Do you still intend to transfer now that you got your clear on Ultros?
Short answer, guess I'll stay for now.
Long answer:
Part 1: Kiri finally came back from the FF XIV Wolve's Den World Championships (that's not what it was called, but was a big serious 4x4 pvp tourney), and today CuC was super active for the first time since 3.1 dropped. So much fun, so if this keeps up, I don't want to leave that right now. Most fun thing to do for me in-game ATM.
Part 2: You're in the fflogs LS, so you know the goal of this LS is to increase the pool of A4S ready players. So I think next week the goal is to get some more people who are close to clearing A3S their clears. Several groups are getting close, but for those still a bit away, they want to get them in more. So I would feel bad bailing on the LS after going in for like, 6-8 lockouts of time they put in to clear this and not returning the effort to help others.
Part 3: There will be an issue come 3.2, though. Pug raiding on Ultros will probably die for some time until the most of the turns are cleared, which will take Ultros likely a month or more depending on how hard Alex Part 2 is (assuming it will be easier). So for the first month of 3.2, I might transfer if there is a good pug scene on another server, and then when the LS is ready to start trying to clear turns, I'll probably transfer back. I'll have to wait and see.
Part 4: Still not clearing A4S any time soon. While most people think A4S will not be required for Alex Part 2, if it is, GG. Will definitely have to transfer over to Gilga and get a carry then just so I can move on to the next raid tier. But the leading theory is clearing A4N is the gateway to Alex Part 2. My current plan is to just wait until A4S is nerfed, (maybe has echo), and everyone can be overgeared for it (i220+) probably around 3.3 or so it will be a easy to clear within a few lockouts with people who know it. I just want the mount, honestly. Don't really care for the weapon since my relics will take the place of the Gordian healing weapons and that WHM cane looks like trash aesthetically. Also it took 3 days shy of 4 months to clear A3S...time to take it easy for a bit before jumping into another lengthy raid.
FYI: No group on Ultros to date that hadn't cleared A3S before Thordan EX has cleared since, so RIP ThorEX weapons supposedly helping people getting over that hump (on our server at least). That will probably change this week, though.