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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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Just to touch on something that happened last night.

Being that WoD is new, and a trial with a LOT of people, don't expect Speedruns where you can pull without a ready check, while people are still outside the boundary. Actions like that are liable to actually slow you down more than anything at this point. Some people kept doing that in WoD last night, as the fights were being explained to new people.

Granted, these people were trolling, seeing as they were pulling before Ready Checks were done, then leaving the boundary while people were stuck inside. Still, it's sound advice, until more people have done WoD it's good to be patient before pulls.


I have yet to run a WoD where we didn't wipe a couple times on at least one boss.
I've seen multiple single digit % wipes. Week one, we're all suffering out here. Doesn't mean you get to be a shit about it.
Yeah, I don't think the map size and player count works. They either need to give A & C something to do on the field or reduce the map size & player count so it isn't just a free for all at mid.

I agree with this. As it stands now Slaughter is an awful game mode which is primarily ruled by ranged damage dealers. Not even being a tank will save you from the Cometeor onslaught. I even tried with a full VIT build WAR with defiance up for shits and giggles, and still I got my shit pushed in the moment I tried to "step off my island". You know somethings up when not even the tank LB will save your life :/

I'll probably stick to secure/Wolves Den for the foreseeable future. I'm just dumbstruck at how they thought a full on 72 man melee in the center was a good idea, cause as it stands now there's very little reason for the others alli's to even go out and fight the mobs popping at the markets/temple/manors or what have you.


Haven't even bothered with Slaughter.
Is it just straight up Deathmatch mode?
What does a normal game look like? Just wiping the floor with dudes?


Well, I'll be damned. The story actually got interesting (2.5 spoilers):

Midgardsorm is outright disappointed that our avatar is not gifted but choosen, litteraly hijacks Hyadelyn, severing our connection to her, and decides to tag along with us while regenerating his body, becoming a mandatory pet of some sort, because he's Midgardsorm, that's why. He is completly detached and so full of disdain (heck, all the names of his attacks during the fight against him convey how much contempt he feels towards us). He is not our pet: our avatar is Midgardsorm's pet. A physical god is now bossing us around, and for all we know we are going to further his own agenda (the details of our "covenant" with him are not very clear). Also, dude got a badass theme. Awesome.

Too bad Nabrales was used as a cheap plot device to speed up things a bit and then discarded immediatly. Finally a no-nonsense dude who goes straight for the kill and who waste no time pushing his advantage. His boss battle is also actually slightly difficult, which is a nice change after the zero-effort boss that was Lahabrea (though we are no longer blessed with Hyadelin's power, so there's that I guess).

Midgardsormr was the best part of the story. He points out something really important I think, that the PC is essentially a tool for other characters. Something that has really kept me from feeling invested in the story. I've never felt like a "hero of light", I feel like a glorified errand boy or hired gun. We never do anything for ourselves. "Art thou a pawn, or a master of thy fate?" - it's like a medieval "A man chooses, a slave obeys". It's actually been implied before that we are essentially tempered by Hyladalen, what if that really is the case? Hydalaen, the Scions, pretty much everyone we interact with in the story are our Fontaine. It would be amazing if the story moved towards us breaking free of that control, making our own choices and actually achieving something for ourselves without relying on the "blessing of light". I'm probably hoping for too much on that end though, the MMO format kind of holds the story back in that regard.

As for the finale with Nabriales, the fight was amazing but the conclusion pissed me right the hell off. Moenbryda was one of the only scions I liked, and she was seemingly introduced just to be killed off for a sense of false drama(the giant Urianger exposition explaining her past post-death was laughable). It should of been Minfillia who died, and honestly the whole scene feels like it was set up for that but they didn't do it because she's a popular character. I really have grown to hate her though, so maybe I am biased myself. She is utterly useless, and her actions make no logical sense. You'll hold onto the staff for safe keeping? YOU? Are you fucking kidding me? Give me the goddamn thing, you can't do anything.
I agree with this. As it stands now Slaughter is an awful game mode which is primarily ruled by ranged damage dealers. Not even being a tank will save you from the Cometeor onslaught. I even tried with a full VIT build WAR with defiance up for shits and giggles, and still I got my shit pushed in the moment I tried to "step off my island". You know somethings up when not even the tank LB will save your life :/

I'll probably stick to secure/Wolves Den for the foreseeable future. I'm just dumbstruck at how they thought a full on 72 man melee in the center was a good idea, cause as it stands now there's very little reason for the others alli's to even go out and fight the mobs popping at the markets/temple/manors or what have you.

ranged always had an edge in frontlines. I havent played slaughter yet, but if the new LB system is like the old one, it's gonna be damn near impossible to dodge them since you could barely dodge LBs in Secure. I was hoping for a new map, but seeing as how they didnt show one I am disappointed in that aspect too.


