My favorite patch fix haha. Explains a few things.
We had the belt.. >_>
Also seen the WoD tank chest? Det/crit lol!
Dunno how to make up for that massive acc drop tho that is if you combine em with the dread legs.
Looks can be deceiving, friend.
Why is the game down for maintenance. We just had day long maintenance.
I booked today off work.
Why is the game down for maintenance. We just had day long maintenance.
I booked today off work.
You should be used to this by now. The days after a big patch always have hiccups.
Why is the game down for maintenance. We just had day long maintenance.
I booked today off work.
What if you ride the ADS like Bugenhagen....zawa...
Also there is Red Mage Chocobo barding now.
Magic.You roll Need on the puff of darkness. 96!
You obtain a puff of darkness.
Yeeeeaaah, that thought occurred to me, and I just can't see any way to make that work. Maybe with the Dread arms and accuracy food, but it'd be super iffy. I'd prefer to T13 Tank Chest for that reason alone.
Used all 100 of my Leves... 300 of the new mats for the Lucis. Going Weaver next then Blacksmith!
Just seen the World of Darkness loot list. There's not really much useful for either my main DRG or side WAR classes. I might just get the DRG Body to save me 2 weeks of Poetic since I won't be getting any Carbontwine for a while, and they can go on my Leg or Feet first
It's both amusing and amazing that people were so hyped/starved for 2.5 and after the first day the general tone is disappointment.
Poetics body is so good though! Acc/DET!
It's both amusing and amazing that people were so hyped/starved for 2.5 and after the first day the general tone is disappointment. Disappointment is the only thing anyone should expect from SE.
Yoshida delivers eventually though
It's both amusing and amazing that people were so hyped/starved for 2.5 and after the first day the general tone is disappointment.
It's both amusing and amazing that people were so hyped/starved for 2.5 and after the first day the general tone is disappointment. Disappointment is the only thing anyone should expect from SE.
Yoshida delivers eventually though
I suspect 3 Healers/1 Tank/ 4DPS is going to be a popular set up for Odin.
I suspect 3 Healers/1 Tank/ 4DPS is going to be a popular set up for Odin.
Odin is a bitch for healers though, even more so if people keep taking avoidable dmg. I found it funish though but didn't clear it before people started leaving)
I don't know, but crafting at 3* and 4* uses some cross class skills that might as well not exist for lower levels and nothing is guaranteed HQ anymore, so you actually have to adapt on the fly instead of relying on macros.
It's much more fun than in 2.0 IMO. And this patch brings some catch up methods for people that never bothered with melding the right side before.
you don't need 3 Healers unless your DPS can't avoid AoEs.
Many of you are probably long beyond this, but what is T6/7 farming like these days? I last did it back in August sometime and the raids were pretty easy with a decent group, and it's been nerfed since. However I also imagine most of the better players have moved on and I'll be playing with people who can't avoid giving the boss stacks. Want to gear up my alt WAR though
And what about Shiva Ex? While there's nothing for my WAR there, I want both the weapon and bracelet for my DRG.
The Crystal Tower attunement questline is the perfect example of terrible design. Boring as hell objectives behind waiting for FATEs to spawn, "go here to collect item from merchant, oh wait, of COURSE it's out of stock, go here to get item.", "go to this location to collect item, oh wait, nope, it's not here because someone took it, go to THIS location instead." It's just completely stupid.
Pug healers don't cleanse bleed
That's why they made the newer ones like 30 seconds long.
There's a reason you never saw a FATE attunement following the first one.
It was fucking horrid and everyone including the devs realized it.
Pug healers don't cleanse bleed
Just seen the World of Darkness loot list. There's not really much useful for either my main DRG or side WAR classes. I might just get the DRG Body to save me 2 weeks of Poetic since I won't be getting any Carbontwine for a while, and they can go on my Leg or Feet first
All those times you yelled at Kingtut and he was on to something.
I'd be really curious to see numbers on the Odin DPS check.
Many of you are probably long beyond this, but what is T6/7 farming like these days?
And what about Shiva Ex? While there's nothing for my WAR there, I want both the weapon and bracelet for my DRG.
You can get through T6 and 7 pretty easily these days with PUG groups. Shiva just got echo so that might be slightly easier as well.
I tagged along on a T6 farm last weekend and if the group is mostly solid you can down Rafflesia with 84 minutes left on the clock; so trash+boss in six minutes or less. 7 takes longer and is more prone to hilarity but if you can get a solid group it's easily doable.
Nobody really farms 8 and I don't really pay attention to 9 farms since I still can't divebombs.
Shiva EX farm groups seem more prone to take forever per clear as people die repeatedly but it's recoverable.
The lack of anything new to really farm this patch will probably extend the life of SCoB and Shiva alt loot farms at least until Saucer hits.
I'm getting really confused at all these tanks saying nothing in WoD for them when there's two Crit/Det pieces (Chest, Boots). And to avoid more quotes, the Shiva Axe is the best of the i110-115 range weapons unless you're desperate for Accuracy + the Slaying wrist is really good..
I'll admit tanking isn't exactly my specialty. While I haven't had difficulty tanking anything I've came across, it's still secondary to my DRG. I was under the impression once you met the Acc cap, Parry was the only important stat to worry about afterwards for my WAR. So I kinda wanted the T9 HA Weapon instead.
And yeah I want the True Ice Bracelet's for my DRG!
Based on my experience, I don't think it's worth trying to leech all party bleed, most of the time it ended up with some dps or event he tank dead because not enough healing. Just Esuna the MT and heal though it.