Okay. Thordan is really starting to annoy me. I can't seem to get a clear. I've trying to beat it on my White Mage since it's my highest geared job at i204, so I'm starting to think that I'm the main problem since people drop off towards the end. I dunno because I also feel like I more or less understand the fight at this point (bit at the end is still funky though). I recorded a run I did earlier which goes for about 10 minutes
Is there anything I'm doing terribly wrong? Should I DPS more? That's something I haven't really been doing all that much
Watching the video myself, Vin's death was totally on me. I had his name selected before quaga, but for some reason went back to the tank and cast a Cure II when he really didn't need it. Didn't even realise! Just gotta be more careful next time.More dps isn't going to really fix what happened there. I guess in order of deaths, JJ killed the sch, Hibiki died because he was marked for comets and then ran into an ice aoe, and then Vin just died from not being topped off to ancient quaga.
The last death was a little on you, but you were also down a healer. You did cure II > cure II when you really needed to be topping the raid off for that quaga. Also for the aoe spam phase, you really want to drop medica 1 for cure 3, especially when you're down a healer. Cure 3 looks more expensive up front, but it's more mp efficient and gcd efficient than two medica 1's. Granted, even keeping everyone that was still alive up wouldn't have saved that run. (Also your hotbars confuse me. Why is sprint on an emote bar D
If I had to place the blame, whichever melee killed the sch pretty much wiped that run.
Starlight Celebration 2015!
Event Schedule
From Friday, December 18, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. to Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 6:59 a.m. (PST)
How to Participate
A reporter for the Harbor Herald has been inquiring about this year's celebration and suspects something is amiss. Fearing the planning committee has struck a sour note in their preparations, she seeks an adventurer to set right their plans of Starlight merriment.
* Please note that seasonal quests cannot be completed after the event has concluded.
For Whom the Starlight Bell Tolls
Quest Location: Limsa Lominsa, Upper Decks - Collys
I want that hood in the art.
I want that hood in the art.
Looks like you'll be waiting for December 2016 then.
So wait...the Maintenance didn't add patch 3.15 yet?
Yeah you're right for some reason I was under the impression it was done last night instead of tonight.Maintenance is still a ways off.
Yeah you're right for some reason I was under the impression it was done last night instead of tonight.
Force of habit I guess but since there's no Patch Preview up on the blog than I'm guessing this Maintenance is not even adding Patch 3.15?Everyone kept saying patch day is Tuesday, when that's incorrect. I believe this is the first time in a long time that something other than emergency maintenance is dropping on a day other than Tuesday.
Force of habit I guess but since there's no Patch Preview up on the blog than I'm guessing this Maintenance is not even adding Patch 3.15?
I been waiting for my new Relic Weapon for 8 Weeks now and I'm tire of waiting for it (1 month break they took plus the 1 month delay after releasing 3.1).
Anime weapons will give us the last 10k damage that we need. RIP
Fuck A4S
Believe in the Lightning Glamour
(Seriously though: Thank you Drama and Victor and anyone I missed for rotating weakness buff for us, and GAF in general for putting up with our buff greediness.)
One more thing, tanks are stacking STR now? I'm talking STR points as you level on top of STR accessories or is this a post 60 thing. I made the mistake way back when ARR was in Beta putting points in STR. While I could hold hate decent I couldn't last long due to having lower HP. I'd assume a mix of VIT and STR points would be decent, while having all left gear be focusing on VIT and right side a mix of VIT and STR. I'm seeing tanks go full STR now.
How common would you say it is for using voice chat when doing end-game dungeons/stuff?
Implying that knowing about ZR is shameful, don't even pretend
Don't lie. You popped back in here just to answer that.
Kayos pls
In other news healing on Throdan EX still sucks. I've come to the realization that it feels like I'm not either not healing smart enough during holy bladedance or the tanks I'm dealing with aren't CDing wisely because it seems like most tanks during this use their IMMORTAL skill rather than regular CDs during the first holy baldedance.
I'm surprised there aren't official patch notes up by now. Is an intermediary patch (with a number like 3.15) really just a Hildibrand quest chain and a Relic quest chain? No QOL changes, tweaks to content, class buffs/nerfs, etc?
Gimme something to read, S-E!
Entirely depends on how hard the content is and even then it isn't always considered a must have.How common would you say it is for using voice chat when doing end-game dungeons/stuff?
ZR is a term coined for something that I find very lecherous and perverted. So yes. I'm ashamed I even know that term. T_T
Am I a fool for hoping that the new relic might be something a bit more exciting than just another weapon like every other in the game?
Last few weeks have basically been logging in capping something, logging off.
Most of my back up FC and LS are way way slow at the moment.
Anyone here plays DRG on controller and has a functional and organized cross-bar that could share? I had one until yesterday, then I unlocked Blood of the Dragon and Sharp Fang, so everything is ruined.
I hope it helps (though I should place Foresight parallel to bloodbath).
Am I a fool for hoping that the new relic might be something a bit more exciting than just another weapon like every other in the game?
I put my buffs on the cross hotbar, you can try that. Also you don't have to hold l2+R2 to see when the skills are ready, you can put them on 1 of normal hotbars to check on them.How do you handle the Jumps cooldowns? If I set them on the extended bars I'm really going to forget about them.
Hanging out with our FC on TS is a highlight of my day.
Please help.
Habit mostly, I used to have a Hotbar off on the side for cooldowns, but I noticed that I ignored it and so I just made a habit of checking up on them and getting the timing down.How do you handle the Jumps cooldowns? If I set them on the extended bars I'm really going to forget about them.
So... does anyone think WAR might get a nerf soon? I kind of hope not, but I can see the complaints why.
Probably not, the devs have historically been pretty reluctant to nerf classes, and when they have they've generally been a bit on the soft side. Generally they're been more inclined to buff other classes.
This isn't true in the least? They've been pretty much willing to nerf and buff at the drop of a hat.
Off the top of my head, the damage nerfs to ninja and defense nerfs to black mage come to mind pretty quickly.
You mean when Ninja was first introduced? That was mostly a TP cost change, with a relatively light DPS nerf on the side. Thier damage output didn't change THAT dramatically, and they mostly buffed DRG to be on par.
As for BLM defense nerfs, that was a change made in 3.0 right? If I remember correctly, a couple defense moves for multiple classes were changed, because they would've been kinda OP at level 60, that seems to be the rationale the devs used. Considering that was the start of a new expansion though, that sort of rebalancing is to be expected.