It has been 3 months after my most-likely-infamous 6 months of doing nothing but farming for Atma, and I'm almost caught up on endgame content - all I have left is coil, Zodiac, and levelling up my DoL/DoH. My eventual goal is to clear T13 before Heavensward hits and obtain Final Coil gear, so I can actually be of use to any Alexander statics that form around the expansion. Since I may have "arrived" too late to join a static for Final Coil, my fingers are crossed that I'll be able to find one for Alexander and future raids. If not, I'll just start one of my own, as I'm sure I'm not the only one in this - or a similar - situation.
With that in mind, anyone willing to help me through T8 and T9 this weekend? I got lucky with T7 in the Duty Finder, as the bonus sold was enough for my party to explain the fight to me. I also got the High Allagan Coat of Healing on my first try, but I'm currently using it for glamour as I already have an Ironworks chest for my WHM. :V