Rapid Response Threadmaker
Much like the Manderville, I expect Lalafell to do this one best.
Can lalas even move their potato arms in such a way?
Much like the Manderville, I expect Lalafell to do this one best.
>North Tank
But good job @ 3 meteors. I thought me doing that last night was special ;_; And damn I should use some sort of voice chat program. Having someone call out everything sounds convenient.
So I read this as either no upgrade items/tomestones out of the gate or yoshi delivered those sexy lies once again. Either way L O L.
I guess it could also read that the stuff isnt something you roll on but is just placed into your inventory or is a weekly quest reward since both those cases would avoid the above scenario but the first would be dumb and the second would make too much sense.
Can lalas even move their potato arms in such a way?
And you thought WoD gear wasn't good
The difficulty of crafting isolator components and auxiliary aerodynamo components in daily beast tribe quests has been reduced.
Obtain a Disciple of the Hand Lucis tool.
Welp. I guess that reduces the amount of time to do dailies by a couple of steps.
Welp. I guess that reduces the amount of time to do dailies by a couple of steps.
What the hell is this Aetherial Wheel garbage
What the hell is this Aetherial Wheel garbage
Can we just constantly buy and charge whichever wheel gets us Brave New World as a form of protest?
・The rate at which soulglazed relic weapons achieve soul attunement has been increased.
really really hoping 3rd guy from the right is caster set, because that eyepatch is fucking awesome
really really hoping 3rd guy from the right is caster set, because that eyepatch is fucking awesome
Angary, are you ready for Borderland Ruins (Slaughter) carries?
I am honestly baffled a new crafting main hand is introduced so soon, when Supra has been barely useful for a patch and is still such a pain to get.
With buffed light drop rates? Let's do this; I can finally get the bird glamour.
I suspect you're going to need Supra for this step; I'm assuming you'll have to trade in Mammon Supra + 99 HQ Antumbral Rocks + 20 Unaspected Crystals or whatever.
I am a little confused as to how useful they'll be, especially the gathering ones. Crafting ones can always make 4-stars easier.
Told you guys it's Omega Weapon
Considering the achievement name...
I swear to God if I still can't dye the stupid spaceship by the end of the month... This patch had ONE JOB.
Pretty sure it is.
Edit: Or it's the Bard set actually :/
Also, that drg set is gross.
Gaius and Lahabrea were technically controlling the Ultima Weapon.
I wonder if WoD isn't getting the upgrade stuff yet because gold saucer isn't in yet. It's obvious gold saucer will be like hunts in that it is the way to get an infinite amount of the upgrade items, maybe they aren't giving WoD the items till saucer is available as well.
Why are they such terrible drivers.
I did not desire the mental image.
nah, bard should be the male miqote beside the one i was pointing, because he had the pirate-ish hat
I guess so, but that kind of hat was also on some low level healing gear iirc so I wasn't entirely sure.
That could make sense yeah, buying upgrade items with saucer tickets and stuff. It might also be that they actually didn't bother doing the 2 different pools of items per week thing and upgrades just drop on the same lockout as the rest.
Comedy third option is some copy+paste laziness and they really are doing two lockouts, and just aren't including it in patch notes.
From glad to see light farming will be improved, and really hope my BTN Supra is needed for the Lucis, I just got it the other day >.>
Edit: Also, when did SE ever say that Aetherial Wheel = FC crafting? I've seen a lot of people assuming it is, but I don't remember SE actually ever explaining it.
I guess over development it became a workstation you buy instead. Grade 1 Aetherial Wheel = crafting FC What can you tell us about airships? How will players build them and what sorts of functionality will they have?
Naoki Yoshida: We’re currently planning for patch 2.5, not this next one, but the one coming after that, we’re planning to incorporate a mechanic for free company crafting. So if you have free company housing, you can set up a basement shop where you have your own crafting room for your free company where your members can do your activities in that space. So one of the first items you can make with your free company crafting is the Aetherial Wheel, it might not have been announced just yet, but that’s the first thing you’ll be able to build with the free company crafting, and so you expand on that and in the expansion one of the recipes will include having your free company build your teams airship. So once you build your free company airship you can select which players can board that and you would access certain areas that only your airship can access and go into battle and explore that area. That’s the gist of it right now.
Huh.That blurb doesn't say Aetherial Wheel is related to airships, just that it's an FC craft.
So one of the first items you can make with your free company crafting is the Aetherial Wheel, it might not have been announced just yet, but that’s the first thing you’ll be able to build with the free company crafting, and so you expand on that and in the expansion one of the recipes will include having your free company build your teams airship.
Skill levels will no longer decrease if your combined skill level is not at the maximum.
So I read this as either no upgrade items/tomestones out of the gate or yoshi delivered those sexy lies once again. Either way L O L.
I guess it could also read that the stuff isnt something you roll on but is just placed into your inventory or is a weekly quest reward since both those cases would avoid the above scenario but the first would be dumb and the second would make too much sense.
New Frontline sounds like a blast.
SCH/WHM full alliances ho
Darnit Yoshi, I could do without twine but I need an encrypted tomb. Looks like I will just have to keep grinding away on the relic to get a high ilvl weapon, blast.
No cleric stance rip
So Aetherial Wheel was never the thing that allowed you to do "FC crafting", it was just the first thing they said you'd be able to make with FC crafting? I guess FC crafting could still be in the patch if it allows you to upgrade your Aetherial Wheel from level 1 to higher levels.From
I guess over development it became a workstation you buy instead. Grade 1 Aetherial Wheel = crafting FC buffs.