Is there a rough formula for estimating how much higher a persons dps will increase just equating for that main attack value bump? Like the 2 points from 110 to 115 or 125 to 130?
Like 1 point of attack is eqaul to rough 10 intelligence/strength/etc (which if the rotation is optimal) is around 20 dps per second. Something like that?
stat weights are determined but vary between classes and ilvl, Increase in weapon damage can be attributed to a 20 dps increase, but I don't know exactly how much dps you should be getting out of a increase in stats
Despite FFXIV being one of, if not THE, largest source of continued revenue Square Enix has right now, it never feels like it's getting a sufficient allocation of funds. I mean, what with features and such constantly having to be delayed, Yoshida talking about how they couldn't do X in Y amount of time with their current development team, etc etc.
The current content budget and schedule for ARR patches likely has little or nothing to do with "funding" as it was drawn up in period before they could pin down anything reliable revenue-wise.
As someone who mains SMN, but has switched to BLM due to shit gear itemization this patch, that 0.098 spell speed hurts my heart.
I hear you like butt wings and dunce caps.As BLM master race, I am now accepting all pieces of gear.
Angary you are my hero. If you already wasn't EBing Qhon and I wasn't already Eb'd I would ask you so we could go die multiple times on a floor somewhere.
Waste Not and Waste Not II are only good for situations where you're not going to be using a Tricks of the Trade on a Good, such as macros. Once you start using Waste Not stacks on ToT, the CP/Durability ratio sucks. I don't have either of those two skills as cross-class.
You need to keep Spineshatter and Dragonfire Dive on cooldown in order to shortened distance time. The mobs can be dpsed right near the head and tail, shouldn't cause much downtime at all.
Trade secret: The true path to never getting shit for parsing pathetically low is to just die so often it's impossible for anyone to get an accurate read on your numbers.
Trade secret: The true path to never getting shit for parsing pathetically low is to just die so often it's impossible for anyone to get an accurate read on your numbers.
NOTHING can be as bad as the Titan quest line. That one was absolute shit. "oh no! titan is being summoned! Here, go appease the pimplafell and go see all of these other unimportant people first."
at least garuda's part had a point.
I disagree completely. For once you can use ToT on macros pretty easily, however I never use macros. I get huge lag spikes sometimes and I always rather be in control of what I'm doing. Even on guaranteed stuff, since you can speed it up if you get an excellent proc for example.
Also I don't know what you're talking about regarding the CP / Durability ratio. WN2 has the best CP ratio per step gained in the game at 24.5, if you only use it once (and you should only use any WN once in any rotation of course). MMII which is the second best costs 26.6 per step gained.
I do realize that. Hopefully we'll see the success of the game reflected in the expansion.
Still, it is sometimes a bit disappointing that they can't justify getting x or y features to us a bit sooner sometimes. Understandable, sure, but still.
Personally, the only real sizable disappointment of mine as of late, has been that there has only been a single new Extreme Primal in the last two patches. After getting three in 2.1 and two in 2.2, one per major patch was a step down. Even that wasnt, TOO big a deal.
Again, that's understandable, but that's the content I get the most milage out of. Aside from that it's only been subtle disappointments, like housing taking so long, or eternal bonding getting pushed back. Would've been nice to get em sooner, but whatever.
Personally, the only real sizable disappointment of mine as of late, has been that there has only been a single new Extreme Primal in the last two patches. After getting three in 2.1 and two in 2.2, one per major patch was a step down. Even that wasnt, TOO big a deal.
How do you use ToT on a macro short of bloating the macro with it after every line?
Kinda wondering how they'll position the new primals in Heavensward -- like are we gonna get two or three up front or one per patch, etc.
Kinda wondering how they'll position the new primals in Heavensward -- like are we gonna get two or three up front or one per patch, etc.
Also the good procs aren't wasted, since you're getting 1.5 the quality, which adds up.
The macros I've used put ToT in only specific locations where it won't mess up your rotation. For example, if you're doing Steady Hand II + 5 touches, using ToT in there would make the later touches unbuffed. So in practice you add it in only around 5 places or so.
