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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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so whenever i queue as dps and wait 5-10 minutes i get a fully geared team suitable for sastasha or sunken temple of quarn. but whenever i queue as tank i get players with zenith/atma weapon and af gear.....ok....ok.

edit: nice, joined a jip at final boss and got a drop. thank god! dont have to worry about wiping at the 2nd or 1st boss of sastasha. one more to go.

Today I was was running through Halatali leveling Rogue and I had a thaumaturge in my party who was just casting Blizzard constantly.

I told him that he should use Fire for damage and Blizzard for regaining mana and surprise, he listened. I think some people in this game (and online games in general I suppose) forget that people are more prone to listen to you when you're not acting like a condescending asshole.

Sometimes I see people in DF who make condescending remarks as soon as something bad happens or someone doesn't do something as well as they could have and it always makes me laugh that they expect people to change for them.

I think it makes more sense to help people in DF rather than insulting them while stroking yourself in game but I think some people lose sight of what they're doing and they get caught in their own hubris or something.

it's funny because whenever i see someone gives an advice to a new/unexperienced player they usually respond with "k", "dont care", "i do what i what" or just ignore you.
My Zodiac luck has run out it seems, been at 9/16 for the past 15 dungeon runs. Granted every dungeon I'm queuing is still within acceptable range(like 4-6) but it's getting pretty annoying. Oh well with some luck it'll solve itself and I'll be done soonish. On the positive side, I got a ton of those old philo mats to make stuff with.


Can we all just agree that the real tragedy of 3,000 seal carbontwine is the number of Augmented Ironworks Corselets of Aiming that are going to start popping up?


Suffering From Success
Would you prefer catgirls showing off their puny busts with the kirimu coat?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
After a few hours of FATE grinding I finally got my 2nd class to 50 (PLD). Think I got my defensive hotkeys sorted but I don't really know when the best time to use all of them are. I still find myself just panic mashing a one or two of them whenever I'm low HP.

So I've got a full set of soldiery tank gear but where do you even get a decent weapon if you aren't doing relic. You just run Syrcus over and over again until you're lucky enough to get one of those tomestone drops? Oh well, I guess the garbo Odin sword will have to do for now.


CT was such a shit show on the weekend. We wiped on literally every single boss. I didn't help that I didn't remember anything having only done it once.

It was fun to get hit by the final attack of the last boss and surviving with no issue. I guess they thought you'd never have more than 9999 HP at the time.

If you were a warrior at the time you could survive it with Defiance and Thrill of Battle.
Shiva EX weapon is RNG based and requires to unlock Shiva, which is a bunch of stuff you have to PF beforehand(including Ramuh which is still kinda eh), and then find a shiva grp willing to take a tank with a shitty weapon that hasn't cleared(or on further runs, just a shitty weapon tank). Getting a tomestone in ST shouldn't take more than a few runs since a lot of people don't roll on them anymore. On the other hand if you don't have a healer or DPS class to queue for ST, you get horrible tank queues so that severely slows down the thing. I'd still probably aim for ST, as it's still more likely to get a tomestone than get the right weapon off Shiva if you don't farm it extensively(and even then, RNG gonna RNG).

I guess if you have 350k on hand, you could get a weapon crafted too, though I'd say it's not really worth the price.


So I hit 50 WP runs tonight with no drop and 11% is a lie but nothing stops this train. I think I'm just gonna setup a small fort in the WP entrance and live there with the Tonberry.


I've been running it about 2-3 times an hour depending on wait times. Luckily I have some crafting to finish and I've had time to gear up my crafts and gathering in between the waits. I also now have enough stuff to finish the quest just need to focus on the dungeons.


After a few hours of FATE grinding I finally got my 2nd class to 50 (PLD). Think I got my defensive hotkeys sorted but I don't really know when the best time to use all of them are. I still find myself just panic mashing a one or two of them whenever I'm low HP.

