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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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Running final coil with controller.

I really need to buy a PS4 controller.
Finally got a hand on one and it feels so good.
PS3 controller's cramped size doesn't compare.


How competently playable is this game on PS4 with a controller?

Pretty easy. Plenty of folks play this on PS4 with controller and do fine (of course you can use M/KB as well if you wish). I play on PC with my PS4 controller myself, works great to me.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I don't even know what I want out of WoD.

Also FL Slaughter sounds terrible. Haven't gotten a chance to try it yet but I'm not expecting much out of it.
Yeah, I don't think the map size and player count works. They either need to give A & C something to do on the field or reduce the map size & player count so it isn't just a free for all at mid.


How competently playable is this game on PS4 with a controller?

Completely playable. PS4 performance is about in-line with a midrange PC; there are a few weird quirks (when I do an S rank the PS4 has issues processing all the system messages going on. It doesn't Impact gameplay but there's a thirty second delay as it flashes system messages at me about being out of MP or whatever before it finally gives me the reward allocation messages) The only real shortcoming of controller is target-swapping since you can't click to target and have to cycle through either the hate list or what's on screen, which can be annoying as hell, but you can eventually get a feel for it. Any job is doable on controller but some are easier than others.


SMN is the only job that legitimately gives me pause when using controller.
But yoshiP hates them anyway so it's not like I'll use mine anytime soon!


SMN and SCH are admittedly the two jobs I unlocked and then never used because I didn't feel like trying to figure out how to make that many buttons work. There's a decent macro-heavy guide out there, but I was too lazy to bother.


T6 had the auto-wipes removed from the fight so it's pretty much now just "kill the boss before you die, guest-starring mechanics."

T7 is 99% hilarity, 1% rage.

No. Accuracy to what you need and then a fairly normal Det > Crit > SSPD (with a few breakpoints being better due to Berserk timings) allocation. Parry returns aren't that good and Parry itself isn't a reliable enough stat to warrant stacking it with how tanking / healing in this game works. If you end up with 0 +Parry in your gear, you really won't be that much harder to heal in most content, especially as a Warrior.

I meant for your Warrior~

Edit: To expand, you get a fair amount of mileage simply from doing more damage (plus Warriors get to fairly easily just ... DPS in many fights) and the Fending wrist being so-so lends itself well to being replaced for some extra Strength. If you're fully stacked VIT everywhere else, you're still well over the HP threshold you really need for most content in the game.

Basically, it's a nice piece to start getting used to trading "excess" VIT for STR so you can tank just as well as before except with better enmity generation + getting to deal more damage.


I guess I'll experiment with some different gears slots to see how it goes. I did use my Melee accessories on my WAR initially until I got some Tank ones so i might try that again. I'll have plenty of opportunity to experiment as well since even if I'm a DRG main, I spend most of my time as a WAR to avoid the god awful queue times. DRG is really for progression and first attempts. If i recall correctly, I have a 108 DRG and a ~100 WAR.

This also makes WoD a but more useful lootwise :p

How competently playable is this game on PS4 with a controller?

I think it's fine. Never had any problems with end game raids with a controller as Melee or Tank. WHM seemed fine as well from what I tried, but I only got to Lv40. Never tried SMN/SCh

Do recommend a keyboard though. Highly useful


No lol.
They melt in 20 minutes when DPS aren't lazy.

The towers were the one place i wanted to run as DPS instead of a Tank since for queue times were the other way around. But I hated playing with some god awful tanks that had no idea what to do. Especially the Glasya Labolas fight and picking up the 3 squires, so i ended up running as Tank to make sure it was done properly. Does the general DPS just skip the phase altogether now? And how is the Behemoth fight in CT? So many tanks just leading the giant to the meteors...

Nose Master


New Amdapor HM speedrun strats. >_>


SMN and SCH are admittedly the two jobs I unlocked and then never used because I didn't feel like trying to figure out how to make that many buttons work. There's a decent macro-heavy guide out there, but I was too lazy to bother.

There are players who make it work sans macro's through some wizardry

Tiv was a sch on controller doing coil with Eos on Obey even


There are players who make it work sans macro's through some wizardry

Tiv was a sch on controller doing coil with Eos on Obey even

I know you can get a lot done with multiple crossbars if you're good at on-the-fly bar swapping. I'm just not and couldn't find a good non-macro thing to get all of the pet skills for all the pets easily accessible wih minimal swapping. The macro thing I found used macros primarily to eliminate bar swapping (by macroing a chotbarcopy onto summon so that L2+R2/R2+L2 always has the relevant skills for the pet you have out, or macroing some swaps into cleric stance or whatever.)