I have yet to run a WoD where we didn't wipe a couple times on at least one boss.
I've seen multiple single digit % wipes. Week one, we're all suffering out here. Doesn't mean you get to be a shit about it.

Oh, I agree, and indeed some wipes are to be expected. However, in these runs, people were dying super early in the fights, and they asked for an explanation of mechanics. So it was super frustrating to see the same people pulling early again and again and again, no matter how many times I asked them to stop so I could fully explain the fights.

But, oh well, it's in the past now, and hopefully I won't get many people trolling like that in the future.

Also worth noting: The alliance that was doing this, was also actively mocking the other two alliances for not clearing T13. So yeah, this was some really blatant trolling.


Controller controls are really good in this game imo. A keyboard for typing is recommended though.

Pretty easy. Plenty of folks play this on PS4 with controller and do fine (of course you can use M/KB as well if you wish). I play on PC with my PS4 controller myself, works great to me.

Completely playable. PS4 performance is about in-line with a midrange PC; there are a few weird quirks (when I do an S rank the PS4 has issues processing all the system messages going on. It doesn't Impact gameplay but there's a thirty second delay as it flashes system messages at me about being out of MP or whatever before it finally gives me the reward allocation messages) The only real shortcoming of controller is target-swapping since you can't click to target and have to cycle through either the hate list or what's on screen, which can be annoying as hell, but you can eventually get a feel for it. Any job is doable on controller but some are easier than others.

I think it's fine. Never had any problems with end game raids with a controller as Melee or Tank. WHM seemed fine as well from what I tried, but I only got to Lv40. Never tried SMN/SCh

Do recommend a keyboard though. Highly useful

Thanks for the replies everyone, I picked it up before the 20 Years of PlayStation sale ended and plan on using the DS4 + BlueTooth keyboard for chat.

Going to try out Black Mage first and see how it goes.


It would be easier if I had a way of testing my abilities with a meter to gauge them but AFAIK I can't do that on the PS4.

This is actually something you can check. There's a meter in-game on the party list that shows you the enmity of the party on your current target.

It would be amazing if the story moved towards us breaking free of that control, making our own choices and actually achieving something for ourselves without relying on the "blessing of light". I'm probably hoping for too much on that end though, the MMO format kind of holds the story back in that regard.

Yeah, it could do that but
but the MMO format would pretty much just reset it as we follow someone else. It is nice seeing dragonbro just being there to point out all the problems with our character as they exist in the story, though. I just hope it actually continues it as opposed to "lol nah its okay here you go back to normal~"


My WoD run last night went from terrible to great, then right back to terrible, but then hilarious. The first trash mob went well, but things fell apart at the first boss. No one explained the mechanics so we wiped. It was a recurring thing really. Someone in another alliance got mad about the group wiping, and had to be reminded that this dungeon had only been around for under 12 hours, so chill out. But the overall group was ok enough that though we wiped, once the mechanics were explained, we beat the bosses with less trouble.

But the last boss fight was just hilarious. Mostly because a healer in another alliance deemed herself chief strategist, and began to bark orders at everyone in the most hilariously passive aggressive, yet kind, way. It was just funny to see an all caps "GET IN THE GODDAMN METEORS!" pop up randomly. Had me cracking up.

And I scored a sweet pair of boots, so I think I'm done with WoD for the week. But it was a slightly frustrating, but overall really fun, first run.


My second WoD went... bad, sort of because I forgot to repair my gear and it began breaking at the second to last boss.

Though it was worth it, I did get my chest piece... After all ninja gear dropping. :/

Though I have a problem now...

(Ignore the height difference, I accidently zoomed out)

This is how I looked before ------------------------- ------------------------------- After


Debating if I should cast glamour on my new chest piece...


Utterly ruined by somebody explaining the mechanics.

Mixed feelings about this. I can certainly understand the desire to go in blind, but maaaan, you gotta hit content like this fast for that to work. Granted, first day should be fast enough. Conversely though, some people want an explanation, and it's kinda difficult to explain it to only one person while keeping everyone else blind.

Also, heard you switched servers again. Hope you find a place that fits your needs, you'll be missed.
ranged always had an edge in frontlines. I havent played slaughter yet, but if the new LB system is like the old one, it's gonna be damn near impossible to dodge them since you could barely dodge LBs in Secure. I was hoping for a new map, but seeing as how they didnt show one I am disappointed in that aspect too.

