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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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You shouldn't be doing FATEs in which you're synced down like almost at all, the only time it kinda makes sense is 40-44 in Coerthas or so(and only some of them will sync you).

In a perfect world yes, but when your 36-37 and there's 6-7+ people doing FATES in Costa Del Sol vs myself and maybe 1-2 other people (who usually take off after about an hour) in the highlands sometimes its best to just go there because Quantity > Quality. 35-40+ is when you start getting a lot of the good abilities and you'll spend a lot of time syncing since people aren't doing fates regularly in Nothern Than/Mor Dhona once you hit the mid 40s. The same is starting to hold true for the highlands as well on Goblin. There'll be long tracks of time where I'm the only person doing Fates there and this has happened multiple days in a row (like 3-4 days at a time in some cases).

As for dungeons, I don't know why you'd ever do lower level dungeons other than the roulette. So really it's a matter of how much you play every day I guess. If all you do is your roulette and log out, then yeah you're mostly going to do low level content which makes it hard, but if you don't just do that and also play the game, the rest of the content should be done on level most of the time. Maybe during the story you have to unlock certain dungeons later than the right level range, but the level sync level shouldn't be that far from your own level, and every new dungeon you get the skills you learned since the last regardless.

Because Que times are awful for DDs so you take what you can get-you won't be playing the game "on time" all that often if your really trying to maximize your exp gain. This mostly a server thing though because its entirely based around whether or not people are doing Fates in mass at your correct level. Goblin is mostly dead/dying in this regard since the NIN patch. Often times the exp is good enough, or at least better than fate spamming alone, that its worth it to just que for the highest 5 dungeons available to you. Not to mention you get to be in a party setting where fulfilling your role actually matters so its practice in a sense for your actual job.

So I don't really see it. Now there's other issues, like the fact most of the classes actually get massive changes in gameplay within the last 5-10levels, which basically invalidate everything you've learned before and you have to relearn everything or add a lot of stuff to your existing rotation, but this isn't quite the same thing.

This game is really about muscle memory. The last 10-15 lvls (35-40) is when your class begins to open up. Nothing really gets "invalidated", just stacked on top of other things until you have a complete set of priorties/rotation. Depends on the DD but your given very few/little scenarios to practice that in a real world party setting as a DD where it actually matters to maximize your DPS. That's just the nature of the beast though because the design of the game doesn't really encourage teaming up all that much 1-50 till you get to endgame. It's just a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cutt off till you need to get your shit together and pass the "Exam" when it really matters.
You shouldn't be doing FATEs in which you're synced down like almost at all, the only time it kinda makes sense is 40-44 in Coerthas or so(and only some of them will sync you).

Sounds like someone needs to get on my level then and say screw the norm when it comes to doing fates. You sit your ass in Quarrymill till it's time to go in Darkhold and never look back. It honestly wasn't that bad with how often they spawn there and at the time, the xp came nearly as fast as Coerthas other than not having Svara(people didn't do eyes anymore when I was leveling my whm).
In a perfect world yes, but when your 36-37 and there's 6-7+ people doing FATES in Costa Del Sol vs myself and maybe 1-2 other people (who usually take off after about an hour) in the highlands sometimes its best to just go there because Quantity > Quality. 35-40+ is when you start getting a lot of the good abilities and you'll spend a lot of time syncing since people aren't doing fates regularly in Nothern Than/Mor Dhona once you hit the mid 40s. The same is starting to hold true for the highlands as well on Goblin. There'll be long tracks of time where I'm the only person doing Fates there and this has happened multiple days in a row (like 3-4 days at a time in some cases).

Because Que times are awful for DDs so you take what you can get-you won't be playing the game "on time" all that often if your really trying to maximize your exp gain. This mostly a server thing though because its entirely based around whether or not people are doing Fates in mass at your correct level. Goblin is mostly dead/dying in this regard since the NIN patch. Often times the exp is good enough, or at least better than fate spamming alone, that its worth it to just que for the highest 5 dungeons available to you. Not to mention you get to be in a party setting where fulfilling your role actually matters so its practice in a sense for your actual job.

This game is really about muscle memory. The last 10-15 lvls (35-40) is when your class begins to open up. Nothing really gets "invalidated", just stacked on top of other things until you have a complete set of priorties/rotation. Depends on the DD but your given very few/little scenarios to practice that in a real world party setting as a DD where it actually matters to maximize your DPS. That's just the nature of the beast though because the design of the game doesn't really encourage teaming up all that much 1-50 till you get to endgame. It's just a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cutt off till you need to get your shit together and pass the "Exam" when it really matters.