I'm not talking about macroing actual skills/spells together; I don't even macro Swiftcast to Rez on WHM. I like to control what fires off when even if it makes no sense.


SCH is fine controller imo
It's more juggling on controller for SMN skills that makes it annoying along with moving your egi and using its skills. Just feels easier on KB/M since it's all there and you can change target quicker/more accurately.
Placing the pet sounds like a pain, and so does placing anything(like Shadow Flare). I guess for most fights though you don't really need to move the pet around too much, so that's ok, you just kinda preplace it before the fight starts and confirm the order as soon as tank pulls and you're good to go.

I wouldn't want to heal on a pad, SCH or not, but everything else seemed to work fine when I was leveling stuff and what not. Not that it can't be done, just I wouldn't want to have to heal moving around the list of people.


Suffering From Success
And how is the Behemoth fight in CT? So many tanks just leading the giant to the meteors...

If you just beat on Behemoth as hard as you can you'll push phases so hard additional Iron Golems won't even spawn - they don't if you don't kill the one you have and during the third Ecliptic Meteor Behe should be dead. At least that's how it should go.

I'm not talking about macroing actual skills/spells together; I don't even macro Swiftcast to Rez on WHM. I like to control what fires off when even if it makes no sense.
I find that "Swiftcast and Raise go together" to be largely a misguided concept. There's frankly situations where you can use Swiftcast for better purposes - like when you're moving and can't stop but firing off that Medica II is crucial (T9, Odin, and frankly just about any movement-high encounter) or when you want to stoneskin somebody fast, like in T10. And Stoneskin II now too, it's such a bother to recast it fully between pulls. What about Raise? Well I don't expect you to die so you shouldn't!
I find that "Swiftcast and Raise go together" to be largely a misguided concept. There's frankly situations where you can use Swiftcast for better purposes - like when you're moving and can't stop but firing off that Medica II is crucial (T9, Odin, and frankly just about any movement-high encounter) or when you want to stoneskin somebody fast, like in T10. And Stoneskin II now too, it's such a bother to recast it fully between pulls. What about Raise? Well I don't expect you to die so you shouldn't!

Putting swiftcast and rez together doesn't mean you can't use swiftcast for other stuff. I really don't see a situation where you would want to hard cast a rez if swiftcast is up though, besides maybe as a WHM with the spellspeed buff+selene speed buff so you can get like 4secs rez or whatever. As a SCH though, if I need to rez, I need it to be swiftcasted if possible. If it's not up, the macro still works to rez. And the macro also works to swiftcast and not cast rez if your target isn't dead. Just can't queue it(that's why I have swiftcast on another key for when I need to do other swiftcasts).


Well, I'll be damned. The story actually got interesting (2.5 spoilers):

Midgardsorm is outright disappointed that our avatar is not gifted but choosen, litteraly hijacks Hyadelyn, severing our connection to her, and decides to tag along with us while regenerating his body, becoming a mandatory pet of some sort, because he's Midgardsorm, that's why. He is completly detached and so full of disdain (heck, all the names of his attacks during the fight against him convey how much contempt he feels towards us). He is not our pet: our avatar is Midgardsorm's pet. A physical god is now bossing us around, and for all we know we are going to further his own agenda (the details of our "covenant" with him are not very clear). Also, dude got a badass theme. Awesome.

Too bad Nabrales was used as a cheap plot device to speed up things a bit and then discarded immediatly. Finally a no-nonsense dude who goes straight for the kill and who waste no time pushing his advantage. His boss battle is also actually slightly difficult, which is a nice change after the zero-effort boss that was Lahabrea (though we are no longer blessed with Hyadelin's power, so there's that I guess).
I do wonder if there will be another trial in part 2 of the main quest scenario. I feel like they're not gonna treat it like a normal side patch like the others.


Well, I'll be damned. The story actually got interesting (2.5 spoilers):

Midgardsorm is outright disappointed that our avatar is not gifted but choosen, litteraly hijacks Hyadelyn, severing our connection to her, and decides to tag along with us while regenerating his body, becoming a mandatory pet of some sort, because he's Midgardsorm, that's why. He is completly detached and so full of disdain (heck, all the names of his attacks during the fight against him convey how much contempt he feels towards us). He is not our pet: our avatar is Midgardsorm's pet. A physical god is now bossing us around, and for all we know we are going to further his own agenda (the details of our "covenant" with him are not very clear). Also, dude got a badass theme. Awesome.

