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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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There's also the side track of some non-healers being opposed to healers DPSing because OMG you're there to heal!

Everyone has different expectations I guess. I just got yelled at by a ninja in Titan HM for not having mantra because he was saving his for srs trouble and felt he needed boosted healing because his health kept dipping.

People mostly just need to chill out I guess.


I personally find your position rude..it's up to everyone how they spend their time in the game. After all they have as much right to play the game like they do as you do. If you feel it's a waste of time or feel that random player slow you down then don't use DF and use friends.

I mean, it depends? If it's a Scholar literally /afk and auto-following someone, is that still off-limits for saying they're wasting people's time? A DPS just clicking on mobs and sitting there? To me those are people legitimately wasting everyone else's time just so they can be lazy.

I bet you are also annoyed if you want to grind sold and a new player wants to watch the cut-scenes?

If the cutscene is longer than the content, I'll get annoyed that they're watching it. Especially if they're not new :x But that's more of a just saying something to myself / to voice chat rather than saying it in-game sort of thing. It's DF / randoms, you get what you get.

There's also the side track of some non-healers being opposed to healers DPSing because OMG you're there to heal!

Everyone has different expectations I guess. I just got yelled at by a ninja in Titan HM for not having mantra because he was saving his for srs trouble and felt he needed boosted healing because his health kept dipping.

People mostly just need to chill out I guess.

I had a Scholar give me shit for using Hallowed Ground on big pulls in Qarn HM.
I personally find your position rude..it's up to everyone how they spend their time in the game. After all they have as much right to play the game like they do as you do. If you feel it's a waste of time or feel that random player slow you down then don't use DF and use friends. I bet you are also annoyed if you want to grind sold and a new player wants to watch the cut-scenes?

I find Vets rude who run the dungeons for light or the last relic step and start nerd raging at new players for not being able to keep up or heal them if they pull the whole freaking dungeon. Seriously, people, a bit of understanding goes a long way.

It's up to everyone to spend their time in the game how they want, until they enter group content with other people, at which point they should be actively playing the game so as to not waste everyone's else time. It's just respect for other people. Not everyone has as much time as you when they enter the dungeon, not everyone wants to do the same thing, people compromise, but it's at least a given that you should do your thing the best you can, which might not the best it can possibly be, but the best you can is good enough. When you simply decide to not do the best you can because "I don't know these people" or because "it's just DF", you're being disrespectful. And/or lazy.

I'm not annoyed at people watching cutscenes. I always wait for them. I do avoid doing Praetorium because I don't care about the solds enough and don't want to be part of the whole "let's rush while the new player watch the cutscene" shit. I also said, I will not mention the healer not doing DPS or the DPS being terrible or the tank being terrible. I'm not rude to people. My position(which I do not state ingame because there's no point in purposefully starting conflicts) might offend people, but if you're doing your best, you shouldn't be offended, because it's not directed at you(general you, not you you). As for people who do the minimum they can do because they don't care about others, well those people I do not care about offending, at all. That includes a lot of people farming light btw, lots of lazy people doing Garuda HM, so it's not a "newbie" thing or whatever.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I know it's kind of a negligible thing but what's up with the challenge log "Venture Brothers" you need 15 ventures completed in a week but I've only ever gotten 14. I imagine I could possibly get to 15 if I set my alarm clock to wake me up at like 3am so I could minimize the amount of time the retainers have completed the ventures but haven't yet been sent on a new one but that's ridiculous. Why did they make that one challenge so unrealistic to complete when the rest are simple?


I really don't like the idea that dungeons are essentially just a meaningless slog to get your tomes as quickly as possible. There's a lot of needless pressure put on people when you DF that you need to run the dungeon a certain way or pull the mobs a certain way or people are gonna get their smallclothes in a bunch. I've had my fair share of odd DF moments but i wouldn't call them prevalent. Maybe it's because I'm on PS4 and don't have a parser up that I don't have such a negative feeling towards running dungeons with whoever. I go in, do my job, and get out. I don't mind if we take longer, shorter, whatever. That's part of the reason I roll random classes when I DF a group, so I can make the dungeon interesting for myself instead of simply going through the motions, like I feel a lot of people do.

I'm just one of the weirdos that genuinely enjoy dungeons, and the popular mindset towards them sours that experience for me. I'm looking forward to the new ones, especially my tonberries :>
I know it's kind of a negligible thing but what's up with the challenge log "Venture Brothers" you need 15 ventures completed in a week but I've only ever gotten 14. I imagine I could possibly get to 15 if I set my alarm clock to wake me up at like 3am so I could minimize the amount of time the retainers have completed the ventures but haven't yet been sent on a new one but that's ridiculous. Why did they make that one challenge so unrealistic to complete when the rest are simple?

