Awesome wedding! I look like I'm picking my nose in that!All these hooligans showed up at my wedding
It was fun, thanks all!
That PS4 theme is pretty cool. Thanks for the heads up.
I think we may have hit the Christmas Eve lull on my server...
Dem life saving 200 heals.I wish Cure was more useful on paladins..
Dem life saving 200 heals.
Second Turn 13 clear, from my POV. Wasn't able to record the first:
Second Turn 13 clear, from my POV. Wasn't able to record the first:
Second Turn 13 clear, from my POV. Wasn't able to record the first:
Are you drawing your avatars yourself tigerkiddo?
Quick question - what's the best source of items to spiritbind for a BLM? My seals are capped so I was thinking maybe GC exchange?
If you aren't a crafter become a crafter because it's the most fun you can have in the game alone.
All these hooligans showed up at my wedding
It was fun, thanks all!
I remember reading on here yesterday that there is a free trial available for PS4 users but I can't locate it on the store?
Second Turn 13 clear, from my POV. Wasn't able to record the first:
CHRISTMAS IS RUINED! Was hoping for special items today and it is just.....Hoary The Snowman now for 6 Green Stars as well as 1 of each colored star. Square Enix, you broke my heart!
PLEASE let this be a mistake!
Do you mean trade in your GC seals for the GC armor and spiritbond it? You can't convert the GC stuff. You can buy Spiritbond Potions from your GC that give you a small buff though. If you're looking to convert your seals to money, check out the MB to see which GC crafting mats are going for the highest amount and buy that with your seals.Quick question - what's the best source of items to spiritbind for a BLM? My seals are capped so I was thinking maybe GC exchange?
Wow, thanks for the detailed answer. Now I know what to do in a few days when I finish my books.Do you mean trade in your GC seals for the GC armor and spiritbond it? You can't convert the GC stuff. You can buy Spiritbond Potions from your GC that give you a small buff though. If you're looking to convert your seals to money, check out the MB to see which GC crafting mats are going for the highest amount and buy that with your seals.
If you're willing to craft or purchase gear with gil, the last set I used for spiritbonding was:
Weapon: Current staff
Head: Felt Coif (Bought in Mor Dhona)
Body: Felt Robe (Crafted)
Hands: Boarskin Ringbands of Flame (Bought in Mor Dhona)
Waist: Raptorskin Satchel Belt (Bought in Mor Dhona)
Legs: Felt Gaskins (Crafted)
Feet: Felt Dress Shoes (Crafted)
Neck: Zircon Choker (Crafted)
Earrings: Zircon Earrings (Crafted)
Wrist: Tortoiseshell Armillae (Crafted)
Rings: Zircon Rings (Crafted) and Aetherial Rings (Map rewards)
Made 10 sets of that last time. The purchased stuff was ~120k while the crafted gear I HQ'd for the buff with mats I gathered cause I'm cheap. Didn't bother attaching materia cause I was broke at the time, but I did use a spiritbond potion and waited for the FC spiritbond buff to become active before burning through most of the sets. Went to Urth's Gift, joined a party, popped the potion and did 7 sets in around 2:30 hours. Came out making around 3.5 millionon Ultros with the materia I got of the 10 sets (3 Savage Might 4's, 2 Savage Aim 4's, 12 Savage Might 3's, 14 Savage Might 3's, 9 Quicktongue 3's, and a bunch of other useless materia I either dumped on the MB or converted it in hopes of getting something better).
CHRISTMAS IS RUINED! Was hoping for special items today and it is just.....Hoary The Snowman now for 6 Green Stars as well as 1 of each colored star. Square Enix, you broke my heart!
PLEASE let this be a mistake!
Fifteen minutes of "not yet ready" sound. You gotta calm yourself down, man.
Winter Parade (+ new FF14 theme on ps4)
Just a heads up FINAL FANTASY XIV From Astral to Umbral ~ Arrangement Album ~ is now available for download on the Japanese iTunes store for anybody that is interested. I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up on the US store in the next few days.
Almost bought this, but it is missing the 13th song.There is a secret track on the Blu-ray
BTW, weren't we supposed to be getting a new Benchmark program around Fan Fest time? For testing out how the DX11 version ran on our rigs?
Anyone know if that got delayed, or are we still expecting it within the next few weeks?
Is that on the NA PSN store as well?
Anyone got a pic of their Controller hotbar for Ninja? I'm still trying to figure out a good way to get the most common things I use on the main hotbar and stuff that isn't so regular on the cross hotbars. I need some examples of other peeps controller hotbars so I can start building off what I already have.
On an slightly unrelated note I'm realizing this game really does a piss poor job of teaching you a class/job. Leveling a 2nd 50 DD after learning the game has shown me that. There's really no natural follow-through after they give you abilities. You spend so much time being forced to sync into low level dungeons or FATES were you can't use any of those new actions on a regular basis on real enemies. Striking dummies don't seem to alleviate this as they aren't real world scenarios that include game mechanics like dodging etc. It gets a little better at 45+, but by then your basically doing a last minute trial by fire, final exam cram style, learning of your class etc.
Its one of the things that's beginning to irk me about this game, but It is what it is I suppose.