Too bad Nabrales was used as a cheap plot device to speed up things a bit and then discarded immediatly. Finally a no-nonsense dude who goes straight for the kill and who waste no time pushing his advantage. His boss battle is also actually slightly difficult, which is a nice change after the zero-effort boss that was Lahabrea (though we are no longer blessed with Hyadelin's power, so there's that I guess).

Oh man I really need to get in gear.


You guys weren't kidding when you said Gladiator/Paladin was boring because I'm level 29 now and I've only had to use 2 skills outside of dungeons where I used like 4. Also, none of the DPS ever attack the target I mark :<.


You guys weren't kidding when you said Gladiator/Paladin was boring because I'm level 29 now and I've only had to use 2 skills outside of dungeons where I used like 4. Also, none of the DPS ever attack the target I mark :<.

GLD pre Rage of Halone/Shield Oath is suffering.
When you run out of MP Fast Blade > Riot Blade > FLASH > Fast > Riot > Flash etc


GLD pre Rage of Halone/Shield Oath is suffering.
When you run out of MP Fast Blade > Riot Blade > FLASH > Fast > Riot > Flash etc

I'm supposed to just spam Flash in dungeons? I was using it in-between Fast > Savage rotations targeting the mobs 1 by 1. I have Rage of Halone now but it takes awhile to do the combo when the other 2 assholes are targeting different mobs annoying the hell out of me.


You guys weren't kidding when you said Gladiator/Paladin was boring because I'm level 29 now and I've only had to use 2 skills outside of dungeons where I used like 4. Also, none of the DPS ever attack the target I mark :<.

I wanna tank Shiva so I'm gonna have to level my 22 GLD to get Awareness, and I may as well finish it. It's not gonna be fun at all. I've got months worth of blue bar though so it should last me till 50 hopefully.

I also found marking was useful pre-50 dungeons, but afterwards I never bothered. You don't need marking with better players. It's there for those DPS who aren't all that experienced and need a bit of help. You're 29 though so if you still come across DPS who attack different/wrong targets, then it's just because they're shit. If they keep doing it i usually just say I mark them for a reason and tell them off!

I'm supposed to just spam Flash in dungeons? I was using it in-between Fast > Savage rotations targeting the mobs 1 by 1. I have Rage of Halone now but it takes awhile to do the combo when the other 2 assholes are targeting different mobs annoying the hell out of me.

Do you rotate your combo? As in Fast on one enemy, Savage on another and Halone on someone different? Levelling a WAR is so much easier not only due to increased damage/aggro, but Overpower is cheating as well. Defiance alao comes a lot earlier then Shield Oath


I wanna tank Shiva so I'm gonna have to level my 22 GLD to get Awareness, and I may as well finish it. It's not gonna be fun at all. I've got months worth of blue bar though so it should last me till 50 hopefully.

I also found marking was useful pre-50 dungeons, but afterwards I never bothered. You don't need marking with better players. It's there for those DPS who aren't all that experienced and need a bit of help. You're 29 though so if you still come across DPS who attack different/wrong targets, then it's just because they're shit. If they keep doing it i usually just say I mark them for a reason and tell them off!

Do you rotate your combo? As in Fast on one enemy, Savage on another and Halone on someone different?

I do usually, it depends if I feel like I'm going to lose them. For the most part I can hold the targets fine, it's just my first time through the dungeons and having 2 people attack different targets makes it a little more hectic for me. Actually, I should be thankful because I guess that helps me deal with situations in the future better anyway.

It would be easier if I had a way of testing my abilities with a meter to gauge them but AFAIK I can't do that on the PS4.


I'm supposed to just spam Flash in dungeons? I was using it in-between Fast > Savage rotations targeting the mobs 1 by 1. I have Rage of Halone now but it takes awhile to do the combo when the other 2 assholes are targeting different mobs annoying the hell out of me.

Honestly whatever holds hate in the earliest levels.
Normally I just swap targets between combos iirc on those low level dungons.