You need 3 retainers, which is dumb.


There's also the side track of some non-healers being opposed to healers DPSing because OMG you're there to heal!
On my first character when I rolled a PLD, I was always pissed when healers would DPS and let me die or get super low in health because I expected them to heal, not dps lol.

I'm expecting all of you guys starting today to pop HQ food and X-potions in EXDR.

I pop X-Pots in dungeons sometimes accidentally. Does that count?


Is their any info on the new raid gear/ dungeon gear and odin weapons?

New WoD armor sets expected to be i120. New crafted weapons from WoD as well though they haven't shown them off. New dungeon green drops too. Odin drops are unknown at the moment.

I pop X-Pots in dungeons sometimes accidentally. Does that count?

I think that counts as being rude and lazy. Also wasteful. Drama would never approve.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
You can pay an additional amount every month to get up to 2 more retainer(I wanna say 2bucks a month per retainer but not sure of the exact price).

Real world currency? What? That's some F2P trash bullshit haha.


Maybe it's because I'm on PS4 and don't have a parser up that I don't have such a negative feeling towards running dungeons with whoever. I go in, do my job, and get out. I don't mind if we take longer, shorter, whatever.

I mean, I legitimately like running dungeons. I just run them because for whatever reason when people need filler for groups for them. As long as the run isn't nightmarish (aka, wipe every other pull), I probably don't care too much. I'll remark on people doing / not doing things but it's just random commentary. Maybe I'm the weird one for even noticing what people are doing / not doing I guess.

I'm expecting all of you guys starting today to pop HQ food and X-potions in EXDR.


Next time we run something, I'm just going to AFK at the start.


I'll think about it. Thank you for your non-sarcastic and useful advice.

What. Food lasts 30 minutes. Primals last 5-8. Dungeons last 15-20. Unless you're chain running primals you'd get more out of the food in dungeons than primals.


What. Food lasts 30 minutes. Primals last 5-8. Dungeons last 15-20. Unless you're chain running primals you'd get more out of the food in dungeons than primals.

I chain run primals. Tons of weapons to get :) Shiva especially has been very kind to me.
Not to mention the possibility that people can fail a run, and need to retry, which is quite frequent if you are playing with people from DF and PF.


Only way they could really stop designing them that way, is if they get rid of the Tome system, and go back to say, dungeon drops, or some other system where a single run can be inherently rewarding. There are two problems with that however.

First, the Tome system does take out RNG for the casual player, making the game far less frustrating in that regard. Second, the highly dedicated players would just spam the fights anyway, and have full armor drops within a week. Imagine how much easier Coil would've been, if everyone had their full 120 Poetics armor within two weeks of 2.4 hitting.

The Tome system is a good design, as it works well for casual players, while gating the gear so hard-core players cannot get it too quickly. The downside is that it all but forces dungeons to follow a certain design philosophy, that doesn't necessarily appeal to everyone.

Ironically, best thing I can think of to solve this, is to get rid of the Material Drops in dungeons. While the gear the drops in dungeons isn't really suitable for top tier raiding, it's still highly sought after as a source of Seals and Vanity armor. Making it somewhat easier to get would make doing the dungeons somewhat more rewarding for people, particularly given that many people have several classes leveled up, and like vanity on all of them.

This would give them maybe a, "little," more leeway in making each dungeon a bit more, uh challenging? Not much though, so long as it's the primary content for casual players, there's going to be an upward limit to how difficult they can make it.

Story dungeons on the other end... Those are different.


Ironically, best thing I can think of to solve this, is to get rid of the Material Drops in dungeons. While the gear the drops in dungeons isn't really suitable for top tier raiding, it's still highly sought after as a source of Seals and Vanity armor. Making it somewhat easier to get would make doing the dungeons somewhat more rewarding for people, particularly given that many people have several classes leveled up, and like vanity on all of them.

I agree completly. I really disliked that they added material drops in dungeons, and I wish they would go back to the "regular" drop way (though I'm fine with the green stuff you can exchange for ilvl 90 armor of your choice).


I agree completly. I really disliked that they added material drops in dungeons, and I wish they would go back to the "regular" drop way (though I'm fine with the green stuff you can exchange for ilvl 90 armor of your choice).

I can see the rational, but it just doesn't really work. I know they want to have a source for these Materials besides Grand Companies, buuuuut, because only a few of the material drops are really worth anything, it's far more likely that whatever drops will end up being a whiff for the entire party.

Besides, armor can be traded in for Seals, which can be used to buy materials.