I hear you like butt wings and dunce caps.![]()
[I actually don't mind the butt wings, they're kind of growing on me. That hat, though...]
Um, excuse me. I wear a very classy moogle head piece. Thank you.
It's less downtime for me, and more the frequent interruption of my single target rotation. Case in point, putting all my dots on one add, for it to die before I could complete a heavy thrust rotation. Honestly in situations like that it's probably a waste to apply the dot rotation, but it's habit by now.
Nothing I can't fix, just need to build good habits.
The pollen is released at the start of the cast and it explodes at the end of the cast.
This doesn't sound hopeful about the 20th Jan launch for 2.5 (then again, he kinda ignores the date part and only denies that it was announced at the fanfest)
The macros I've used put ToT in only specific locations where it won't mess up your rotation. For example, if you're doing Steady Hand II + 5 touches, using ToT in there would make the later touches unbuffed. So in practice you add it in only around 5 places or so.
As for Waste Not, I don't use it either for the reasons people cited above. It's only efficient if you're not doing ToT or having to refresh Steady Hand II / Comfort Zone. Also the rotation I use doesn't have Piece by Piece so I cut that out. I think it's very important to have Rumination as a failsafe so I think it's worthwhile to forgo one of those skills to fit it in. I also have Innovation, which generally lets me get 85%+ with only a 10 stack Inner Quiet if I don't manage to get up to 11.
This only applies if you use a Durability costing step every turn of the buff which is super unlikely given normal rotations.
Other people have addressed the issues with the rest of your post. Four-star crafts are still highly dependent on having a Good or Excellent for the Byregot's step, so having all those goods add up amounts to little in the end.
And I can HQ 40 durability, 1 or 2 star items all the time with macros that do not use WN. So no, it's not required.
I obviously don't know the rotations you're using, but every rotation I've ever used with WN or WN2 does indeed take advantage of every durability step and so does every rotation I've ever seen online. I mean otherwise it wouldn't be worth using.
I disagree once again. For the supra turn in books I agree 100%. If you can't land byregot on a good you're toast, however for normal 3 and 4 star it's not nearly as important, since you'll be starting with some HQ items at least.
I'm confused, wasn't the 2.5 date confirmed to be Jan 20th?
All I've learned from this page is that we need a crafting training hall alongside the dps one.
I'm confused, wasn't the 2.5 date confirmed to be Jan 20th?
If 2 counts of chaos thrust go off it is a dps gain.
What is the heavy thrust rotation? Do you mean Full Thrust?
At the end of the day, no one has the full truth here. There's no guaranteed rotations for 3 and 4 star crafts so we're all experimenting. Some stuff works better than other. Like someone above said they don't use PbP for 4 star rotations, that sounds wrong and for the supra turn ins it's definitely wrong, but hey whatever floats your boat.
I'm probably not the best crafter around, but I do put some thought into the rotations I'm doing. Of anything I've seen online I haven't seen anything that comes close to the success rate I have with my rotation (on most 3 and 4 star with over 1000 quality to start I would get at least around 90% quality over 85% of the time), which works all right for me, but if I find something better I'll change it in no time.
At the end of the day, no one has the full truth here. There's no guaranteed rotations for 3 and 4 star crafts so we're all experimenting. Some stuff works better than other. Like someone above said they don't use PbP for 4 star rotations, that sounds wrong and for the supra turn ins it's definitely wrong, but hey whatever floats your boat.
I'm probably not the best crafter around, but I do put some thought into the rotations I'm doing. Of anything I've seen online I haven't seen anything that comes close to the success rate I have with my rotation (on most 3 and 4 star with over 1000 quality to start I would get at least around 90% quality over 85% of the time), which works all right for me, but if I find something better I'll change it in no time.
Well, bought my new keyboard and started learning to play this game on the controller today...
Maybe time for a new OP?100+ pages. We'll have a new thread in time for a new patch. =D
Is there a specific spot you are curious about, a huge chunk of it is just explaining mechanics, which you can find in dozens of English guides. Most of the images are pretty self explanatory as well if you have that basic knowledge of the fight.Anyone can help to translate this?