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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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I think they are Fire/Fira/Firaga on EU client or something?

Well that is not fair.

Angary Fays--I never know if people will be bored enough to do stuff but we can always try. Ramuh can be cheesed pretty easily and 7 is really not a thing anymore. No bonus on Shiva but HM is a massive joke and I still find EX pretty fun so.

Oh I have played a decent bit with you then. My character is Mo Jordan. I will let you know next time I see you on and we will see if we can get something going.


Here is the video from the EB this morning with BadRNG (Krael Bastion!).



And finally the after party!




As someone who hit 50 FSH as recently as yesterday, what am I looking at?

Also, is your first priority at 50 gathering to get the best gear and meld materia into it? If it isn't, what is? I quickly learned a few weeks back on my miner that all the riches of the earth were not mine to have just for hitting 50 and then just started on leveling all my crafters.


Amazed SS for bard is weighted so high compared to everything else. Guess it doesn't make too huge of a difference between full dmg and gimped dmg tp song since we suck anyway and are the lowest next to summoner.

Well, keep in mind all the SS weights don't factor the TP burn component. These stat weights are just determined based off their rotations and the increase in damage you get by +5 increments in a stat. So that's the effective value of Skill Speed without factoring Paeon use and all that.


Amazed SS for bard is weighted so high compared to everything else. Guess it doesn't make too huge of a difference between full dmg and gimped dmg tp song since we suck anyway and are the lowest next to summoner.

I say it's time they bring back the original Rain of Death.

Also turn off 20% damage reduction during songs. Not like we're gonna be lighting the world on fire with dat deeps.


Honestly, this is part of the reason why I keep thinking I should be prepared to go melee for the tail end of 2.X / 3.0 and why I really hoped for some mention of planned caster changes. Oh well, we'll see what happens I guess.
Clearly you should go BRD so Kagari can go machinist and we still get songs.

wow krael actually showed up.
I spent 5mil for the stupid thing, I wasn't walking away without my chocobo!

The whole event is so awkward and silly, I have to wonder how many laughs the developers got thinking/designing the cutscenes.

Guess Who

Also turn off 20% damage reduction during songs. Not like we're gonna be lighting the world on fire with dat deeps.

Yeah, with bard deeps being relatively low enough as it is and shitty bards seeing the 20% damage reduction as a reason not to sing, I feel like they could safely remove that reduction without hurting balance.

Bards are more important for their support than their damage and anything the mechanics can do to encourage people to actually support their team is welcome.


Ironically, I feel the FFXI community was more welcoming and less elitist than the FFXIV one. A lot of people were willing to help and the game didn't give you "100 Sold bonus" (heck, often you ended up losing time/gil! The trips to the Shadowlord's castle for Rank mission certainly weren't a walk in the park)
To each his own experience with the game I guess. But I left the game while never getting access to Sea ( while having 5 level 75 jobs ), because getting help for cop mission from random was close to impossible ( I would say I cumulated between 50-100(?) hours shouting in whitegate for that only ).
I also took 1 year break because I was sick of spending hours and hours without being able to make or join a party as a dragoon ( before the release of Treasures of Aht Urhgan ), I pretty much had to level puppetmaster solo when I came back for the same reasons. Elitist is an understatement when it comes to the ffxi community I have known.

On the other hand you made some really good friends in linkshell and helping each other meant something, and that mostly what made me come back to the game again and again, and have hard time leaving it. I would probably still play it from time to time if they finaly got the bright idea of making it less costly for people already having a sub for ffxiv.


Is it reasonable to try to play this game just one hour here and there, maybe putting a couple hours on weekends, and whatnot? I have a group of friends that might help me out, but I know I just won't be able to put as much time into this as I'd like.

I used to play the game before, but it was back when it released on PS4 and my friends and I played like 3 hours everyday after work. Lowering that to one hour... I know it will take me forever to get anywhere, but, do you guys think it would still somewhat work?
Is it reasonable to try to play this game just one hour here and there, maybe putting a couple hours on weekends, and whatnot? I have a group of friends that might help me out, but I know I just won't be able to put as much time into this as I'd like.