So I've got a full set of soldiery tank gear but where do you even get a decent weapon if you aren't doing relic. You just run Syrcus over and over again until you're lucky enough to get one of those tomestone drops? Oh well, I guess the garbo Odin sword will have to do for now.
Generally speaking if you are low on HP then you've fucked up and using a cooldown is being too slow. All PLD cooldowns, and the most important aspects of warrior's, are preventive in nature. You could maybe argue otherwise for convalescence(and thril of battle) but that's getting away from the point. The usual idea is, if you see a cast bar on your mob and there's no aoe mark on ground, use a cooldown as you are probably about to get kicked in the balls. Once you've actually beaten the fight, or wiped and seen said kick, you will know ahead of time when your cooldowns will be needed. From there you can break down which cooldowns to use depending on how hard the hit will be or how far apart the next will be (much more important in higher end content because you will run out of cooldowns if you manage them poorly, and will likely die because of it).

I guess I should note all of that is for bosses. For trash it rarely matters unless you are doing huge speed run pulls, in which case you usually pop your strongest stuff first and pray your dps doesn't suck and stuff is dying before you do. If with a WHM who isn't a lazy jerk you can pop hallowed and let them holy things down too.

As for newbie weapon...do relic. Not like the whole line, only crazy and/or bored people do that, I just mean the first stage + maybe zenith if you want. It takes like an hour or two tops if you got the tomes (which isn't very many anymore). That will give you an i80 (or i90 if zenith) which is good enough to get you doing higher level primals for better weapons. If you want to work on cooldown management you can try tanking Titan HM aftwards - most groups won't let you with an i50 weapon (and by let you I mean you will find it physically impossible to keep aggro) but it's a good baby's first boss fight with the table flips. There's no cast bar for them so you gotta anticipate and learn the rotation, which is a skill that will be invaluable on future adventures in tanking.

Assuming you want to tank hard content at least...if your aim is to have a quick roulette queue then ignore all of this and spam flash and refer to second paragraph. Fun fact though: Flash is actually good on Titan HM too, since the blind works (if no jerk SMNs), and you can dodge the table flips like a boss.

this game must have a ton of bards. the last 3 dungeons i did had 2 bards each, wtf?
If I remember right BRD was tied with DRG as most played dps class in the game? So...yeah.
Today I was was running through Halatali leveling Rogue and I had a thaumaturge in my party who was just casting Blizzard constantly.

I told him that he should use Fire for damage and Blizzard for regaining mana and surprise, he listened. I think some people in this game (and online games in general I suppose) forget that people are more prone to listen to you when you're not acting like a condescending asshole.

Sometimes I see people in DF who make condescending remarks as soon as something bad happens or someone doesn't do something as well as they could have and it always makes me laugh that they expect people to change for them.

I think it makes more sense to help people in DF rather than insulting them while stroking yourself in game but I think some people lose sight of what they're doing and they get caught in their own hubris or something.

I completely agree with you, and I think if anything makes me quit in the next 2 to 3 weeks its going to be the attitude of these kinds of people. After 3 months of playing this I can say confidently that the community that's built up around this game is pretty shitastic most of the time. Just 30mins ago I had to deal with an asshole who was a yelling at a WHM in Turn 6 because he didn't understand the LOS method as a first timer, even after he explained he had watched the videos and had the wiki open. God forbid he not get it right 100% the first time. Expecting people to have mechanics down pat just from the videos is grossly ridiculous. If it were that easy more than 30-40% of the player base would've beat Turn 5 by now. You need time to apply what you've learned and for some people it takes more than a few go-arounds to accomplish this.

I'd like to think it was an isolated event but I see this multiple times a day, and its really pushing me to not resub. People really need to take a lesson in how to approach people regardless of how they respond to you, cause being an asshole will only make them listen to you even less than before.


I'd like to think it was an isolated event but I see this multiple times a day, and its really pushing me to not resub. People really need to take a lesson in how to approach people regardless of how they respond to you, cause being an asshole will only make them listen to you even less than before.
You see this multiple times a day?

I'd start friend inviting people who aren't complete assholes in PF groups and the like and start recruiting from there. May not be as fast as dfing but sounds like it'd be good for your sanity.


