2015? That's where they get yathe ffxiv newsletter talking about 2.5 said the first part is coming in january. so idk
2015? That's where they get yathe ffxiv newsletter talking about 2.5 said the first part is coming in january. so idk
2015? That's where they get ya
Part one of Before the Fall is scheduled for the mid to end of January with the release of patch 2.5, which contains myriad challenges for adventurers of every persuasion. The patch will include roughly two-thirds of the final main scenario quests, three new dungeons, and the conclusion of the Crystal Tower questline and the World of Darkness. The patch will also feature the adventures of Hildibrand─agent of enquiry, inspector extraordinaire─on his latest (and perhaps final?) investigation, a new battle against Odin, the Dark Divinity of legend, in Urths Fount, new gear for gatherers and crafters, numerous new recipes, and more. We have plenty planned to make this patch a befitting prelude to the end of the 2.X storyline.
Is there a specific spot you are curious about, a huge chunk of it is just explaining mechanics, which you can find in dozens of English guides. Most of the images are pretty self explanatory as well if you have that basic knowledge of the fight.
2.5 will hit at same time as second expansion.they didn't specify the year I guess. rip
Elemental dragons is same, or at least the principle is, many English guides recommend stacking up as a group all the time while this one just seems to outline the parts you definitely need to be stacked for (this is commonly referred to as fire-in in English groups). That means following dynamo/therm beam you need to be with group, otherwise just don't be near thunder.I'm playing on Anima (Japanese server), tackling stuff mainly with DF.
I noticed that sometimes they have different setups here compared to English guides, so I'm curious about how they handle the divebombs and fire-ice-lightning debuff.
Can you point out a good English guide with similar setup?
Garuda - "Now Fall!"They did say it's coming out Before the Fall
They did say it's coming out Before the Fall
Elemental dragons is same, or at least the principle is, many English guides recommend stacking up as a group all the time while this one just seems to outline the parts you definitely need to be stacked for (this is commonly referred to as fire-in in English groups). That means following dynamo/therm beam you need to be with group, otherwise just don't be near thunder.
Dives are same thing really, the mechanic is pretty specific on how it operates, there's not much leeway in strategy. The pictures in their guide outline various ways the dragons will dive, and they use A mark as the second dive spot every time. Many English groups mark the first spot for everyone else, but this one seems to relying on the group knowing dragons lay out. I think someone earlier in the thread mentioned macros saying where to go, so maybe they announce North of C if pattern a, C if second pattern, or near SW of B if third pattern. They also stack on B for dynamo following the chariot/novas, and then spread outward from there for streams.
I don't know of any English guides that use the same spacing they use for the whole fight, but I'd read any of them and then just watch the video on that site for spacing, they don't really do anything crazy different in terms of mechanics. The Solitude guide is a good reference, but there are plenty of others. If you got a basic foundation of the fight then it will be very easy to pick up how they do it. The biggest change from English groups I see is really the spacing of first phase, where they tank Nael in mid.
You know, as frustrating as this is, it is kinda funny how bent out of shape we can get over a late trailer. XD
hot news off the press! january 20th still confirmed!
Is it possible to solo tank T11 apart from the secondary head attack?
Because tanking next to each other seems so inefficient with taking all the cleaves.
Saw that, the trailer will probably be timed to corespond to the release date of that magazine article.
...sigh, of all the reasons to hold a trailer back.
Add phase would be problematic. I kind of want to say tank tethers force both tanks to eat cleaves anyways but I think there's enough safe distance to get around it.
Anyways you can have one tank eat all the resonances with mitigation.
It's almost like they have some promotional business deal!
Yea sorry, i ment the first phase and possible the last one if its not tank tethers.
It's almost like they have some promotional business deal!
It's almost like they have some promotional business deal!
dcye said:*giggle*