Can we just stop here? This looks way better than the relic.
So Step 3 seems to be the real bullshit.
There's 4 catalysts you need to present to finish the relic.
EACH of the catalysts requires 20 of "Unidentified" item (specific per) and 4 HQ crafted specialist items (recipe takes dawnborne, diadem mats, all that good stuff).
How to get unidentified items? 10 new Alexander tokens per ONE item. Or 13 beast tribe tokens. Or get them from treasure chests. Or buy 2 of them for law (680 law).
That means... 800 Alex runs, or 54000 law, or 1040 rank 3 beast tribe quests.
Of course, you can combine. But um...
Can we just stop here? This looks way better than the relic.
So Step 3 seems to be the real bullshit.
There's 4 catalysts you need to present to finish the relic.
EACH of the catalysts requires 20 of "Unidentified" item (specific per) and 4 HQ crafted specialist items (recipe takes dawnborne, diadem mats, all that good stuff).
How to get unidentified items? 10 new Alexander tokens per ONE item. Or 13 beast tribe tokens. Or get them from treasure chests. Or buy 2 of them for law (680 law).
That means... 800 Alex runs, or 54000 law, or 1040 rank 3 beast tribe quests.
Of course, you can combine. But um...
This can't be real can it?
Funny how Titan HM and Bottle of Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil were the hardest parts.Early days Titan HM. Never forget.
Yeah, no. I'm done.
Funny how Titan HM and Bottle of Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil were the hardest parts.
The 30+ times I lost to Titan HM back then just for that Hyperfused Ore are dreamy compared to this relic grind.
This is real. This is on.
Wow, and the DRG weapon isn't even good. At least give us a suitable reward for that grind.
The beast tribe/map options are bullshit too because you have daily allowances on how many you can do per day. (well, you can buy maps, but the prices of those are going to skyrocket to scarcity on the MB)
I think I'm just going to sit comfortably at the i200 step, glamour it onto my raiding weapon, and wait it out until Yoshi-P strokes his chin at how few people have done "his content" and the inevitable nerf rolls along.
My opinion on Heavensward never hinged on 3.15's content, but this is just gross. I can say with a straight face now that this expansion has been an utter disappointment.
So, a poor man's SWTOR.I feel like Heavensward is a great single-player story RPG with a really lacking MMO component.
I love how most of the new weapon names are the same as the empyrean weapons from FFXI which I had a handful of. Hurray for grinding for the same weapon in two different games. Since I have two-star main hand, offhand, and body on 6 crafting classes... I guess I will be asked to craft some shit for anime weapons?RIP retirement
I'm sorry for your loss..I regret trading in my Nirvana Zeta for this...
Although Awoken esoteric weapons do look pretty damn cool.
Requires specialization, so
After thinking about it a bit, I don't necessarily mind that there's a longterm goal to work towards.
My problem isn't that it's a "longterm goal", or that it takes a long time, it's that running Alex NM 600-800 times is just not fun.
Relic hasn't been fun since after the first step, and they went from unique questline to "grind a bunch of old shit" design.My problem isn't that it's a "longterm goal", or that it takes a long time, it's that running Alex NM 600-800 times is just not fun.
Relic hasn't been fun since after the first step, and they went from unique questline to "grind a bunch of old shit" design.
Worst content in the game, by far. And it's even crazier this time that it took them so long to get the new set out when there's nothing really new here. It's just repackaged grinds from the first relic line.
At least the grind wasn't as awful as this!I agree, but then I didn't find my original relic grind very fun either.