After 42 runs and so so many wipes Operation Demon Tabard of Aiming (I'm working on the title) was a success. It was my last run for the week before I went to work and I'd all but given up, no other BRDs in the party at the time. Praise Tanaka.
You see this multiple times a day?

I'd start friend inviting people who aren't complete assholes in PF groups and the like and start recruiting from there. May not be as fast as dfing but sounds like it'd be good for your sanity.

I hate to say it, but since I've started spamming primals for horses, farming the 2nd coil, plus spamming hunts for a 2nd Novus and world of darkness I see it on almost a constant daily basis multiple times a day. It's come more into focus this past month since I've really started to hit my endgame stride.

I have a group of a friends to do things with, but actually getting them to do endgame things and not sit in the FC house all day crafting is like teaching a cat to play fetch. I'm basically attached at the hip to the duty finder for a lot of things.

I try to join PF parties when I can, but most people aren't doing those things in mass anymore on the Goblin sever. Hell the whole rise of horse farming parties wasn't even a thing until recently on Goblin. It doesn't help that I started playing last year in late October, so Ive missed the ball on a lot of things. Fortunately some of those things aren't quite as relevant to the game since then, but its still a pain when I need to "get'er done" so to speak. It is refreshing though when you come by a good group and they don't flip out when someone doesn't get something. For that reason alone I prefer PFs to DFs since it happens more often :x
It was fun to get hit by the final attack of the last boss and surviving with no issue. I guess they thought you'd never have more than 9999 HP at the time.

There's an attack in World of Darkness which also does 9999 even though Warriors have had more than 10K HP for awhile now. It's a conscious design decision and not a sign that they don't know what HP inflation in MMOs is. They probably just think of it as an homage to the days of FF titles where HP really was capped at 9999, since the entirety of Crystal Tower is based on FFIII.


It really is ridiculous how many dungeons you miss out on only going through story quests.

I spent all night finding the ones I was missing :/


You find me another class that is easier and/or involves as much smashing random buttons and going pewpewpew and we can talk about addressing the bard overpopulation.

Oh. Must also be able to wear Amon's hat.
The Lucis tools are so amazing! I can now put the Artisan Trade-in with No food and all NQ ingredients... put it on macro.

Could you expand on this a bit? I'm struggling to see it.

Last night I finally got my Artisan Apron fully melded (needed 4 Control IV on a 29% meld and just 2 CP3 on a 19% one, gotta love RNG).

I just got my WVR 4* Book and Supra, but I haven't decided how to meld my off-hand yet.

I was thinking maybe Craft III (or IV), Craft III, CP III, Control III, Control III.

so maximizing CP and Control. It seems way cheaper and it would get me to 457 or 458 Craft before getting the Lucis, which is more than the 453 needed for my 4* rotation. Then it's 31 extra points with Lucis, which seems insane. I wonder what extra rotations open up with that.


Suffering From Success
You find me another class that is easier and/or involves as much smashing random buttons and going pewpewpew and we can talk about addressing the bard overpopulation.

Oh. Must also be able to wear Amon's hat.

BLM. Has a much better hat!


Could you expand on this a bit? I'm struggling to see it.

Last night I finally got my Artisan Apron fully melded (needed 4 Control IV on a 29% meld and just 2 CP3 on a 19% one, gotta love RNG).

I just got my WVR 4* Book and Supra, but I haven't decided how to meld my off-hand yet.

I was thinking maybe Craft III (or IV), Craft III, CP III, Control III, Control III.

so maximizing CP and Control. It seems way cheaper and it would get me to 457 or 458 Craft before getting the Lucis, which is more than the 453 needed for my 4* rotation. Then it's 31 extra points with Lucis, which seems insane. I wonder what extra rotations open up with that.

