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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Just tanked the entire Tonberry King fight as a dragoon. Garbo tanks as far as the eye can see. Duty Finder is literal roulette. You never know what you're going to get.


How can a tank have trouble holding aggro on Tonberry King, you don't have to worry about ads at all in that fight.


Man, they are sure taking their time with the trailer this time.

Also, to touch on something said on the last page. The only 2.4 content that I feel may have been a bit of a miss, were the dungeons. Snowcloak is okay, but all the dungeons are way too long for repeated grinding. While the end boss fights in Snowcloak and Qarn HM are rather fun for what they are, overall this set of dungeons has been my least favorite of the HM dungeons. Hopefully WP-HM/AK-HM, and Keeper, are more enjoyable.

(If they're at all shorter, they'd have to be, by default.)

Shiva's a bit overdone by now, but honestly I enjoy that fight a heck of a lot more than I did Ramuh. Also, I feel like whenever they introduce only a single Extreme primal, this sort of burnout is probably going to be inevitable. Though, to be fair, I realize that the Primal Shortage is probably due to them moving resources over to the Expansion, and that's overall good.


It's always been about a week before the patch when they release a trailer, not sure why anyone would think it's going to magically be shown more than a week before.

You're memory is off here I believe. Plenty of patch trailers have come out more than a week before said patch hit. Case in point, the 2.4 patch trailer was unveiled Oct 17th, the patch itself hit on Oct 28th. That's 11 days before the patch hit.

Considering the patch is, "supposedly," hitting on the 20th, we're well within the window of when we should be seeing the patch trailer.


It's always been about a week before the patch when they release a trailer, not sure why anyone would think it's going to magically be shown more than a week before.

2.4 was ~11 days prior to the patch. Looking it up, nearly every patch before then was also around 2 weeks prior (12-14 days typically).


It's possible that the 20-21 figure is wrong, or that they're holding off on the trailer to prevent spoilers, they've been so secretive about that mystery trial after all.

Regardless, it's a bit odd. They've typically done a pretty good job of getting people hyped up a bit before patches. As such, this silence is rather uncharacteristic.


Based on the EB outage windows (full days on the 19th, 20th, 21st) I'd say they're pretty committed to hitting that date.

Will be kind of bummed if it's 24 hour maint on the 19th, though.


It is worth noting that the Fanfest 2.5 footage is more-or-less a lot of what you'd expect from the trailer for the dungeons and World of Darkness. At this point, it's more seeing some in-game renders of the WoD gear, any crafted item previews, and the trials preview.

and, well, we're bored I guess and need something to talk about


Mystery trial?

Gilgamesh EX (...HM?) + Odin + Some other trial is what we're getting in 2.5. My current guess is still just Behemoth so Odin isn't the only Fate -> Trial graduate.

Also did we ever find out what the aetherial wheel is.

FC Crafting thing.

Well, we got back in to raid last night, and t13 was downed \o/ Now we get to occupy our usual raid time with savage coil >.<

the dream


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Haha, you can add Brayflox's dragon to the list of bosses I've tanked as a dragoon. The tank ate the first dragon breath and the healer never bothered reviving him. I tanked the entire fight with no issue. LOLDRG indeed.


Suffering From Success
Gilgamesh EX (...HM?) + Odin + Some other trial is what we're getting in 2.5. My current guess is still just Behemoth so Odin isn't the only Fate -> Trial graduate.

It's probably Omega Weapon so get those Ultima HM clears in y'all.


Crystal Bearer
Haha, you can add Brayflox's dragon to the list of bosses I've tanked as a dragoon. The tank ate the first dragon breath and the healer never bothered reviving him. I tanked the entire fight with no issue. LOLDRG indeed.
Melee DPS are best tanks. Multiple times in Coil our Monk has stepped in to tank the boss while a tank recovers.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Melee DPS are best tanks. Multiple times in Coil our Monk has stepped in to tank the boss while a tank recovers.

One of the guys I plays with plays warrior and he makes it sound like he's doing God's work every time he graces me with his presence in a group so I'm cataloging all these moments so he knows my true power.


Hi guys, thinking about starting this in the imminent future.

Any suggestions as far as class to pick? I have zero experience with MMOs.

I'll probably solo most of the content, but for raids I guess I just want to hit stuff, so DPS class maybe?

I was thinking of Dragoon but on the last 8-4 Play podcast Roy illuminated me to the fact the community thinks Dragoons suck, so....


