Well at least it will give people something else to work towards lol.Really looking forward for the absurd grind they make us do to get the new Relic Weapons. And I mean it. I started playing the game when Nexus was out, so it was pretty terrible to think about doing the relic grind at that point. Now I'll suffer with the whole community.
Possibly stupid question, if my FF14 disc for PS4 breaks can I just buy a new one and use that? I seem to remember needing to register a code with my copy, so does that mean if the original disc breaks im fucked?
FINAL FANTASY XIV Celebrating the Holidays in Eorzea
Red nose and fake white beard. Also indoor xmas tree.![]()
I really like how much they've improved SMN's AOE. Uncapping Bane was one of the best changes to come with Heavensward, and it goes without saying that Painflare and Deathflare are very welcome additions to the kit. I feel like BLM and SMN are better differentiated now given the respective emphasis of their evolutions in HW.
What if the next raid tier is even worse? I want to see what their response is because they certainly haven't been doing anything to fix the current tier.
FINAL FANTASY XIV Celebrating the Holidays in Eorzea
Red nose and fake white beard. Also indoor xmas tree.![]()
Thanks, I found that last night and did it overnight. Good thing to because everytime I put the disc in it says it's unreadable. Maybe damaged from spinning in disc drive too long because it's only disc that doesn't work and I hardly ever take it out.if you don't want to use the disc anyone you can try this
PSA: How to play FFXIV on PS4 without needing to insert the disc
I was going to make a post about the Cash Shop sale ($14 Slepnir), but got distracted by the picture they use to sell pastel pink dye:
ZR sells, right?
Red is looking good these days.ZR sells, right?
Kayos plsZettai Ryouiki. I'm fucking ashamed I know that term.
In other news healing on Throdan EX still sucks. I've come to the realization that it feels like I'm not either not healing smart enough during holy bladedance or the tanks I'm dealing with aren't CDing wisely because it seems like most tanks during this use their IMMORTAL skill rather than regular CDs.
Ahh, well that makes sense then. As a healer my first instinct is I'm not healing properly whenever I see their HP bar near flatline in the case of WAR/DRK.A lot of tanks Hallowed/Living Dead/Holmgang the first Sword Oath Bladedance they get because it means they can stay in DPS stance for the duration of Sword Oath and increases your odds of killing the first knight before the buffs swap. Since there's nothing anywhere near there in the fight that needs the immortal skill, it's smart skill usage. Shield Oath gets CD'd, and if you somehow get another Sword Oath Bladedance, you CD that too. But you shouldn't get that.
Ahh, well that makes sense then. As a healer my first instinct is I'm not healing properly whenever I see their HP bar near flatline in the case of WAR/DRK.
Second conviction towers in Thordan are such a pain. I don't think I've ever made it through without getting stunned by the ground AoE afterwards. Well, unless I just leave the towers to everyone else (though in PF groups that's pretty much playing Russian roulette). Maybe I'm just not timing it correctly with my latency. Luckily tetra is a thing now but it seems like such a waste.
Do the later phases ever not feel clunky? I guess I just prefer a fight like Ravana where it's all so... static.
There is a particular tower in most configurations that basically HAS to eat a stun.
Just gonna say this randomly.
I really miss Coil. ;-;
Don't lie. You popped back in here just to answer that.Zettai Ryouiki. I'm fucking ashamed I know that term.
Just gonna say this randomly.
I really miss Coil. ;-;
Our hours are typically 7 - 9 PM eastern on TUE / THUR / SAT. We're reasonably flexible with the schedule though, so we can adjust it later if we have to.
Bonus points if you're cool with an 8PM - 10PM raid time because that would be super cool.
If anyone is interested, my static raid group has a spot for a melee DPS, and a bard / machinist. If you have a good handle on your rotations and are comfortable using voice chat, send Lorde Doome or Red Xiii a whisper in-game, or me a PM on neogaf. Experience with A3S is preferred, although we can get you up to speed if need be.
Our hours are typically 7 - 9 PM eastern on TUE / THUR / SAT. We're reasonably flexible with the schedule though, so we can adjust it later if we have to.
Fuck A4S
Believe in the Lightning Glamour
(Seriously though: Thank you Drama and Victor and anyone I missed for rotating weakness buff for us, and GAF in general for putting up with our buff greediness.)
Fuck A4S
Believe in the Lightning Glamour
(Seriously though: Thank you Drama and Victor and anyone I missed for rotating weakness buff for us, and GAF in general for putting up with our buff greediness.)
Zettai Ryouiki. I'm fucking ashamed I know that term.
If I want to level Weaver up to 60 about how much gil should I prepare?