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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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I've never had any issue with DF groups really, I guess people LoTA were quite bitchy but otherwise 95% of the time people just say hi then nothing more for the rest of the dungeons.

Haven't tried many EX Primals or Coil fights though so I don't know about those.


Hey guys~

Was pretty big into Realm when it launch on PS4 back in April, since then I've gravitated over to the PC version but haven't been playing much of late. Figured it would help build some motivation and hype to jump into the GAF community thread and see if you guys ahd any tips on what to work on to prepare for the upcoming expansion?

Oh and a quick intro to my character.

Neko Kuroha
Level 50 WHM
World Brynhildr



You can't get mythology tomes anymore. You can convert old ones into soldiery in Mor Dhona.

So whats the go to dungeon for tombstones? My only goal is to finish the story from since the time I quit to now and to at least complete some books for a relic.


The thing that amuses me the most about all the dragoon hate is that I mained a ranger, a truly awful class, in EverQuest from vanilla to Luclin and that game was so much less balanced, simple and streamlined than this game by a million miles. No class deserves any special prejudice in this game because we're all just hitting the same buttons and dodging telegraphed AoEs. You can be just as skilled or just as stupid on any class.

Eh, Druids were fairly similar for EQ. A lot just quad kited and solo'd their way up so there were plenty of them and many were bad at group content. I'd say a similar prejudice was on Necromancers but fuck if we ever bothered grouping with people.

Anyway, the LoLDRG thing is more from when they were everywhere + even worse animation lock than they currently have.

So whats the go to dungeon for tombstones? My only goal is to finish the story from since the time I quit to now and to at least complete some books for a relic.

Snowcloak is probably the fastest one to clear (~14-20 minutes depending on group). If the A-Rank Hunts are spawning, that's the best bet for tomes.

Besides that, Shiva EX and some Second Coild farms are potentially faster as well.


lolDRG existed before FFXIV. Thank you, FFXI.

This too.

Really, this is basically always around. Was more direct in older games since it would just be a straight "not allowed in groups" thing. With Duty Finder, it's just deal with it instead.
Whenever I need, I farm Soldiery on Frontlines. Probably not the most optimal way, but it's fun, and certain times of the day, the queue times are fairly short.
I hope they add Allied Seals to Frontlines. It only makes sense.


Hey guys~

Was pretty big into Realm when it launch on PS4 back in April, since then I've gravitated over to the PC version but haven't been playing much of late. Figured it would help build some motivation and hype to jump into the GAF community thread and see if you guys ahd any tips on what to work on to prepare for the upcoming expansion?
There's not much that needs to be done to prepare for expansion, unless you're looking to make gil. For that you would stock up on items expected to rise in value with the expansion, but that is largely guesswork. It's likely most of what we have currently won't be as high value with the amount of new things expected to come with the expansion.
I really love to collect minions but gave up on mounts a long time ago. I've seen only four so far and rolled less than 30 in all of them. Last time I rolled a 4.

I would like to get all of the non-primal mounts at least, but I am not sure if I want to drive myself crazy farming for the primal ponies. I would love to get all of the ponies, but if I got Nightmare I would probably just quit there. That's the one I want the most by far.
Congratulations. My level 50 FSH retainer just wasting her time away, not even doing Ventures because I don't care enough about minions.

Pshh it's not about the minion, it's about the money. Outside of the item {redacted} drops that can be turned into furniture, nothing else will give you 5-6mil, especially not for the non existant amount of effort it takes to send a geared retainer out once a day.
Hey guys~

Was pretty big into Realm when it launch on PS4 back in April, since then I've gravitated over to the PC version but haven't been playing much of late. Figured it would help build some motivation and hype to jump into the GAF community thread and see if you guys ahd any tips on what to work on to prepare for the upcoming expansion?

Oh and a quick intro to my character.

Neko Kuroha
Level 50 WHM
World Brynhildr


should just make sure you're up to date on story/dungeons. Also based on the pic you may want to upgrade your weapon/armor as well
Hey guys, I know this question is going to be a bit open ended but, how much has the game evolved over the past year or so?

I quit the game a little over a year ago because I was frustrated with the end game encounter design. Everything just shot AoE's everywhere and it felt more tedious than enjoyable, especially as a melee class.

I didn't mind Ifrit or Garuda hard modes so much but Titan and some of the end game dungeons kind of soured the game for me a bit. All the one hit AoEs just bogged the game down for me quite a bit.

I kind of have the itch to pick up the game again but I'm just curious how the encounter design is now. Is it still mostly an AoE fest or did the dev team put that behind them?
Hey guys, I know this question is going to be a bit open ended but, how much has the game evolved over the past year or so?

I quit the game a little over a year ago because I was frustrated with the end game encounter design. Everything just shot AoE's everywhere and it felt more tedious than enjoyable, especially as a melee class.