I used to play the game before, but it was back when it released on PS4 and my friends and I played like 3 hours everyday after work. Lowering that to one hour... I know it will take me forever to get anywhere, but, do you guys think it would still somewhat work?

yea, why not? It just comes down to whether you think you're getting your 15$ worth every month


Is it reasonable to try to play this game just one hour here and there, maybe putting a couple hours on weekends, and whatnot? I have a group of friends that might help me out, but I know I just won't be able to put as much time into this as I'd like.

I used to play the game before, but it was back when it released on PS4 and my friends and I played like 3 hours everyday after work. Lowering that to one hour... I know it will take me forever to get anywhere, but, do you guys think it would still somewhat work?

Once you get caught up, it's totally realistic.

I currently only play around 6-8hrs a week max, and 4-6hrs of that is static time and the rest is quickly running dungeons and trials for poetics (a gear currency). And I'm only one boss fight away from having done everything in the game.

I haven't logged in since Friday morning. I gotta log in tonight to cap poetics though. I should do it soon incase I get some bad players in dungeons and they take a while.


Fair enough. Paying $15 isn't that much (that's about 2 McDonalds sets here!) and right now I'm doing the cheaper method for 1 month to see how much I actually play it.

Anyway... just paid it now! I will probably be playing with a friend on Yojimbo (JP data center I believe?). Can I also join the US data servers from Japan or would it be too laggy?
Fair enough. Paying $15 isn't that much (that's about 2 McDonalds sets here!) and right now I'm doing the cheaper method for 1 month to see how much I actually play it.

Anyway... just paid it now! I will probably be playing with a friend on Yojimbo (JP data center I believe?). Can I also join the US data servers from Japan or would it be too laggy?

servers are in canada. You can check your pings from this site http://www.arrstatus.com/. But it might just be better to stay on jp server since you'll probly get no lag, and a lot of endgame content involve dodging stuff


Fair enough. Paying $15 isn't that much (that's about 2 McDonalds sets here!) and right now I'm doing the cheaper method for 1 month to see how much I actually play it.

Anyway... just paid it now! I will probably be playing with a friend on Yojimbo (JP data center I believe?). Can I also join the US data servers from Japan or would it be too laggy?
Go for the JP server. I've only played on Yojimbo and Durandal on and off since the release and I think I've seen a rage quit once and barely any or 0 people acting mean in both DF and PF. That and I can't remember when was the last time I've had problems with error 90k. :p
Server in your timezone means that you'll probably have shorter queue times when you're playing, which is a good thing if you have limited play time.


Dragon's Aery elitism and drama was the best. So many good memories about my thousand days (play-time) on FFXI.

Yeah wasnt your avatar...umm...what was one of those giant dragons again? The blue one. My mind is drawing a blank.

Also what is Aetherial wheel?
OK, I just came back after nearly a year off, but am totally lost as to the new stuff added, etc. I'm trying to level Ninja, but Fates are empty making fate grinding difficult, and people are doing these hunt things which I have no idea what they are. I totally feel like ihavenoideawhatimdoingdog.gif.


OK, I just came back after nearly a year off, but am totally lost as to the new stuff added, etc. I'm trying to level Ninja, but Fates are empty making fate grinding difficult, and people are doing these hunt things which I have no idea what they are. I totally feel like ihavenoideawhatimdoingdog.gif.

What server? And dungeon exp + guild hest bonuses are probably the best ways to go now.


GARF has downed T11. This 4 and 4 group thing kind of owns for learning fights, provided you have that kind of support system in your FC.

~ flex ~


So much for no FCoB carries.

I had fun! even though I had no idea what was happening for like the first few pulls each time! And I died to dumb stuff constantly! And I still have no idea how to bard!

I apologize to anyone offended by the contents of the following videos. Please take solace in knowing there are multiple people who are not me also clearing content in these videos, and that I basically went with no ulterior motive beyond wanting to blow up stuff I hadn't seen before.