PS: Ironically the pre-material drop dungeons are more lucrative, if all you want is Seals. The items may trade in for less, but it's soooooo much more likely that you'll get, "SOMETHING," to trade in.


I can see the rational, but it just doesn't really work. I know they want to have a source for these Materials besides Grand Companies, buuuuut, because only a few of the material drops are really worth anything, it's far more likely that whatever drops will end up being a whiff for the entire party.

Besides, armor can be traded in for Seals, which can be used to buy materials.

Exactly, not to mention you can recycle armors for other mats and to increase your recycling skills. Right now, it really feels like a lose-lose situation. It is now entirely possible to run a dungeon and not get a single piece of armor or accessories inside of it. Sure, you get (very little) soldiery and poetics, but I would appreciate dungeons to become more rewarding again. The 2.4 patch made equipping alt-jobs very long and tedious, since you can't even rely on the new dungeons to get ilvl 90 gear, something you could get way more easily in 2.3 (though you could get so much tokens with the Hunt in 2.3 that it became ridiculously too easy to stuff your characters - I just wish they would find some kind of equilibrium instead of switching opposites).

When I talk about this with some people, trying to explain that I find the current situation to be bad gamedesign-wise, I just get scoffed at. Though it is from the same people who are fine with the current housing situation... *sigh*
DF healers that don't DPS are wasting other people's time and are therefore lazy and rude. Hmmm. Ok.

I'll come back to this because this isn't really what I meant at all, and maybe I didn't express it correctly.

This is a generalization. I didn't mean that EVERY healer that does not DPS is wasting everyone's time and lazy and rude. This would be an extremely elitist point of view that would basically amount to "only pros allowed, fuck noobs" or whatever, which is absolutely not my argument. This seems to be what you understood though since you then went on food in EXDR sarcastically.

What I'm saying is, if you purposefully refuse to DPS when healing is not needed and you're actively doing nothing BY CHOICE, then you are wasting everyone's time, you are being lazy and because of those 2 things, you are being rude to other people. Rude might not be the right word either, maybe disrespectful is better. English nuances maybe.

There's multiple reasons why you would not DPS as a healer and where it's perfectly fine. I don't mind it in EXDR for example, because while easy, the dungeons are sufficiently challenging in terms of damage that you do have stuff to heal and you don't want to mess up, especially if the tank pulls more than one group. This is not an EXDR discussion.

Another example is you're a new healer, either new to the dungeon(first timer) or new in terms of gear(low ilvl doing brayflox or whatever). I wouldn't expect you to DPS, because you do not know how safe or unsafe it is to DPS, how much healing the tank requires, how much healing you can actually do, and so on. This is not a "newbies suck" discussion either.

My point was that if you queue for say Aurum Vale to do your Zodiac drop as a dreadwyrm healer, and the tank is maybe a new player and doing slow pulls(1 pack at a time). And you regen the tank and then go afk for the entire pull, you are lazy and wasting people's time. You can argue that it's your right to do so and that you don't owe random strangers anything, but in my opinion that's just having poor values.

I never meant, or said, that you should DPS at all costs in all situations or else. As I said, doing your best is good enough, you don't have to do the best you theorically can. It's why I also don't care too much about DPS doing 200-300DPS less than what they could be doing, whatever, they're playing. I do care if the guy is spiritbinding crafting gear with The Last Witness and a Dreadwyrm weapon though. Because that person purposefully choose to make a run longer for his own personnal benefit. And it doesn't matter if it's 5minutes, 1minute, whatever, it's the principle.

I don't feel this is being a jerk or asking too much. You should treat other people playing with you as well, people, and not NPCs.

Oh and last post on the subject, sorry for the shitty derail. 2.5 hype etc etc.


Man, it's the day before a patch and all of you assholes are having a pissing contest about proper etiquette in dungeons that saves a few minutes at most. All we need is Tabris' "interesting" view on the matter and the convo would be complete. 15 hours remain until OT balance restored.

Edit: I'm one of the assholes btw.


The tome bonus for EX DR is the main reason for most people to repeatedly do the latest set of dungeons. People complain when they get Sastasha HM instead of Qarn HM or Snowcloak for EX DR. People don't go out of their way to go through the old EX DR dungeons like Hullbreaker Isle, or Pharos Sirius unless they need dungeon atma or helping somebody for a soldiery bonus. Their design principles for the level 50 dungeons need to be reworked.


The tome bonus for EX DR is the main reason for most people to repeatedly do the latest set of dungeons. People complain when they get Sastasha HM instead of Qarn HM or Snowcloak for EX DR. People don't go out of their way to go through the old EX DR dungeons like Hullbreaker Isle, or Pharos Sirius unless they need dungeon atma or helping somebody for a soldiery bonus. Their design principles for the level 50 dungeons need to be reworked.

