Almost to level 50. What is the best way to acquire the tomes to trade for the level 100 items?
Everyone should use an authenticator.
Everyone should use an authenticator.
Don't you need a cellphone for those?
Don't you need a cellphone for those?
Don't you need a cellphone for those?
Well I think I just permanently lost my account.
I was going to resub but none of my passwords are working and when I go to change it it asks for my birthday (who honestly puts their real birthday here).
They're trying to put together a static with 0 Lalafell emotes. It'll probably be full of stupid Catgirl jumps. DRG loot is a blessing compared to that.
Hey, remember when Tomo was a Hyur? Dark times, right?
I used chat customer support instead of phone customer support. Works a lot faster and better really, if you keep pursuing it.I've tried pretty much every password combination I know so I don't think it's that.
I can remember the answer to my secret question but not the birthday however the reset wants both of them. This is the first time I've seen a service ask for a birthday upon trying to reset the password, which is why I've never made an effort to remember what I entered.
And I can't call support since it just says that the "call cannot be completed" every time I try. I live in Canada so I don't know if that might have something to do with it.
I was really looking forward to playing Heavensward but I have no intention of buying a new account and retreading 100 hours worth of content to get back to where I was.
If any officers on the Ultros GAF guild see someone named "Noire Seregon" online, please kick/report them as I am no longer in control of my account.
Good luck to everyone as it looks like my time with the game ends here. Have fun with the new expansion.
highlanders are the best.
Not sure why you wouldn't unless you're super paranoid or something.
I saw the light and reached the promised land.
But when Chocolate becomes an Au Ra, all bets are off.
highlanders are the blandest.
I can't even imagine the number of hits placed on her if she does that. You don't just leave.
I used chat customer support instead of phone customer support. Works a lot faster and better really, if you keep pursuing it.
This guy knows what's up.highlanders are the best.
I can't even imagine the number of hits placed on her if she does that. You don't just leave.
lol wtf
Everyone should use an authenticator.
female highlanders are the best.
Please god let Twine be at least a small chance for WoD. Would love to secure at least one for our group when we run it together.
if its like last time, most likely just coats and tomestones now with hunts providing the twine, but who knows if they'll change it based on feedback from last cycle
if its like last time, most likely just coats and tomestones now with hunts providing the twine, but who knows if they'll change it based on feedback from last cycle
Having some weird issues. Figured I should ask GAF before attempting to contact support. I'll try to keep this simple.
Had beta installed on PS3 since it was released.
Purchased full version on PS3 PSN Store last night.
PSN Store says nothing is available to download. It thinks I already own the game, but I don't, I only have the beta. Uninstalled the beta and still can't download full version.
Full version is downloadable on PS4, for whatever reason.
I already have the PC version and an account. I'm trying to add the PS3 version to Mog Station to get the free 30 days and the PS4 upgrade, though I've somehow already downloaded that version. Mog Station only shows the PC version installed.
Anyone have any idea of what's going on?
EDIT: Game is downloading now, hopefully it takes me through the setup process and not the login screen. Deleted saved data from console.
Lol, things that won't happen.
Finally finished my material stockpile for 2.5... now to enjoy Spiritbonding for the rest of the week
Finally finished my material stockpile for 2.5... now to enjoy Spiritbonding for the rest of the week
Wait a minute. You're Jade?
It's a habit I developed when I was younger. General advice around that time was to not tie personal information to online accounts in case they got compromised (through hacks or other methods).
you didn't know? I thought you rubbed elbows with the best on ultros
He's been here since the beginning lolI didn't know he posted on GAF!
Finally finished my material stockpile for 2.5... now to enjoy Spiritbonding for the rest of the week
SE obviously doesn't want my money. I've been trying to resub for the past two days and I keep getting some Error 406 or 601 when I try to pay with a card. I've even tried multiple cards, but I'm just getting the $1.00 pre-auth fee on my account, then nothing else goes through. I can't even buy Crysta because of the same thing. Apparently, this is a problem with other people, and it's been happening for months now. Typical SE having payment issues, though.
The only alternative is to buy a game time card for $30 (60 days), but I'd rather not do that since it's not a long term solution and I don't even know if I'm going to be playing for that long.
Well a lot of that isn't really worth anything, regardless of what happens(like all the 1 star materials like gold ore and stuff), but the later parts are pretty impressive. I should probably stockpile some things I guess.
Setting aside the fact you're a potato, you're going to take jpop wannabes over the princes of the universe? BORN TO BE KINGS.Fixed.
And I thought I was bad with the OT/ingame names.Wait a minute. You're Jade?
Pretty much everything you do in a group at 50 gives soldiery. The "best" way would be to grind like snowcloak in a static group or something but most likely not happening and DF isn't that fast. What you want to do is first clear all the content you can, as you get bonus soldiery for the first time you do pretty much anything besides the last added content(shiva and the current expert roulette dungeons) and do all the duty roulettes every day that give soldiery(low level, high level, expert, main scenario, trial). Though you need to unlock them first, so work on that. Hunts is also an option, but you need to play for a decent amount of time to catch all the hunts as they pop, takes like 1h30-2hours per train and it happens every 4hours or so.
Very first things you should probably do though is finish your class quests, story quests(up to 50), GC quests then start relic and do that/start working your way up the dungeons. Also do story as often as possible to unlock more content as you go.
Running ST once you have i70 is also much better than running other stuff in general, due to being able to get multiple sources of upgrades, since it drops i100 armor, upgrade items for sold gear to i110, weapon tome for an i100-110 weapon and gives 50soldiery per run, which isn't great but is something.