Yo, where's the female Roegadyn hairstyles? I want another one with bangs, please.new hairstyles in 2.5
Yo, where's the female Roegadyn hairstyles? I want another one with bangs, please.new hairstyles in 2.5
new hairstyles in 2.5
now you too can be rush sykes
We have the best hairstyle in the game.No male Highlander hair styles??? PLEASE!
Seriously, male Highlander hair is the absolute, dumpster-tier worst.
They directly reference it in the blog post, saying they look familiar and he'll have to ask Hiroshi why(the director of TLR)I'm really glad I'm not the only one who was seeing The Last Remnant in these hair styles.
We have the best hairstyle in the game.
It just so happens we also have some of the worst hair styles too.
They directly reference it in the blog post, saying they look familiar and he'll have to ask Hiroshi why(the director of TLR)
They directly reference it in the blog post, saying they look familiar and he'll have to ask Hiroshi why(the director of TLR)
Got my 2nd Zodiac, Lilith Rod. Already dyed it to Snow White.
My BRD will bave to settle with the Gundam cannon next hopefully. Someday I'll have Dreadwyrm...
what I get for not being good at reading these things
that mnk face dropped bro.
We have the best hairstyle in the game.
It just so happens we also have some of the worst hair styles too.
They directly reference it in the blog post, saying they look familiar and he'll have to ask Hiroshi why(the director of TLR)
The appropriate way to tell him would have been the winner linking it at him in FC chat. Both now and at random intervals for the foreseeable future.
Learn2trolling pls
What kind of Asian are you??
Can't argue with the Sc part, it's so boring that it's literally hard to not fall asleep.Worst dungeons for zodiac relic:
1) AV (this one is obvious, mobs just have WAY too much HP and it's too slow when used to speed running)
2) Snowcloak (all the lazy players run this over and over for their poetics. healers that don't dps all over the place.)
3) Pharos Sirius (that first boss sucks with new players and can even be more annoying when overgearing due to adds spawning faster and DPS trying to burn down instead of taking care of those adds)
Everything else hasn't been so bad so far. I find outside of WP, AK, and EXDR dungeons, it's mainly just relic people running with an occasional new player (rarely do I see 2 new players).
Really? I happen to like Snowcloak. Actually, that's the dungeon I run/hope for in-regards to my EX Roulette/Poetic grinds. I will agree that it can get boring, though, which is why I like Q'arn HM to appear occasionally.Snowcloak sucks and I'm glad I never get it in EX Roulette.
I hope they add something to Main Scenario roulette. I've just stopped doing it and given up the 80 tomes because of how boring I think those TWO areas are. I don't mind the Ultima battle I guess but everything else is zzz
Really? I happen to like Snowcloak. Actually, that's the dungeon I run/hope for in-regards to my EX Roulette/Poetic grinds. I will agree that it can get boring, though, which is why I like Q'arn HM to appear occasionally.
Anything but Satasha HM. I hate that place. -_-
Yeah, Haukke Manor HM was a lot of fun. Amdapor Keep HM looks equally as great, I can't wait for that one.Anything with that funky organ music is good, actually. The Haukke HM one.
Anything with that funky organ music is good, actually. The Haukke HM one.
obligatory screenshot and bonus video to soothe the c word naysers
eagle eye BLM's ignore me fucking up my rotation several times, i was nervous and was more focused on not dying
I'm just starting alexandrite farming, what's your preferred method for that seeing as you've done it twice now?
obligatory screenshot and bonus video to soothe the c word naysers
eagle eye BLM's ignore me fucking up my rotation several times, i was nervous and was more focused on not dying
obligatory screenshot and bonus video to soothe the c word naysers
eagle eye BLM's ignore me fucking up my rotation several times, i was nervous and was more focused on not dying
I'm just starting alexandrite farming, what's your preferred method for that seeing as you've done it twice now?
Sadly there's not much advice to give. I already had the Stardust Rod on the Animus stage when Novus came so I've been getting Alexandrites at a somewhat steady pace since day one with the daily quest.
When the Novus was introduced you could rush it thanks to the crazy amount of Myth tomestones you could obtain in The Hunt. It was something like 20 from a B, 80 from an A and 200 from an S. With 10 Rank A you had a mysterious map and an alexandrite bought with allied seals and since everyone was farming them like crazy for sands and oils it was easy.
But currently it's way worse. Maps are 400 soldiery, but you only get 20 from a Rank A, meaning you have to kill 20 instead of 10 for a map.
My advice is to not try to rush the farm and kerp going steady. I farmed the first 75 alexandrites in like a month, and the other 75 are come from from the daily quest and spare alexandrite bought with seals. Those took like 2 to 3 months. At least until they improve the Soldiery droprate, which seems likely with 2.5
Anything with that funky organ music is good, actually. The Haukke HM one.
Snowcloak sucks and I'm glad I never get it in EX Roulette.
I hope they add something to Main Scenario roulette. I've just stopped doing it and given up the 80 tomes because of how boring I think those TWO areas are. I don't mind the Ultima battle I guess but everything else is zzz
Oh godNew side quest has been added
Players must have obtained the Aithon, Xanthos, Gullfaxi, Enbarr, Markab, and Boreas mounts.
Oh god
・The rate at which soulglazed relic weapons achieve soul attunement has been increased.
The drop rate for Alexandrite when completing a FATE with a gold rating while equipped with an animus, novus, or nexus weapon has been increased.
Desynth bumping to 110 per skill/350 overall is interesting. You can max 3 for real!
now you too can be rush sykes
The "Most Gentlemanly" pose has been added
Guys, GUYS
Upon completing the quest "Just Tooling Around," players can inquire about master crafting tomes and tools by speaking with Guiding Star in Mor Dhona at Revenants Toll (X:22 Y:6).
Retainers can now be placed on estate grounds outside the hall.
An expansion of duties permit is required to place a retainer on your estate grounds outside the hall. These permits can be purchased from independent sutlers in any residential district.
One, two, or three retainers can be placed on small, medium, and large estates respectively.
Once a retainer is placed on estate grounds, items that they currently have listed for sale on the market can be purchased by anyone who speaks with them. The retainer's sales history (up to 20 entries) can also be viewed by other players.
Placing retainers on estate grounds does not impact your ability to summon them via summoning bells to deposit and withdraw items, or to assign retainer ventures.
You can receive only one reward item per week for completing duties in the World of Darkness. In the event you are awarded an item from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining items regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed. If time expires and a reward item is obtained automatically, this will also count toward the weekly limit.
And the reward for elemental mount collection apparently amounts to a mount.Obtain a Disciple of the Hand Lucis tool.
Obtain the Kirin mount.
Guys, GUYS
Edit: Oh man, I see SE stopped giving a shit about Nightmare, he is unneeded and unwanted.
Skill levels will no longer decrease if your combined skill level is not at the maximum.
The PvP encounter Borderland Ruins (Slaughter) has been added to Frontline.
thankfully the drop rates will be increased for all the mounts
Alex drop rate being higher in fates mean it might be a viable way to farm them now? I hope so I'm still very early on that stage.
Lights farming being nerfed is great.
They still haven't nerfed the books though, which ensure I'll never get another relic past the zenith stage beside my main one >.>
Told you guys it's Omega WeaponGood Intentions Disciple of War or Magic level 50
The Rising Stones (X:6 Y:5)
NPC: Minfilia
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Let Us Cling Together," and have completed The Bowl of Embers (Hard), The Navel (Hard), and The Howling Eye (Hard).