These are still processing and the viewpoint is kind of bad since my UI is a mess (also why I can't lock-on; you try finding a lalafell in the lower half of the screen. One day I'll rearrange my UI), but in case anyone cares in the morning:

97% of GARF vs T10 complete with not one but two deaths on my part due to an inability to execute basic mechanics and 100% of GARF vs T11. I don't die in the second one but I do kill somebody else, which is basically just as good.

Seriously, though, thanks guys. It was fun and I leeched a bunch of knowledge, even if it doesn't really help out other statics. Now go get your i135 weapons so I can get carried through bennus.

oh god how is it 1:30 I have to get up at 5
Up to level 12 on my pugilist. Submitted application for the guild but until I get in I'll just ask some questions here since the game hasn't explained a few things:

- What are the tiny circles in the upper-right on some gear? Tends to be either dark or red but I can't tell what it's for.

- What is soulbinding? I noticed when it hits 100% it turns the armor dot white. I'm assuming it goes up as you get experience while gear is equipped.

- And why do attacks hit me constantly when I move out of their attack areas? It can be a cone in front of the enemy and I'm well behind it or a circle attack and I run out of the circle (even so far as running as far as I can and not right near the edge). I swear no matter where I position myself I get hit by every single enemy ability unless my character happens to dodge.

- Now that I'm above level 10 should I go pick some secondary class/job? Is there some benefit to doing so if right now I'm focusing on my pugilist level? I just left the town to keep working on quests and hunts (which I've done all of the first page now) and figure I should maybe consider grabbing at least some sort of crafting or gathering job.

Those are what come immediately to mind.
Up to level 12 on my pugilist. Submitted application for the guild but until I get in I'll just ask some questions here since the game hasn't explained a few things:

- What are the tiny circles in the upper-right on some gear? Tends to be either dark or red but I can't tell what it's for.

- What is soulbinding? I noticed when it hits 100% it turns the armor dot white. I'm assuming it goes up as you get experience while gear is equipped.

- And why do attacks hit me constantly when I move out of their attack areas? It can be a cone in front of the enemy and I'm well behind it or a circle attack and I run out of the circle (even so far as running as far as I can and not right near the edge). I swear no matter where I position myself I get hit by every single enemy ability unless my character happens to dodge.

- Now that I'm above level 10 should I go pick some secondary class/job? Is there some benefit to doing so if right now I'm focusing on my pugilist level? I just left the town to keep working on quests and hunts (which I've done all of the first page now) and figure I should maybe consider grabbing at least some sort of crafting or gathering job.

Those are what come immediately to mind.

1. Color. You can dye the gear. If you right click the gear piece you can preview dye colors. To dye it, you'll need to buy the color from a vendor. If it's a plus sign, that means the gear has been glamoured (made to look like another piece of gear--for looks/vanity).

2. If a piece of gear is 1% or more soulbound, you cannot trade it (if it was tradeable in the first place). Some gear pieces that are 100% soul bound can be converted to materia when you right click. (white, pink and some green colored pieces)

3. Could be an autoattack from the mob (these are unavoidable) or could just be lag

4. Probably should just focus pugilist. When you hit 30 pugilist, you can take the job quest to become a monk, which needs a level 15 lancer. All battle jobs require a secondary level 15 class before you can complete the quest. You will want to get at least 1 class to 50 so you can gear up. Also there are cross class abilities. If you look at your skills (example: Internal Release), you'll see something called affinity. This says what classes can "crossclass" that skill. If you go to the "Action and Traits" menu, you'll see an additional tab that shows what skills you as a monk can use from other classes. Skills that you'll need are "Blood 4 Blood" --- Lvl 34 Lancer, and "Invigorate" --- Lvl 22 Lancer. Crafters and gathers dont. I would wait on crafting right now since it is a money sink and you are new. Gathering isn't as bad, and you can make money selling what you gather on the marketboard. You will need gear for that as well, which you can buy from the board or from npc's at different zones.
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