I'm capped at 1270.
TUESDAY, tho. It's happening.
people are going to think i know what I'm doing.
I'm capped at 1270.
TUESDAY, tho. It's happening.
people are going to think i know what I'm doing.
Who did you bribe for that? Hopefully not my group, since that shoulda been my spaceship D:![]()
I'm capped at 1270.
TUESDAY, tho. It's happening.
people are going to think i know what I'm doing.
Who did you bribe for that? Hopefully not my group, since that shoulda been my spaceship D:
Who did you bribe for that? Hopefully not my group, since that shoulda been my spaceship D:
Who did you bribe for that? Hopefully not my group, since that shoulda been my spaceship D:
b-but...should be on pc then bro. You snooze you lose
n-no...You might want to sit down...
Fitting, since I cursed them to Ninja loot.I bribed RNGesus. I just straight up ninjad it from your group.
Poor PS4 users. Get with Drama and downgrade so you can play.
I'll only go back to PS3 if she agrees to EB me.
I'll only go back to PS3 if she agrees to EB me.
Perhaps Astrologians will have some form of Hallowed Ground for Nin Py's sake.
LTTP but I've been slacking on playing. What's going on with PS users?
It was nice knowing you.
Oh. Well...now we know she'll never upgrade.
Well, I can't actually use my CE code until tomorrow thanks to the trial limitation, but it didn't really get in my way much since I only got up to 11 or something. Started Marauder on Ultros (Eli Wallach). So far it's a bit standard as far as modern MMOs go (especially the first hour or so being bombarded with fetch and tutorial quests), but I like the aesthetic more than most FF games. It seems most reminiscent of FFXII to me (especially in UI) which was one of my favorites visually. Color in particular seems used pretty well; will be glad when my monitor gets here after the weekend so I can get on an IPS panel. I think I'll stick to the PC version, performance was great on max settings and this way I don't need to fit another keyboard into this workspace somehow (nevermind not having to deal with PSN and its recurring woes).
Any tips for targeting on controller? I wound up switching off to KB/M fairly early just because I couldn't get a handle on it whenever I wanted to swap targets mid-combat. Most everything else seemed fine, I just kept targeting a friendly or myself with the d-pad somehow when trying to get to a different hostile.
Left and right selects objects in front of you. Up and down selects through your party list. Was it left bumper + up and down that scrolls through enemy list?
You can also go into targeting in character configuration and set filters to switch to. In dungeons and raids, I have an enemy filter on so left and right will only select enemies. In towns I have filter set to all. Having an enemy filter is super important IMO.
but I like the aesthetic more than most FF games. It seems most reminiscent of FFXII to me (especially in UI) which was one of my favorites visually. Color in particular seems used pretty well
I'm capped at 1270.
TUESDAY, tho. It's happening.
people are going to think i know what I'm doing.
I love the aesthetic. A great example of a colorful world without being cartoonish.
Funny thing about the UI similarities between FFXII and FFXIV you noticed -- Hiroshi Minagawa is the UI designer on both games.
Just asking, don't take offence, but honestly, how do you feel about being carried? I just want to get your take.
Doesn't it kind of invalidate the point of that content (hardest content in the game), if you let others beat it for you? I mean the only reason for that gear right now (except for showing off) is to challenge that content, as everything else is easy mode in comparison and has no real gear checks.
I know I was personally carried through Titan EX due to frustration from PS3 video lag (before it came out for PS4). And I kinda felt carried through Shiva EX as half my group had already done it a bunch and I had been waiting, so we didn't have much learning time. It definitely did not feel satisfying to me. Every other content I earned with a bunch of people that also hadn't done it before so we learned and challenged as a group. It made the win feel extremely satisfying. I personally think you robbed yourself of that, but that's just my opinion.
Just asking, don't take offence, but honestly, how do you feel about being carried? I just want to get your take.
why don't you mind your own business
You should know how it feels every week.
Just asking, don't take offence, but honestly, how do you feel about being carried? I just want to get your take.
Doesn't it kind of invalidate the point of that content (hardest content in the game), if you let others beat it for you? I mean the only reason for that gear right now (except for showing off) is to challenge that content, as everything else is easy mode in comparison and has no real gear checks.
I know I was personally carried through Titan EX due to frustration from PS3 video lag (before it came out for PS4). And I kinda felt carried through Shiva EX as half my group had already done it a bunch and I had been waiting, so we didn't have much learning time. It definitely did not feel satisfying to me. Every other content I earned with a bunch of people that also hadn't done it before so we learned and challenged as a group. It made the win feel extremely satisfying. I personally think you robbed yourself of that, but that's just my opinion.
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.
lol Yeah okay there.
Stop being a dick.If so, the discussion should then be where's the line being being carried and "legit running" content? Numbers of times you die?
Just asking, don't take offence, but honestly, how do you feel about being carried? I just want to get your take.
If they weren't carried, then ignore my question. I was just asking honestly what his thoughts were. It personally took us weeks to clear T10 and T11 separately.
If so, the discussion should then be where's the line between being carried and "legit running" content? Numbers of times you die?
I see some things never change.
This is my angry face, no pun intended for once.
This is my angry face, no pun intended for once.
Tia, I wouldn't get in on this...
I could flip it around and ask why it took you so long to down said turns.
Outside of some exceptional groups (which there isn't that many of on this server), it takes a couple of weeks of running 2 days a week for most FCOB groups to learn and clear a turn when it's brand new content for them. You happen to be in one of those exceptional groups which is great for you (not sure of the hours per week you put in, but we average 4-6hrs, some of that is spent on clearing the weekly content before practicing new content). Other factors include gear (your group had purchased a good majority of pentamelded gear) and of course overall group skill (we're a pretty good group, but not the best in any way).
And those clears feel extremely satisfying when done after that work put in. That's why when someone does join a group that has already cleared content like this, whether you believe they are carried or not, I wonder what kind of satisfaction they get. I was hoping for a debate on it, but most people rather defence force so I'll leave it at this.
Quoting someone directly and saying what amounts to "how does it feel being carried, scrub?" is not an honest way to try to start any sort of debate.
1. what makes you think that angary didn't put in the work
2. why do you even care? Either people don't care to be carried/helped or they do. there is no moral gray area
Other factors include gear (your group had purchased a good majority of pentamelded gear)
I wonder what kind of satisfaction they get. I was hoping for a debate on it, but most people rather defence force so I'll leave it at this.
I didn't say scrub anywhere.
1) He said the following in his post: "people are going to think i know what I'm doing."
most people rather defence force so I'll leave it at this.