Well on FATEs, I much preferred soloing them than doing them with several people, as it's generally faster. Do need a chocobo with heals though(the regen and the cast heal), but with just that you can basically facetank every FATE in the game at the intended level(and up to 2-3levels higher, though that depends on classes, bard for example is fairly garbage due to cross class being shit for soloing, so I leveled as Archer for quite a bit to keep pug/mrd healing capabilities). It was a lot more efficient, even though it also means you do need to work more since you have to kill everything, but assuming the FATEs aren't scaled(and other than ninja release, they almost never are), you generally only need like 10ish kills per FATE, which is in line with normal questing type of leveling in other games and bosses only take like a couple of minutes which is reasonable.

On dungeons, I very much disagree. Queues are almost always the same at every level range. In some cases and especially for the first 3 dungeons, the queues might be faster, but you lose so much xp from the mobs that it's absolutely not worth it, and that's especially true on the first level of every dungeon range. I've leveled almost every DD classes near the end of 2.3 when I started playing again(I say almost cause I had monk already leveled from 2.0) and never had an issue with queues for on level dungeons besides stone vigil and brayflox on my bard which iirc I ended up skipping cause I outleveled the bonus xp level before I got in.

Mind you I wasn't chain queuing for dungeons, I generally only queued for a dungeon as soon as it opened to do a chain bonus xp run(which generally gives a full level) and then went back to FATEs as it was better xp versus most pub runs. Still I would have only queued on level and maybe the level before dungeons, as the 3-5mins you save from queuing everything is definitely lost on the xp you don't get from killing lower level mobs. 80% of a dungeon run xp is the trash mobs xp and queuing for lower level means you severely impact the efficiency.

On the last 10levels improvements, maybe invalidated was too much of a strong word, but some classes have massive rotation changes that are very different than how you play before them.

Black Mages unlock the 3rd Astral which lets you use Blizzard 3 and Fire 3 to change instead of Converting which is a huge change, and Firestarter adds a lot of randomness that wasn't in your pre 42 gameplay(or 44 whichever). Flare at the end also adds a different concept for your initial burst/aoe rotation.

Ninjas gets the 3rd mudra which adds 2 of the most important Ninjutsus, one of which unlocks the ability to use SATA, the main of which you only unlock at 50 and the other which you most likely didn't use very much at all before; as well as Shadow Fang which shakes your entire rotation by adding another dot you have to keep up which is part of a chain.

Bards get River of Blood, Monks get Dragon Kick, Dragoons get Chaos Strike, Warriors get Storm's Path, Paladins get Circle of Scorn etc.

Some of the classes are less affected and overall a lot aren't that big of changes but it's interesting to see that even on level 50, you can get abilities that will change the way you play the class, changing rotations or priorities, instead of just giving you a strong situational cooldown which is always much easier to integrate.

I find this interesting because once you hit 50, you'd kinda be expected to know how to play your class, but it's actually unlikely you do until you integrate those "last minute" changes to your gameplay.
I find this interesting because once you hit 50, you'd kinda be expected to know how to play your class, but it's actually unlikely you do until you integrate those "last minute" changes to your gameplay.

I can say that as bard, you are very likely to not even be close to maximizing your class by the time you hit max level. Songs are never needed for lower levels and 2 of your instant cast 0 tp skills you may not see the use in. I didn't even look at repelling shot or blunt arrow(outside of t2 silencing) as actual abilities that should be used, until halfway through our 3 months of Twin attempts when the game was still new. I just saw no reason to ever use them before as filler skills, yet I saw a noticeable boost when I did start using them.

It's the same thing with songs honestly. they just have little to no purpose until Coil. I think I used them only a handful of times on Titan hard and then I really saw a need for them when my group started out in Coil.


Merry Christmas to players on Ultros! This week is filled with Eternal Bond Invitations, I'm going to try to make all the dates. Dyed my Crescent Moon Nightgown Metallic Green for the ceremony :)


I just saw no reason to ever use them before as filler skills, yet I saw a noticeable boost when I did start using them.
The free damage wasn't good enough reason?

I can see not learning to maximize song use but not using off-gcd attacks for so long seems weird to me, I mean it only takes one use to notice it's not on the same GCD as normal skills. Did you not use Bloodletter either?
The free damage wasn't good enough reason?

I can see not learning to maximize song use but not using off-gcd attacks for so long seems weird to me, I mean it only takes one use to notice it's not on the same GCD as normal skills. Did you not use Bloodletter either?

Bloodletter was extremely obvious since they made it known right after getting it that it was free and could be procced. As far as the other 2 abilities go, try coming from a game like WoW where a silence is just a silence and something like repelling shot only has use in pvp or kiting mobs. Neither of those skills would have any value in pve past being a silence or getting out of aoes/distancing yourself from a melee, neither of them would do any kind of dmg(silences and distance breakers still don't).