Flash forever works too, but you can normally reserve that for larger groups. Either way, just keep trucking till you get halone, then you rotate targets and land that combo as you go on each (at times swapping mid combo too as needed) Low level GLD is legitimately terrible though. There's nothing to be done about it.
to whoever decided that it was a good idea to put zodiac drops in aurum vale and dzemael darkhold.


got my vale bubo yesterday. but sweet jesus it was a pain in the rear due to the new/inexperienced players turning the 25-30 minutes clear into 50.

I do wonder if there will be another trial in part 2 of the main quest scenario. I feel like they're not gonna treat it like a normal side patch like the others.

at the end of the 2.5 trailer
there was a dragon that flew into whitebrim i think
Hello, GAF company. Thanks again for the invite. I've been playing so much that my account security is already under suspicion after one day of the full game, haha.


This doesn't seem to work for me. :/ What's up with that?

I'm not sure why you'd be trying to intentionally trigger this? It takes effect if you pick up a triple turn-in, turn it in once or twice, and then abandon it. If you just want to force rewards to shuffle, you can just complete it when you do the one turn in; they just changed it so you can no longer abandon and pick it back up with the same rewards attached to generate infinite shards.
I watched a video on Titan Extreme and there's too much to remember for when you're actually playing.

Also there's no explanation for where to stand to avoid his Sumo Slam attack. They said to stand behind his butt but later on they do the same thing and still get pushed back numerous times.

Also they don't say where to go to avoid the bombs. They just seems to stand in them and take no damage when they explode.

If anyone complains about the DF group not being 1337 perfect players I'm just going to remind them that I'm willing to work on the fight to get things down but if they can't deal with not getting things perfect first time around they can enjoy their 30 minute re-queue.


I watched a video on Titan Extreme and there's too much to remember for when you're actually playing.

Also there's no explanation for where to stand to avoid his Sumo Slam attack. They said to stand behind his butt but later on they do the same thing and still get pushed back numerous times.

Also they don't say where to go to avoid the bombs. They just seems to stand in them and take no damage when they explode.

If anyone complains about the DF group not being 1337 perfect players I'm just going to remind them that I'm willing to work on the fight to get things down but if they can't deal with not getting things perfect first time around they can enjoy their 30 minute re-queue.

Did a bunch of primals to death and I can't remember Titan EX anymore in full tbh

Just the song which I can never put lyrics to ingame.

Just go in with the mentality that the DF prob won't oneshot and you're golden imo.


Honestly whatever holds hate in the earliest levels.
Normally I just swap targets between combos iirc on those low level dungons.

Flash forever works too, but you can normally reserve that for larger groups. Either way, just keep trucking till you get halone, then you rotate targets and land that combo as you go on each (at times swapping mid combo too as needed) Low level GLD is legitimately terrible though. There's nothing to be done about it.

All right, thanks for the tips then. I'll have to level a Conjurer soon and I'm not looking forward to that at all.
I watched a video on Titan Extreme and there's too much to remember for when you're actually playing.

Also there's no explanation for where to stand to avoid his Sumo Slam attack. They said to stand behind his butt but later on they do the same thing and still get pushed back numerous times.

Also they don't say where to go to avoid the bombs. They just seems to stand in them and take no damage when they explode.

If anyone complains about the DF group not being 1337 perfect players I'm just going to remind them that I'm willing to work on the fight to get things down but if they can't deal with not getting things perfect first time around they can enjoy their 30 minute re-queue.

You have to stand behind him, because it will push you EVERYTIME. If you stand to the side, or in front, or away from him, that means you get pushed off the platform. Right behind him is the position that offers the most space between you and the edge, which is why you go there.

The bombs depends on the pattern. One of the pattern, you have to stand in the bomb that explodes last, then wait for first bombs to explode and move in that spot after they explode but before the 2nd set explodes(that's the hard bomb part). This is similar to titan hm tbh, when he does those 3 lines, you stand in the last line dropped until he does landslide/middle line explode, then move to middle.

You want to watch a better guide if you didn't get these 2 though. Some are really detailed, some aren't. Understanding why you're supposed to do something is a lot better way to learn to do it properly than just doing something because you're told.

Do note that regardless of how much you know about the fight, your chances of beating Titan EX in DF are extremely low.
Did a bunch of primals to death and I can't remember Titan EX anymore in full tbh

Just the song which I can never put lyrics to ingame.

Just go in with the mentality that the DF prob won't oneshot and you're golden imo.