I didn't mind Ifrit or Garuda hard modes so much but Titan and some of the end game dungeons kind of soured the game for me a bit. All the one hit AoEs just bogged the game down for me quite a bit.

I kind of have the itch to pick up the game again but I'm just curious how the encounter design is now. Is it still mostly an AoE fest or did the dev team put that behind them?

Since so many of us have been playing that content for so long, we would be biased a bit in approaching this question as our definition of what constitutes too much AoE would be very different from yours. I would say your best bet is to look up videos of the Extreme primal and Second Coil fights to answer that for yourself really. There are still instant wipe mechanics on the hardest stuff such as Final Coil, but as for second coil i feel alot of it came down to timing/group positioning mechanics rather than circles on the ground to dodge.


In terms of the sheer amount, types, and frequency of AoE, I think Ultima HM still has the crown there. Most content after that has fewer types of AoE, with less frequency, but it's either harder to dodge or much more vital to dodge what AoE's there are.

Granted, it sounds like you left before Ultima HM, so that probably doesn't offer enough context for you.


In the sense of Landslides or Weight of the Land AoE stacks, there's a lot less of those currently. Fights are still a lot of dodging AoEs or other mechanics but most of the current raid content (Final Coil) is fairly melee friendly.


I never played 1.0 but I have pretty fond memories of the trainwreck that was its launch. The GAF threads around that time, the copy paste landscape YouTube videos, the fatigue system, etc. the game didn't even have chocobos!

Ah, memories.

...rank has been capped at second lieutenant since 1.0? Wow.
Thanks for the responses guys. I'll do a little research and watch some videos but it sounds like it's at least a little more forgiving in terms of the sheer number of AoEs. I suppose in the end there's no harm in checking it out for myself for a month or two.

As a follow up question, how does Monk fare now? I left the game as a level 50 Monk with a Sphairai although it seems like needs to be upgraded to...Kaiser Knuckles I think?


Thanks for the responses guys. I'll do a little research and watch some videos but it sounds like it's at least a little more forgiving in terms of the sheer number of AoEs. I suppose in the end there's no harm in checking it out for myself for a month or two.

As a follow up question, how does Monk fare now? I left the game as a level 50 Monk with a Sphairai although it seems like needs to be upgraded to...Kaiser Knuckles I think?

Monk is the top DPS class, if played well in any case. Going from Zenith Relic to Kaiser Knuckes at this point would be a pretty daunting grind, they've been releasing steps in that grind one bit at a time for a reason. I'd suggest just getting the Soldiery Tome weapon. It'll get you by until World of Darkness comes out in a few weeks, and you can get the Poetics Tome weapon then.
Thanks for the responses guys. I'll do a little research and watch some videos but it sounds like it's at least a little more forgiving in terms of the sheer number of AoEs. I suppose in the end there's no harm in checking it out for myself for a month or two.

As a follow up question, how does Monk fare now? I left the game as a level 50 Monk with a Sphairai although it seems like needs to be upgraded to...Kaiser Knuckles I think?

yea the sphairai can be upgraded to the kaiser knuckles but there is like 5 steps in between. Monks are pretty beastly in the endgame and have the highest single target dps. Ninjas are even or a bit below monks. If you left off when only doing side rotation was viable, the rotation has changed, but not too hard to learn


I might be jumping the gun a bit on this but I wanted to get the feelers out just in case anyone else was in the same boat as I am.

I'm about to hit 50 on my main, which is a Paladin, if I haven't already by the time this goes up and I'm looking for a static group that would like to run some dungeons and have some fun! I'm also working on my Ninja class which is close to 40. So if anyone out there is looking for an extra Tank/Dps or would like to start a group please let me know! Just send me a pm on here or hit me up on the guild chat.

I know I'm a little late to be looking for a fresh group, I got the vanilla version of FFXIV and it left a bad taste so I didn't give it a full chance till about a year ago. I played a Druid (tank) for years on WoW but quit around MoP because it got old.

Im in the North East US but I work Cali hours basically and have a pretty flexible schedule.

Here's my profile, http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/7829400/name is Kitsune Shinukage on the Ultros server
Monk is the top DPS class, if played well in any case. Going from Zenith Relic to Kaiser Knuckes at this point would be a pretty daunting grind, they've been releasing steps in that grind one bit at a time for a reason. I'd suggest just getting the Soldiery Tome weapon. It'll get you by until World of Darkness comes out in a few weeks, and you can get the Poetics Tome weapon then.

yea the sphairai can be upgraded to the kaiser knuckles but there is like 5 steps in between. Monks are pretty beastly in the endgame and have the highest single target dps. Ninjas are even or a bit below monks. If you left off when only doing side rotation was viable, the rotation has changed, but not too hard to learn

Thank you or the advice. Incredibly helpful. I'm sure it will take me a while to get my bearings and figure out all the new stuff but I'm excited to jump back in.
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