I was still in the mindset from WoW that both skills only had 1 use and I didn't look at the dmg on them when I got them. I saw the silence on blunt arrow and figured it was only good to silence, same with repelling shot where it was an easier way out of aoes and I didn't think of it as anything more than that.


( ≖‿≖)

% of Final Coil clears. NA Pls.

Finally got MNK to 50 yesterday. That's three classes now but god damn I hate leveling DPS classes. I guess I still have to get DRG up like 10 levels for Blood for Blood but can any MNK comment on how necessary they feel Mercy Stroke is?
better if it was sorted by # of ppl w/ minion and not % since it's a better representation. Excalibur and gilga have more ppl that cleared but are on the bottom. Also why only partial list


I don't think an 8th group has cleared so, yeah, sounds about right?

better if it was sorted by # of ppl w/ minion and not % since it's a better representation. Excalibur and gilga have more ppl that cleared but are on the bottom. Also why only partial list

This too. Gilgamesh has ~40k people vs Chocobo's ~27k.
Finally got MNK to 50 yesterday. That's three classes now but god damn I hate leveling DPS classes. I guess I still have to get DRG up like 10 levels for Blood for Blood but can any MNK comment on how necessary they feel Mercy Stroke is?

It's not necessary, and doesn't add that much damage, but it's something I guess. I didn't mind leveling WAR so I ended up having it, but generally you might use it like twice on a given boss fight, maybe more if there's adds, but yeah that won't give you a whole lot more than like 5DPS overall due to the cooldown being substantial for the effect, and the healing is irrelevant in most cases. If it was the enhanced version, it'd be a whole different story, but yeah at 90secs for 200potency and only usable at under 20%, it's just not very good. I don't think anyone would complain you don't have it.


Think I'm going to jump into this on PS4 for a while. Just haven't decided between going Warrior or Lancer yet. I typically tank stuff in trinity systems, but I did enjoy my 'zerk in TERA quite a bit (which despite the axe seems more along the lines of Lancer than Warrior).


How do you get a mount? The wiki I checked said it's a level 20 quest but I'm 22 already and I don't have that quest.

Also is there a way to stop people from spamming gold selling ads in the chat? It's constantly filled up by this garbage.


How do you get a mount? The wiki I checked said it's a level 20 quest but I'm 22 already and I don't have that quest.

Also is there a way to stop people from spamming gold selling ads in the chat? It's constantly filled up by this garbage.

You'll need a chocobo licence first which you get from your local Grand Company for 20,000 Grand Company Seals. Also, no no real way to stop gil seller spam. Best thing you can do is click on their name and blacklist them. Which will stop individual accounts but they'll continually pop up.


You'll need a chocobo licence first which you get from your local Grand Company for 20,000 Grand Company Seals. Also, no no real way to stop gil seller spam. Best thing you can do is click on their name and blacklist them. Which will stop individual accounts but they'll continually pop up.

I see. Thanks for your quick reply. Guess I'll blacklist all of them in my world haha.


( ≖‿≖)
It's not necessary, and doesn't add that much damage, but it's something I guess. I didn't mind leveling WAR so I ended up having it, but generally you might use it like twice on a given boss fight, maybe more if there's adds, but yeah that won't give you a whole lot more than like 5DPS overall due to the cooldown being substantial for the effect, and the healing is irrelevant in most cases. If it was the enhanced version, it'd be a whole different story, but yeah at 90secs for 200potency and only usable at under 20%, it's just not very good. I don't think anyone would complain you don't have it.

Good to know, go to hell MRD! Still don't want to level Lancer, but BFB seems more necessary.

Oh well at least costa del sol has exploitable leaves around the level I need.

You'll need a chocobo licence first which you get from your local Grand Company for 20,000 Grand Company Seals. Also, no no real way to stop gil seller spam. Best thing you can do is click on their name and blacklist them. Which will stop individual accounts but they'll continually pop up.

I see. Thanks for your quick reply. Guess I'll blacklist all of them in my world haha.

Maybe a typo but just to clarify it's only 2000 seals not 20k.


Think I'm going to jump into this on PS4 for a while. Just haven't decided between going Warrior or Lancer yet. I typically tank stuff in trinity systems, but I did enjoy my 'zerk in TERA quite a bit (which despite the axe seems more along the lines of Lancer than Warrior).

Both are cool. Lancer just got their...third buff so they're kind of in a better spot.
Think I'm going to jump into this on PS4 for a while. Just haven't decided between going Warrior or Lancer yet. I typically tank stuff in trinity systems, but I did enjoy my 'zerk in TERA quite a bit (which despite the axe seems more along the lines of Lancer than Warrior).

aw yea, hang out w/ docbon and myself
You'll need a chocobo licence first which you get from your local Grand Company for 20,000 Grand Company Seals. Also, no no real way to stop gil seller spam. Best thing you can do is click on their name and blacklist them. Which will stop individual accounts but they'll continually pop up.

