So we running another EX primal train for help night tonight? I know DJ Izana needs some but I forget which.
Not gonna be around again
So we running another EX primal train for help night tonight? I know DJ Izana needs some but I forget which.
"C'mon, let's kick some A."
Crysallis makes trial roulette unbearable right now.
I don't understand people problem with that fight. I was expecting Titan Ex, instead is avoid aoe, grab some balls, LB an add.
I don't understand people problem with that fight. I was expecting Titan Ex, instead is avoid aoe, grab some balls, LB an add.
It's main story. People do this after doing stuff like ramuh and shiva hm. It's nowhere near the same level of difficulty. It's definitely not titan EX, it's not even levi EX, probably like mog EX level or so in terms of coordination maybe, slightly, but it's still far above all the other hm stuff. Some people are very bad at this game. Not like "you didn't research your class and spreadsheet your BiS gear to maximize accuracy based on the content you're clearing", and more like "yo, you should try using your skills in the right order to get the combo bonus damage". It's just hard relative to the level of stuff you expect from a story trial.
I don't think anyone mentioned this but who is supposed to run under the meteors? Just the tanks?
Also how do you unlock the ninja run as a Ninja?
I don't think anyone mentioned this but who is supposed to run under the meteors? Just the tanks?
Also how do you unlock the ninja run as a Ninja?
Yes, the tanks.
I didn't get the second question, ninja run? Once you become a ninja, don't know if you mean that. :/
I do it too as SCH, I can easily Adlo myself and take 0damage from meteors. WHM could do the same I'm sure. I leave the fairy with the DPS to heal whatever damage they take and go lustrate them if needed.
If you're a ninja, you run like a ninja. So at 30 I guess is when you "unlock" it, since that's when you unlock ninja. Can't use it on other classes/jobs.
I hate you. On my off hands I have to budget at least 50 materia for the last 2 slots and I've fallen short! Once I used about 55 on the last slot alone, luckily they were Tier I, but that means it was an 8% chance. So RNGJesus definitely doesn't love me when I meld.
On the other hand, last night I went 8/8 in HQing 4* mats starting from 0, which is what I managed to get done with 1 bouillabaisse. I'm really liking my rotation and I really don't know how you guys do it without Waste Not II. This of course means I have no room for Rumination, but it's fine since I never reclaim on mats. For final crafts I haven't used Reclaim in a long time (after failing 3 in a row). I'm even thinking of taking it out entirely (but there isn't anything else I need either, so it stays for the time being).
What do people think about using lock-on?
I think I saw someone here saying that DPS should make use of it a while ago.
What do people think about using lock-on?
I think I saw someone here saying that DPS should make use of it a while ago.
What do people think about using lock-on?
I think I saw someone here saying that DPS should make use of it a while ago.
Lock-on is essential for every job, even ranged.
Lock-on is essential for every job, even ranged.
I play a healer, wtf is facing the target?
Also I really need to get the hell on and play more been stuck in the steam winter sell game and Guilty Gear Xrd vortex
Just started playing this game again, and made a gladiator (most likely going to become a Paladin). I could not get into Ultoros because the realm was full. Is there anyone playing in the server that starts with the letter Bry under the Primal database?
Well every dps job that is.
Huh, tank did it once for fun and we mostly ignored the meteors and just let them do the raid wide damage. Tank just told the healers to treat it like Turn 2 enrage method and even then it seemed like the healers were over healing by a ton.
Lock-on is essential for every job, even ranged.
I haven't used Lock-on at all yet. I'm assuming it's mainly a controller thing?
I haven't used Lock-on at all yet. I'm assuming it's mainly a controller thing?
I will say that if I wasn't a controller player this would be less of an issue. I find lock on is a huge issue for me on controller, in almost every instance I dislike restricting my ability to move my camera view freely.
Does minfila ever leave that office? Typical manager.
Well, I got a few Frontlines Slaughters done. It's dumb.
Square please get rid of this mode.
The key is turning on and off lockon based on the kind of dodge/movement you need to do. I set mine to R3 (R stick for camera movement) so it's very easy and quick.
I haven't tried it yet but this doesnt sound good :/
Well, I got a few PVP done. It's dumb.
Square please get rid of this mode.
Only whenshe gets kidnapped.
I don't see a bed or anything in that room, so I wonder where she sleeps. Of course there are no bathrooms anywhere in Eorzea so it's a mystery how anyone goes to the bathroom, including her.