy to begin with, they could at least make them not tedious.
And with 3.1, now it's most of the gear obtained with tomes of law which is becoming irrelevant. And normal gordias isn't too far off.
As FF14 continues on, pushing for more advanced gear and such, it has to pay attention to it's old content. At least that's what I think personally. Otherwise we will have a game where old players will feel gated only to the newest content, and new players will have less people and less enjoyment going up the levels.
I don't think that the game is in that much of a dire situation yet. With all the side jobbing and such. But I do have an actual worry that now that we're going into "pushing the limits of levels" territory, SE has to make sure it's older stuff doesn't fall into irrelevance
This isn't new for HW, though. A1S and A2S are basically Coil-level fights. The transition from non-raid to raid is the same as it's always been. The only difference is the weird chest-high wall midway through where it demands everyone be able to display basic level competence at the same time and stick to a plan, whereas previous tiers would always kind of let you float and cover for a weaker spot.
The game basically has the same ongoing problem it's always had of no mid core content, just now combined with the poor difficulty curve of this tier. And then just a dumb final fight.