Rare crafting mats that get auto placed in your inventory at the completion of any level 50 dungeon (different mat per dungeon), keep the mats relevant in all recipes going forward. Nothing ridiculous, maybe 20% drop rate?


Rare crafting mats that get auto placed in your inventory at the completion of any level 50 dungeon (different mat per dungeon), keep the mats relevant in all recipes going forward. Nothing ridiculous, maybe 20% drop rate?

I think players would have less dungeon fatigue if they stopped restricting EX DR to just the latest set of dungeons. A larger variety of dungeons for that daily EX DR bonus would help a lot. HL DR isn't needed for capping your tomes for the week if you play most of the week. Sure, players would be less exposed to the latest dungeons the developers just worked on, but they'd still have to clear those dungeons at least once to re-unlock EX DR and will likely still have to run it several times in a patch cycle or two.


Rare crafting mats that get auto placed in your inventory at the completion of any level 50 dungeon (different mat per dungeon), keep the mats relevant in all recipes going forward. Nothing ridiculous, maybe 20% drop rate?
Would be better to just have it as plain item drops from dungeon bosses rather than chest drops.


I think players would have less dungeon fatigue if they stopped restricting EX DR to just the latest set of dungeons. A larger variety of dungeons for that daily EX DR bonus would help a lot. HL DR isn't needed for capping your tomes for the week if you play most of the week. Sure, players would be less exposed to the latest dungeons the developers just worked on, but they'd still have to clear those dungeons at least once to re-unlock EX DR and will likely still have to run it several times in a patch cycle or two.

Agreed, this would help considerably. Though I think they do need work at giving players more incentive to do HLDR dungeons, increasing EXDR to Six rather than three dungeons, would REALLY help lower the burn-out rate.


I think players would have less dungeon fatigue if they stopped restricting EX DR to just the latest set of dungeons. A larger variety of dungeons for that daily EX DR bonus would help a lot. HL DR isn't needed for capping your tomes for the week if you play most of the week. Sure, players would be less exposed to the latest dungeons the developers just worked on, but they'd still have to clear those dungeons at least once to re-unlock EX DR and will likely still have to run it several times in a patch cycle or two.

The issue is each patch, the minimum ilvl goes up. In the devs minds, that means each tier of dungeons is harder than the last and exdr is reserved for the hardest tier. The problem with that assumption is when you are running these at such a high ilvl, they are all garbage easy tier.


Man, it's the day before a patch and all of you assholes are having a pissing contest about proper etiquette in dungeons that saves a few minutes at most. All we need is Tabris' "interesting" view on the matter and the convo would be complete. 15 hours remain until OT balance restored.

Edit: I'm one of the assholes btw.

how else do we pass the boredom


Not sure it's safe to assume everyone will be running these dungeons at high ilvl's though. I mean, I'm sure a fair chunk of players are, but I've ran with plenty of players that were barely eeking it out in terms of ilvl as well.

Overall I concur though. This assumption of theirs would be fine, if they ramped up the ilvl requirements more quickly. However since they only slowly increased the ilvl requirements of dungeons, and started those requirements fairly low. The bulk of the community has consistently ran ahead of the ilvl each new dungeon was balanced for. As such, it really wouldn't hurt to increase the EXDR to include six dungeons.

To be clear, I don't consider any of this a major problem.
I just bought the game and I need some help on upgrading from the ps3 version to the ps4.

In the step by step guide it says that I need to log into the Mog Station but it asks me for a one time password that I dont have. How do I get one without having to buy a security token?

Am I doing everything wrong and can someone tell me what I should do, please?


If only they could randomize trash mob spawns in dungeons, add the option to give mobs echo or whatever options to spice things up! Make players naked and earn their gear back in a dungeon, or other handicaps that can be slowly removed from beating mobs. Hello, Salvage from XI and Ultimecia's Castle from VIII!

Deviate from the formula of...
X trash mob sets with maybe a couple of doors that need to be opened -> 1st boss -> Y trash mob sets with maybe a couple of doors that need to be opened -> 2nd boss -> Z trash mob sets with maybe a couple of doors that need to be opened -> 3rd boss.


I just bought the game and I need some help on upgrading from the ps3 version to the ps4.

In the step by step guide it says that I need to log into the Mog Station but it asks me for a one time password that I dont have. How do I get one without having to buy a security token?

Am I doing everything wrong and can someone tell me what I should do, please?

if you don't have a security token you don't need to enter anything for one time password
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