Well this exploded, and not in the way I expected. Setting aside the carry or not issue because, you know, it doesn't really matter and I posted videos of the original set of clears for everyone and their brother to see and draw your own conclusions, and going back to the 'what do I get out of it' aspect.
Doesn't it kind of invalidate the point of that content (hardest content in the game), if you let others beat it for you? I mean the only reason for that gear right now (except for showing off) is to challenge that content, as everything else is easy mode in comparison and has no real gear checks.
I don't think it takes deep research into either of our posting histories to conclude that we play this game for vastly different reasons. Literally the only reason I'm ridiculously hyped for the stupid spaceship bow is because it looks cool. If I were obsessed with min/maxing my stats I'd either have begged my way into a T9 farm by now or gone for relic earlier so I'm not running around with a Shiva i115... But I didn't, because generally the extent of my caring about loot is vanity and maybe whether or not I fall below the Shiva accuracy cap.
I would have run T10+ with 0 loot if that was an option months ago, just because I wanted to see it, and more or less assumed I was passing on the tomestone today until I was told I didn't have to.
I literally do things in this game because I find them fun (or, in the case of blowing up shoes, value neutral ways to kill time while chatting.) If I don't find them fun, I don't do them. That's about it? I don't play one of the two easiest classes in a casual MMO for an ego boost or for the challenge.
Every other content I earned with a bunch of people that also hadn't done it before so we learned and challenged as a group. It made the win feel extremely satisfying. I personally think you robbed yourself of that, but that's just my opinion.
And those clears feel extremely satisfying when done after that work put in. That's why when someone does join a group that has already cleared content like this, whether you believe they are carried or not, I wonder what kind of satisfaction they get. I was hoping for a debate on it, but most people rather defence force so I'll leave it at this.
I guess I don't need shared ignorance to enjoy blowing shit up? Yes, I missed out on the day 1 mysteries of figuring out what was going on in each turn, but given that I didn't clear T9 for months after the patch, the horse was already out of the barn because I don't operate in total isolation and had been in communciation with people who'd been clearing this stuff for a while.
Your actual question seems to have a lot to do with "why even do endgame without a static", since it hinges heavily on having a set group at exactly your exposure level, and I think it's a basic difference in what we want from the game. I like not knowing what's happening on any given day (the
only reason I ended up in final coil this week is because PSN screwed a ton of people over), I like seeing how different groups do things because you can generally work out what's really going on by finding the common points as opposed to just mindlessly following raid leader direction and I think ultimately I eventually wind up understanding certain things
better because I don't have just one method to fall back on all the time. I like getting to pick who I run with instead of being stuck with 7 people whose schedules happened to overlap with mine. And I'm not really in it for ego or accomplishment--I don't feel any more or less accomplished running with partial pro leet groups than I did clearing SCoB with random statics getting their first clears. It was a thing, I did it, I enjoyed it, I'd probably do it again, no big deal. Or I don't go near FCOB again until 3.0 because it never comes up and I run around in my CT3 gear and welfare augmented ironworks for a few months. Equally no big deal.
Well at least you didn't roll a 2. That's just a huge fuck you from the game.
none of you are ever beating 99 greed, don't even try.