I fully expect to wipe multiple times. My issue is with other people who complain that the boss isn't dead after the first try.

The most toxic people I've encountered were in my first and only Titan (Hard) run. So I'm kind of expecting to see the same kind of thing again.


I watched a video on Titan Extreme and there's too much to remember for when you're actually playing.

Also there's no explanation for where to stand to avoid his Sumo Slam attack. They said to stand behind his butt but later on they do the same thing and still get pushed back numerous times.

Also they don't say where to go to avoid the bombs. They just seems to stand in them and take no damage when they explode.

Look up another video. You won't remember it all at first, it takes repetition.

You stack behind Titan because knockback is inevitable, the goal is to not get knocked off.

You dodge different Bombs differently--except for superbombs; you can't dodge that you have to kill a bomb and make a safe spot.

Expect Titan EX to take time and patience; I spent a full month in DF and never got past adds way after Titan stopped being relevant. Gear takes some of the edge off, but Titan EX in DF is still going to suck. Get experience and then PF it or run with FC people to clear.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Hello, GAF company. Thanks again for the invite. I've been playing so much that my account security is already under suspicion after one day of the full game, haha.

Ha, did you actually get some kind of notice? That's crazy. I was playing pretty hardcore my first couple weeks, I'm surprised I didn't get flagged.


I'm not sure why you'd be trying to intentionally trigger this?

Glacier Shards for Fisher Lucis.

It takes effect if you pick up a triple turn-in, turn it in once or twice, and then abandon it. If you just want to force rewards to shuffle, you can just complete it when you do the one turn in; they just changed it so you can no longer abandon and pick it back up with the same rewards attached to generate infinite shards.

Ah, I see. Thanks. :/


I watched a video on Titan Extreme and there's too much to remember for when you're actually playing.

Also there's no explanation for where to stand to avoid his Sumo Slam attack. They said to stand behind his butt but later on they do the same thing and still get pushed back numerous times.

Also they don't say where to go to avoid the bombs. They just seems to stand in them and take no damage when they explode.

If anyone complains about the DF group not being 1337 perfect players I'm just going to remind them that I'm willing to work on the fight to get things down but if they can't deal with not getting things perfect first time around they can enjoy their 30 minute re-queue.

Okay here goes from what i remember. It's been a while.

Landslides are pretty straightforward

Initially there's usually a side where there are no bombs. Just move accordingly and be ready to dodge the Landslide. later though for bombs pay attention when and where they spawn, more specifically the ones that spawn first. If they spawn say Middle, Left, Right, you can safely stand on the Right and wait for the Middle ones to explode. Once they do move Middle and you're good. It's the same for the ones that spawn with the adds in a cross shape. You see which bombs spawn first, so stand inside the bombs that spawn later, and once the first bombs explode, quickly move and stand exactly where they were. You'll be safe. Finally There'll be a time when the entire arena is full of bombs. you'll need to quickly kill one and stand in the spot it was. Be mindful of the Weight of the Lands you'll need to dodge while killing the bomb.

That Sumo Slam Attack where he raises his Leg and knocks you back. Think of his circle field icon on the floor when locked on. Directly from the middle, stand a tiny amount back. You always get knocked back regardless, but you won't fall off as long as you get knocked straight back and not at an angle. Also here don't be too quick to free the healer from the jail. Wait for the Landslide otherwise Healer may be freed and knocked off.

Weight of the Land or Plumes. All Characters bar the current Tank should be standing on the exact same spot in order to force the Plumes to all spawn on the same area. This makes it easier to dodge. Just don't do any actions that prevent you from moving for a while such as Jump. Later in the fight you'll have 2 back to back, so quickly dodge one, then go back to where you were.

I get the feeling here's another mechanic I'm forgetting but I can't remember what it is! Either way that's how I handled it and it was pretty 2nd nature after a while. You'll slowly figure out his pattern and know ahead of time when a Landslide or Plume is coming. Also note if you ever are in a position where you are safe from bombs but a Landslide comes your way, dodge the Landslide and move back. You are given enough time
Had an FC mate tell some DRG to stop being a jerk in Greg EX and the DRG asked him to log into Twitch and apologize to him and his twitch chat.

Turns out its that guy who yelled "Do you even PVP bro" like an idiot at the Fanfest.
We had some 30 people in the vent laughing their ass off. Some of these DF are too much.

I know this is late but LOL. That guy is on my server. He can be cool sometimes though
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