Ranged never had the overwhelming advantage they have now or any advantage that couldn't be dealt with by proper usage of PvP skills. You could easily deal with one or two of them as DRG or WAR, pop a few CDs, some jumps to close the distance, various stuns, Holmgang or whatever when they try to run, pop a few TP regen items/abilities and sprint for the final chase down to finish the job, and that would be that. Now though? Step a tile and half over and be met with a flurry of death Cometeor style.

Melee and tanks definitely got the short end of the stick in this game mode.
Do any of you guys know where/how to unlock the Odin trial? Are there any quest pre-requisites to do beforehand?

Also, does anyone know where the new Hildibrand quest line picks up from? :O

Any guidance would be super appreciated!! <3

I did WoD right after the patch was done, so nobody knew what they were doing. It was pretty hilarious, but we somehow got through it LOL. And I walked off with some nice new Demon Boots of Healing, which I was happy about :3.


Realistically everyone is going to drop hints left and right going into a 24 man raid. It's inevitable that someone will completely screw the pooch with a mechanic and you're left holding the reigns on a one way trip to wipeville.

WoD is an excruciatingly long instance, I can at least understand not wanting to wipe to every single little mechanic. Mortal Gaze alone obliterates so many healers/tanks it's insane.


Suffering From Success
This is why WoD was the first thing I did after logging on!



Odin is picked up by Adder's Nest in Gridania provided you did this quest chain.

My big WoD beef was somebody in my first run (started before anyone had finished) trying to get and share Cloud of Darkness strategies before we pulled it because we 'only' had 30 minutes left. He got shut down, but it was annoying. Failure is OK sometimes and we'd been progressing enough that 30 minutes for one boss was fine. I guess it's different once you have mixed groups, but when everyone is new it's time to calm the hell down.


Oh, so in this patch Minfilla
gets kidnapped by an Ascian and has to watch has whatshername sacrifice herself to power the blade of aether.

Is she trying to win some award for the worst leader ever? Has she EVER done anything worthwhile?

??? was pretty easy by the way. Got it the second time.


Odin is picked up by Adder's Nest in Gridania provided you did this quest chain.

My big WoD beef was somebody in my first run (started before anyone had finished) trying to get and share Cloud of Darkness strategies before we pulled it because we 'only' had 30 minutes left. He got shut down, but it was annoying. Failure is OK sometimes and we'd been progressing enough that 30 minutes for one boss was fine. I guess it's different once you have mixed groups, but when everyone is new it's time to calm the hell down.

Cloud is like a 10 minute fight though. That's like two tries if it's a new group.


This is why WoD was the first thing I did after logging on!

Partly why I did so as well. Also, because I knew it and Odin were going to be the new pieces of content I'd re-run the most after the first few days, so I figured getting them down quickly would be a good idea.


Cloud is like a 10 minute fight though. That's like two tries if it's a new group.

It was enough time for us to wipe twice (I think), outline what we needed to do differently, kill it, and still have 10 minutes left. There was no reason for somebody to try to get us to wait so he could get information from somebody who'd cleared 20 minutes ago to spoil the fight, especially since Cloud was extremely straightforward and nobody else in the alliance seemed stressed for time. If 23 people seem to be okay with the risk to preserve the experience, I'm not sure why 1 guy would need to mess with that.


Odin is picked up by Adder's Nest in Gridania provided you did this quest chain.

My big WoD beef was somebody in my first run (started before anyone had finished) trying to get and share Cloud of Darkness strategies before we pulled it because we 'only' had 30 minutes left. He got shut down, but it was annoying. Failure is OK sometimes and we'd been progressing enough that 30 minutes for one boss was fine. I guess it's different once you have mixed groups, but when everyone is new it's time to calm the hell down.

I had to turn alliance chat off when I ran WoD the first time. I couldn't even discuss things in my party because the guy telling everyone how to do shit was my tank.


There are players who make it work sans macro's through some wizardry

Tiv was a sch on controller doing coil with Eos on Obey even

I also do, and the only macro I really use is the rouse+ whispering dawn one. Honestly, one hotbar plus the ones you get by holding together L2 + R2 are more than enough spots.


Ultimately it doesn't seem to matter most times since people wipe hard anyway on their first shot. You could give all the tips in the world but people will still step in the fire till they see it.
It was enough time for us to wipe twice (I think), outline what we needed to do differently, kill it, and still have 10 minutes left. There was no reason for somebody to try to get us to wait so he could get information from somebody who'd cleared 20 minutes ago to spoil the fight, especially since Cloud was extremely straightforward and nobody else in the alliance seemed stressed for time. If 23 people seem to be okay with the risk to preserve the experience, I'm not sure why 1 guy would need to mess with that.