The best Christmas present I could offer you is freedom from gilsellers. If you don't do whisper convos a lot, just set your status to Busy and be gilseller free forever.
Good to know, go to hell MRD! Still don't want to level Lancer, but BFB seems more necessary.

Oh well at least costa del sol has exploitable leaves around the level I need.

BFB is definitely better, but I actually wonder how much it changes. It's not THAT good if you're not a dragoon and while you can stack it with Internal Release to get some really good burst, there's also a bunch of situations where it gets you killed(or puts strain on your healers). Obviously if you're trying to squeeze as much DPS as possible out of your char you'll want it, but I wonder how much of a difference it makes in anything that's not final coil. My guess is, not much. I'd recommend doing a bit of work for the first like 15-20levels, then doing it casually using your 1low level roulette per day, you'll get there eventually and it won't be as bad that way. Probably be done in like 2weeks, and likely if you just hit 50 with Monk you'll need at least that to get your tomes done for gear and what not, and you definitely don't need BFB to do dungeons or Syrcus.


( ≖‿≖)
BFB is definitely better, but I actually wonder how much it changes. It's not THAT good if you're not a dragoon and while you can stack it with Internal Release to get some really good burst, there's also a bunch of situations where it gets you killed(or puts strain on your healers). Obviously if you're trying to squeeze as much DPS as possible out of your char you'll want it, but I wonder how much of a difference it makes in anything that's not final coil. My guess is, not much. I'd recommend doing a bit of work for the first like 15-20levels, then doing it casually using your 1low level roulette per day, you'll get there eventually and it won't be as bad that way. Probably be done in like 2weeks, and likely if you just hit 50 with Monk you'll need at least that to get your tomes done for gear and what not, and you definitely don't need BFB to do dungeons or Syrcus.

LNC is 22 now and I don't want to grind another DPS class already so yeah going to just do roulette for a while. Not really feeling the need for BFB and I feel like my HP is low enough already so no rush. I spent most of my tomes outfitting BRD like a week ago and am pretty low for now, especially with most of my 100 bonus' gone. But CT1/2 are fast enough to clear so whatever.

Speaking of tomes, not sure if I should buy an HA weapon or use the poetics on armour. I'm thinking armour but then again my animus / novus / nexus stuff will take a while. If Atma is good enough for some of the later coils then I guess armour for now.
LNC is 22 now and I don't want to grind another DPS class already so yeah going to just do roulette for a while. Not really feeling the need for BFB and I feel like my HP is low enough already so no rush. I spent most of my tomes outfitting BRD like a week ago and am pretty low for now, especially with most of my 100 bonus' gone. But CT1/2 are fast enough to clear so whatever.

Speaking of tomes, not sure if I should buy an HA weapon or use the poetics on armour. I'm thinking armour but then again my animus / novus / nexus stuff will take a while. If Atma is good enough for some of the later coils then I guess armour for now.

? You can't buy HA with tomes you need to do turn 9. You can get the 110 wpn from soldiery + ST allagan tomestone. So use the poetics on armor because you need to clear t11 to get the drop for the poetics 120 wpn


We were lucky in that both healers remained alive lol.

We were ridiculously lucky, which just made it more entertaining. Everyone thundered, divebombs through the middle, all around hilarious times.

? You can't buy HA with tomes you need to do turn 9. You can get the 110 wpn from soldiery + ST allagan tomestone. So use the poetics on armor because you need to clear t11 to get the drop for the poetics 120 wpn

And honestly at this point Shiva weapons make more sense than sold weapons, since you can generally farm a little and get the weapon + i115 upgrade. Secondaries may suck, but weapon damage balances out. Plus anyone is gunning for relic might want to bank the sold anyway.

30mins before the server's when down

Spoilers: I die repeatedly. IT WAS GREAT.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I was pleasantly surprised to see that The Keeper's Hymn is now dirt cheap. It was such a pain bouncing between SCH and SMN before. >_>

Also thinking about going back to WAR. I just like controlling the pace of dungeon runs and get frustrated when folks drag their heels through the places. The ironworks gear looks pretty good too, which helps. =p I'll take that stuff over the noct set anyday!


( ≖‿≖)
? You can't buy HA with tomes you need to do turn 9. You can get the 110 wpn from soldiery + ST allagan tomestone. So use the poetics on armor because you need to clear t11 to get the drop for the poetics 120 wpn

Oh yeah I forgot about the allagan parts, was just thinking it was poetics. Welp, armour it is.


oh wow tonberry only has 100 people who has cleared t13? i'm surprised at how low that is
25th server ranking is kinda disappointing though

edit: oh it's on maintenance now? and there's patch?
what's the patch about?


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