Judging from people's response this seems like a matter of taste. I don't mind the cheesy attack calling but I can see why some would, and as long as nothing of importance is lost the translation doesn't bother me. The wording in that KoL conversation change bothers me more, but even that I can honestly see as a taste thing, and the below link is a sufficient explanation for the change. I come away with the same overall knowledge. The main difference is Midgardsormr seems way more...human? I guess in the JPN text. It's very wordy and his giant (unneeded) exposition feels like a rant you'd hear from any random character. In English he comes off far more dignified, and in a way separate from other characters - like he really is above what is going on and is a being beyond us, which sounds like was the intention.You see this isn't the first time they make dubious changes that in my opinion take the wind out of the effect intended by original writers which is something the translation should absolutely not do.
And now this. It just makes me question how much of the translation misses small details like this.
Fern must read GAF.
I uh, think you missed the point of the discussion.I had no issues with the way he spoke with your character. People are just whiny!
if you switch gc's, it resets your rank since technically you're starting at the beginning with the new GC. however your status/rank/seals from your old GC is kept. So if you're rank 30 in Maelstrom and switch to Flames, you'll start at the bottom in the Flames GC (lowest pve rank (ie gotta do the dungeons again), and pvp rank), but if you switch back to Mael it's like you never left other than seals going towards Flames. Also you can't use the seals that you got on your previous GC
stuff of nightmares.
So how is this not making things up? This is something that English side did and is completely misrepresented in Japanese then.
Somehow, highly intelligent dragons are unable to express themselves in more than a few words because they're... old?
I don't get it.
It's not misrepresented from Japanese because the dragons' language is not Japanese nor derived from Japanese. The dragons' language itself is also bering re-interpreted to Japanese and, in a sense, Koji-Fox describes the power of the Echo as a "localization".
Yeah, but you have to write dialogue in a way the viewer would understand. The discrepancy in characterization is there. In Japanese, there is no special stylistic alternation to Mid's speech except for pseudoarchaic speech used quite widely for characters of such type. But in English, an extra characterization idea is brought in. Again, I shall point you to how players get a strikingly different impression from the dialogue even though the overall meaning, as you and K-F claim, is unchanged.
Why don't you address your concerns in that OF thread then?
What about my standing within that gc, ie first class lieutenant.
Yeah, but you have to write dialogue in a way the viewer would understand. The discrepancy in characterization is there. In Japanese, there is no special stylistic alternation to Mid's speech except for pseudoarchaic speech used quite widely for characters of such type. But in English, an extra characterization idea is brought in. Again, I shall point you to how players get a strikingly different impression from the dialogue even though the overall meaning, as you and K-F claim, is unchanged.
Ran WoD and got my tank boots ... should I bother running again for the minion though? I mean, I can't get any more parts (Tank legs dropped after that and my heart took a blow. IDK if I can stand missing out on the chest ) but I want that minion :/
My alt's luck is p bad too.World of Darkness has broken my spirit.
My alt's luck is p bad too.
Hey guys, my GAF account just got approved, is GAF still playing this game? I wanna join GAF's free company (Ultros server) if its okay.
My character is a level 40 Marauder & I'm relatively an MMO noob (the last MMO I played extensively was WoW when it first came out).
I'm loving the game so far, the only thing I hate about it is the clunky targeting system on PS4 (it gets overwhelming when there are 5+ enemies on screen, but I'm learning) & the dreadful mini-map.
In the endis a dick. I don't think anyone can argue against that.Midgardsormr
So I just fiiinally finished the Animus version of my spear after doing those stupid books for like 2 weeks. I got the thing and thought "boy this thing glows, I must be getting close to the end of this quest line!" Then I looked up how much of the quest line there is still to go...
The Alexandrite step is now much much shorter (well unless you're going for full crit/det and you're broke ;_and the Novus step has been nerfed too, so it's not nearly as bad as it was before.
I had no idea people were so up in arms over Mid. He just seems like an old jerk.
That T13 tank damage..
Had our first practise night yesterday and add phase has been reached!
Back in tonight for some more awesome stuff.
There's 2 add phases, Phase 2 and 3.
I saw 6 belts today. 6 belts in 3 runs
How are you targeting them. There are two ways. 1 uses the dpad and the other uses the shoulder buttons
You can target with the shoulder buttons? How? & Does it help in targeting only the enemies that have high enmity towards someone else? When there are 5+ enemies & two DPS party members with skills that raise enmity, it can be pretty frustrating to keep 3 enemies on me while pulling the other two enemies back.
Don't suppose anyone has any links to 3* rotations? I finally got the stats to start doing them, but the two 80 durability rotations I found don't seem to work in the crafting simulator (doesn't reach 100% progress). So I'm wondering if these rotations are wrong or I'm missing something.
i think it's l2/r2+r1/l2. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/win/manual/#gamepad_mode. rotates between nearest enemy to farthest or vice versa. You can also number targets using signs to help dps focus down certain enemies so you can hold hate better. Also make sure you are using flash/overpower. Those are your friends during low level dungeons. It also helps to make sure you have a weapon at the highest level you equip since stats like weapon dmg/str/determination affect how much aggro you generate with your moves
Thanks for the tips, the numbering enemies sounds good, I'll try it when I get home, I hope it's mappable to the controller.
So how do I join GAF'S FC?
T13 is fun to do science things in.
Don't suppose anyone has any links to 3* rotations? I finally got the stats to start doing them, but the two 80 durability rotations I found don't seem to work in the crafting simulator (doesn't reach 100% progress). So I'm wondering if these rotations are wrong or I'm missing something.
World of Darkness has broken my spirit.
I've spent the past couple of nights farming that thing for the BRD chestpiece to no avail. Saw the legs today and took it....at least it's worth as much as the chestpiece in tome equivalency. I still have yet to see the chest drop :/
Don't suppose anyone has any links to 3* rotations? I finally got the stats to start doing them, but the two 80 durability rotations I found don't seem to work in the crafting simulator (doesn't reach 100% progress). So I'm wondering if these rotations are wrong or I'm missing something.
I miss Working Designs, they made stuff up all the time and no-one complained!
I don't use the Rapid Synth method, already enough RNG with Hasty Touch. 4* doesn't gain much with Ingenuity II but 3* it's still used. Piece by Piece x2 + Careful Synnthesis II x2 with Ingenuity II should complete Progress with the min requirements, from what I remember.
Fuck you T9, you suck
Well, that's only because our 'power levels' (weaboo levels) are high. The peasant gamer would be asking what a yakuza is.Ugh I hated that. I hate the whole "localization" concept. It's basically saying to your face: "hey, we think you're too stupid to understand that this content takes place in a location totally different from yours, so we're gonna go ahead and butcher it and remove all cultural references so we can pretend it takes place in an alternative location that shares your culture."
I don't find that proposition very appealing.
I flipped out when I actually heard the words 'trickle down' used in 'economics' dialogue in Xillia 2.