Do you homie, not gonna stop you but that song has been hot boring trash since 1.0.
Think only 1.x players can really appreciate Ifrit's theme. It's no standout but by no means is it hot trash.
Do you homie, not gonna stop you but that song has been hot boring trash since 1.0.
Think only 1.x players can really appreciate Ifrit's theme. It's no standout but by no means is it hot trash.
Nah, all Intelligence so you get more skill points.All points to Charisma.
The only thing I can appreciate about 1.0 ifrit was doing it naked with crafters throwing stones to stun it. Beyond that nope.
ARR crafters wish they could stun a primal god with a flick of the wrist.
Shout chat may be hit and miss, but join the GAF FC and ask all the questions you want.
Just don't ask how to allocate stats.
Did that actually work
Why can't I fight Bahamut with a fishing rod
ultima is the best song hands down
What kind of voodoo is required to have 45 PFs up on a server like below, with most of those PFs related to Final Coil?
What kind of voodoo is required to have 45 PFs up on a server like below, with most of those PFs related to Final Coil?
What kind of voodoo is required to have 45 PFs up on a server like below, with most of those PFs related to Final Coil?
A swing and a miss. You won't see Japanese calling jobs like that.
Nah. They would be okay with referring to jobs with English acronyms in FFXI. That's how I communicated with JPs in TGS. Go back to suffering from success.
Hi all. Gaf and FF14 nub here. I was hoping it's alright to ask a few quick questions? I've read a majority of posts on this and other sites, I've read random guides and wikis, and I'm pretty experienced with mmos in general. I also played FF11 hardcore and a bit of 14 beta so it isn't completely new to me.
1. How long does a casual player take to get to max level, just a guesstimate? I have a pretty demanding job so I'd be doing 1-50 pretty easy paced. The goal is obviously max level before the expansion, which I doubt I'll have issues with.
2. I'm not a hardcore minmaxer but I don't like to miss out on an advantage. Would rolling anything but a Hume for warrior tank be detrimental? Does anyone happen to play a non-Hyur warrior?
3. How dead are anything but the main gaf servers? I'd like to roll on a gaf server but happen to have some friends on Goblin. WoW suffered greatly from dwindling numbers, is there anything being done in FF14 to combat low pop servers? Or is a transfer the only way?
Any help is very appreciated!
Hi all. Gaf and FF14 nub here. I was hoping it's alright to ask a few quick questions? I've read a majority of posts on this and other sites, I've read random guides and wikis, and I'm pretty experienced with mmos in general. I also played FF11 hardcore and a bit of 14 beta so it isn't completely new to me.
1. How long does a casual player take to get to max level, just a guesstimate? I have a pretty demanding job so I'd be doing 1-50 pretty easy paced. The goal is obviously max level before the expansion, which I doubt I'll have issues with.
2. I'm not a hardcore minmaxer but I don't like to miss out on an advantage. Would rolling anything but a Hume for warrior tank be detrimental? Does anyone happen to play a non-Hyur warrior?
3. How dead are anything but the main gaf servers? I'd like to roll on a gaf server but happen to have some friends on Goblin. WoW suffered greatly from dwindling numbers, is there anything being done in FF14 to combat low pop servers? Or is a transfer the only way?
Any help is very appreciated!
What success? An average GARFer probably has more coil cleared than I do.
Sadly that's not Durandal. I don't think I've seen more than 20 parties at once.Be on a JP server apparently.
That's impressive.
JP servers dabes. Though they seem to be quicker to vote abandon at times.
Thought I was done with primals but forgot about Gilgamesh and Dragon's Neck zZzZzZz. Shiva EX is the easiest primal so far.
Mean while on Gilgamesh ...
Mean while on Gilgamesh ...
Depends on your class, and how much research you did before going in. It's a bit harder for tanks for example, especially if they didn't read up on the fight a lot beforehand, because tanks can easily be one-shot if they aren't on the lookout for moves that while predictable, do require either experience or foreknowledge to dodge.
Bards, well I'm told it's ez mode for bards, but that's subjective I suppose.
Well I just mean after a fail or two, if most of the other players are Japanese then a vote abandon seems to be much more likely. If the players are Australian or whatever then usually they will start asking questions and giving suggestions on whoever is not performing. Anecdotal and it varies of course, but shrug.
The only time I see a JP advice consistently is if someone is new in Mog Ex.
That was more a response to Shiva being easy.
How will I know if I've been accepted into the GAF group? Is there an in game notification?
How will I know if I've been accepted into the GAF group? Is there an in game notification?
Yeah, I don't remember seeing any advice from the Japanese players in dungeons/during fights, aside from additional explanation after posting the macro in fights like T9.Well I just mean after a fail or two, if most of the other players are Japanese then a vote abandon seems to be much more likely. If the players are Australian or whatever then usually they will start asking questions and giving suggestions on whoever is not performing. Anecdotal and it varies of course, but shrug.
The only time I see a JP advice consistently is if someone is new in Mog Ex.
You'll know when the ERP starts appearing in your chat window.
yea you'll get a notification
Started my GLD today. Up to level 21. It's been going pretty well for me so far.
What are your recommendations on usage of Flash? Usually I'll Shield Lob the target I want to focus, and when enemies group up I'll Flash, hit the main target and flash again just to avoid losing aggro to AoE stuff or DoTs. I rarely need to Flash after that, and as such find myself not using Riot Blade as much as I feel I should? Is this wrong, or am I doing it right?
I'm not losing aggro so my immediate guess is that this is ok, but wanted to make sure. It's my first time tanking in an MMO and throughout levelling my MNK and SCH the thing that always infuriates me the most is a shitty tank in a dungeon, so I want to avoid being one of those.
Still need to be more consistent about facing stuff away from the party. I do it 90% of the time but then forget every now and again and get annoyed with myself, even though it's not really causing any issues in earlier dungeons.
For low level stuff, I usually shield lob, flash twice, and flash again when the blind effect wears off. I can't remember if flash blinds at that level, but the blind is really nice. Trash mobs will miss all the time.
But a good rule of thumb is if you're not losing aggro you're fine
The BRD robe omg I want it I want it I want it.
All praise Optimus Prime, bringer of loot *-*.
So much hotness. Kirimu coat about to be converted. *-*
Four out of four Dragoon loot.
think of the V materia
Mean while on Gilgamesh ...