Yeah cloud mechanics wise is basically a single wipe worth of info. Might take a second for people to get used to everything/make sure they pay attention to the "meteors EVERYWHERE" phase but yeah. I cleared it about an hour after server up, no one mentionned any strats and we only wiped once to everything(including atomos). It was a very good group though, DPS was mostly on point and I saw a lot of people actively looking for mechanics and how stuff worked on the first try rather than push max DPS and try to brute force then sitting there like "well, now what". After every try, several people had each noticed single specific mechanics which put together was all the fight. It was really nice.

I was in another group where apparently 2 groups of a FC went in and they told us they'd give it one go blind, then to explain mechanics. I think they mostly wanted to see the fight firsthand without any prior knowledge and see if they could figure out the mechanics on their own before being spoiled. It was the fastest clear of WoD I had, we never wiped after explaining mechanics and everyone in my group(a few of which had already cleared) were fine with that.

Not every run went smoothly though, but eh.


Tried to login to SE website in order to see a few things before I resubscribe. Password failed. When trying to reset password it said my email didn't exist :(

Contacted SE support with the problem but I wonder if my account has been hijacked. never used that same password anywhere else though

EDIT: Or not? My password worked all of a sudden. I decided to setup a One Time Password on my Android. But if i go password reset section it still says my email doesn't exist, even if I copy and paste it from the Account Information. Oh well at least I'm in!
Thanks for the advice. I did a random DF group and we ended up vote abandoning with 25 minutes left because multiple people wanted to leave for hunts or something like that.

I feel comfortable up to the heart phase. Also MTing him is hard as he hits me for a ton of damage. I don't know if I can survive up to 3 Mountain Buster stacks.


Thanks for the advice. I did a random DF group and we ended up vote abandoning with 25 minutes left because multiple people wanted to leave for hunts or something like that.

I feel comfortable up to the heart phase. Also MTing him is hard as he hits me for a ton of damage. I don't know if I can survive up to 3 Mountain Buster stacks.

With a high enough ilvl, dead DPS and a single healer left standing.
Anything is possible my friend. This is DF, cast reason aside.
Tried to login to SE website in order to see a few things before I resubscribe. Password failed. When trying to reset password it said my email didn't exist :(

Contacted SE support with the problem but I wonder if my account has been hijacked. never used that same password anywhere else though

Might be on the wrong site, SE stuff is weird. Try the mogstation site, that's where all the FFXIV account stuff is.


Thanks for the advice. I did a random DF group and we ended up vote abandoning with 25 minutes left because multiple people wanted to leave for hunts or something like that.

I feel comfortable up to the heart phase. Also MTing him is hard as he hits me for a ton of damage. I don't know if I can survive up to 3 Mountain Buster stacks.

PLD or WAR? What iLevel is your Gear on the left side? Either way Titan Ex can be solo tanked relatively easy enough, but tank swapping works until then. Are you taking the hits or mitigating the damage with inner beast or other cooldowns?

Might be on the wrong site, SE stuff is weird. Try the mogstation site, that's where all the FFXIV account stuff is.
Yeah i tried that and it worked. It was at the FFXIV homepage where it failed to recognise it
If I switch GC's do I lose my rankings when I switch back?

if you switch gc's, it resets your rank since technically you're starting at the beginning with the new GC. however your status/rank/seals from your old GC is kept. So if you're rank 30 in Maelstrom and switch to Flames, you'll start at the bottom in the Flames GC (lowest pve rank (ie gotta do the dungeons again), and pvp rank), but if you switch back to Mael it's like you never left other than seals going towards Flames. Also you can't use the seals that you got on your previous GC


The reward for Valentione quests this time is a barding, what the hell.
I want Edvya.

Edyva is girls day and will most likely be cashshop only here on out.

and lol if you're with me in any instance that I've cleared, you're very damn well gonna get an explanation of the mechanics from me as I want to wipe the least amount as possible.


Trying to decide if I want to be an Archer or Conjurer... I guess the beauty is that at level 10 I can do whatever right?

Pretty much. As far as i can recall, starting class only affects your starting city and the initial parts of your main quest line until they converge.

Besides ultimately whatever class you pick is gonna need to level other classes as well. An Archer will need to be a partial Monk and Dragoon, while a Conjurer will eventually need to go down the Black Mage path and so on. that's just for the extra skills never mind the class you need to get to 15 in order to access your Job such as Bard or White Mage
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