I was thinking of Dragoon but on the last 8-4 Play podcast Roy illuminated me to the fact the community thinks Dragoons suck, so....

Don't ever take advice from Roy about this game, he barely understands what is going on. In fact don't listen to any coverage of this game from any of the major sites and podcasts.


Haha, you can add Brayflox's dragon to the list of bosses I've tanked as a dragoon. The tank ate the first dragon breath and the healer never bothered reviving him. I tanked the entire fight with no issue. LOLDRG indeed.

Wow you're so amazing teach us all your ways.


Don't ever take advice from Roy about this game, he barely understands what is going on. In fact don't listen to any coverage of this game from any of the major sites and podcasts.
OK, who can help me then? Do you have a suggestion for someone like me? First MMO, don't want to be in charge when raiding, likes to melee, wants a good experience with just 1 character.


Yeah, not to take much away from it but most of tanking as a DPS will pretty much be on the healer and not really you. You don't have much available to you to help make it easier to tank short of not getting hit by telegraphed stuff.

OK, who can help me then? Do you have a suggestion for someone like me? First MMO, don't want to be in charge when raiding, likes to melee, wants a good experience with just 1 character.

Monk, Dragoon, or Ninja. Pick whichever you want to play, really. Monk is the best melee right now, Dragoon just got buffed into relevance, and Ninja is fairly latency dependent. You'll do some cross-class leveling regardless just for skills so you'll get a taste of early Pugilist/Monk and Dragoon at least regardless of which of the three you choose to play all the way.


OK, thanks. Also by melee I meant like hitting with a weapon. Sorry if I used the wrong term. I don't want to just use my fists.
So Dragoon is pretty OK then after all?
OK, who can help me then? Do you have a suggestion for someone like me? First MMO, don't want to be in charge when raiding, likes to melee, wants a good experience with just 1 character.

Any of the melees is fine. Dragoons have a stigma of being terrible, but if you're not terrible, then you're THAT dragoon that didn't suck, so that's arguably better than "one of the monks that does monk stuff like every other monks". Or whatever. Really just pick what you think would be fun to play, the classes are fairly balanced and overall, one can replace the other fairly easily, assuming equivalent roles.

If you don't want to be in charge then definitely DPS.


OK, who can help me then? Do you have a suggestion for someone like me? First MMO, don't want to be in charge when raiding, likes to melee, wants a good experience with just 1 character.
Sounds like you want Dragoon or Monk. I wouldn't worry too much about Dragoon's bad reputation.


OK, thanks. Also by melee I meant like hitting with a weapon. Sorry if I used the wrong term. I don't want to just use my fists.
So Dragoon is pretty OK then after all?

Every class uses weapons, in fact the weapon you're using defines the class that you're currently on. Switching your weapon will switch your class. Monks use fists but the hold stuff in them to hit people with kek.


OK, who can help me then? Do you have a suggestion for someone like me? First MMO, don't want to be in charge when raiding, likes to melee, wants a good experience with just 1 character.
You don't have to be thinking about raiding when you haven't even started the game yet.

Dragoons have a bad rep, but if you learn to play dragoon well they're a respectable job/class. The problem with them currently is that they lack a 'party support' skill that would make them more desirable in the most difficult endgame content. That's not to say they can't do endgame content, just that they're less in demand.


Dragoons are great if you have a really good one. Ours does between 450 and 500 in T11 with only a HA weapon, though he is probably one of the best players I've met in this game. Their only real weakness these days is a lack of true utility and support skills compared to the other melees but as a BRD I'm a fan of the little they do have.
Dragoons are great if you have a really good one. Ours does between 450 and 500 in T11 with only a HA weapon, though he is probably one of the best players I've met in this game. Their only real weakness these days is a lack of true utility and support skills compared to the other melees but as a BRD I'm a fan of the little they do have.

They should give DRG a group jump. Problem solved... ?


Dragoons are great if you have a really good one. Ours does between 450 and 500 in T11 with only a HA weapon, though he is probably one of the best players I've met in this game. Their only real weakness these days is a lack of true utility and support skills compared to the other melees but as a BRD I'm a fan of the little they do have.
It's so odd to me how the utilities are spread on melee, ranged all have nice trade off between damage/utility. MNK has best damage and arguably the best utility.

Krael, come online naows

we needs to talk about some ponys and $
Tell me to get on, then you're in coil!




PS also come to mujmble for verification just in case


First Heterosexual Roe wedding confirmed


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