With the Lucis Tools all you need to finish is Ingenuity II + 3x Cateful Synthesis II. Gives you 10x Hasty Touch, you don't need to use a second Comfort Zone if you have 355 CP. You don't have to tricks of the trade any good conditions.
With the Lucis Tools all you need to finish is Ingenuity II + 3x Cateful Synthesis II. Gives you 10x Hasty Touch, you don't need to use a second Comfort Zone if you have 355 CP. You don't have to tricks of the trade any good conditions.

Oh yeah I saw that, but is 10 touches enough? You miss 2 and you're probably looking at about 85% - 90% HQ? And you'll miss at least 2 62% of the time. I guess it's an acceptable risk for you, since you're made of money, but I'm not so sure it works for me. I guess if the NQ mats are considerably cheaper than crafting one's own it would work.

Also I'm only getting 345 CP. Can you even have 355 without food? I only have 349 and I'm missing 3 CP from the artisan's gloves


I completely agree with you, and I think if anything makes me quit in the next 2 to 3 weeks its going to be the attitude of these kinds of people. After 3 months of playing this I can say confidently that the community that's built up around this game is pretty shitastic most of the time. Just 30mins ago I had to deal with an asshole who was a yelling at a WHM in Turn 6 because he didn't understand the LOS method as a first timer, even after he explained he had watched the videos and had the wiki open. God forbid he not get it right 100% the first time. Expecting people to have mechanics down pat just from the videos is grossly ridiculous. If it were that easy more than 30-40% of the player base would've beat Turn 5 by now. You need time to apply what you've learned and for some people it takes more than a few go-arounds to accomplish this.

I'd like to think it was an isolated event but I see this multiple times a day, and its really pushing me to not resub. People really need to take a lesson in how to approach people regardless of how they respond to you, cause being an asshole will only make them listen to you even less than before.

Wow that sucks. I've found the community pretty great generally. I can't even recall the last incident I had of someone being an outright douche. Obviously you get some people being a little tetchy sometimes when things aren't going well but that's the case in any multiplayer game no?


Oh yeah I saw that, but is 10 touches enough? You miss 2 and you're probably looking at about 85% - 90% HQ? And you'll miss at least 2 62% of the time. I guess it's an acceptable risk for you, since you're made of money, but I'm not so sure it works for me. I guess if the NQ mats are considerably cheaper than crafting one's own it would work.

Also I'm only getting 345 CP. Can you even have 355 without food? I only have 349 and I'm missing 3 CP from the artisan's gloves

Max CP you can get is 355, you can do this with 10 less CP, but for 4* I like the extra CP, means the difference between 87 or 90 to finish, and you can't with 87. If you are going Goldsmith with 2x Twinthread + 1x Silver ingot, it is expensive! For Blacksmith, Spruce Plywood, you only need 1x Spruce Lumber and you can mass synth 2x Horn Glue from the Aldgoat Horns from the Kobold Vendor... the most expensive part is the shards.


Today I was was running through Halatali leveling Rogue and I had a thaumaturge in my party who was just casting Blizzard constantly.

I told him that he should use Fire for damage and Blizzard for regaining mana and surprise, he listened. I think some people in this game (and online games in general I suppose) forget that people are more prone to listen to you when you're not acting like a condescending asshole.
Ha, I actually had a similar experience last night. Joined an AV in-progress, and the level 47 BLM in there just cast Blizzard 3 constantly. Luckily he took some advice and started doing the fire > blizzard rotation. No Zodiac drop though ._.


No one has a better hat than Amon.

No one. No ooooooooonnnnnnnneeeeeee.

Though the WoD bard hat is p.classy

This is a guy who knows what's up. The Dreadwyrm Pesatos is pretty neat (and I think is in the relatively small pool of items that looks better on a Lala. Most of these items are hats), but not level-a-class-to-get-it neat (Buttwings, though? Those might be worth it.)

Demon Hat of Aiming is definitely the best looking piece of the bard Demon set, although I think the healer hat still easily beats it for best WoD hat.

New WoD week and I don't even know what I'm going for. Ahhhhhhhh.


Wiping to Thunder in T9 is not fun. Last phase is actually less hard than I thought it would be, but people get desperate there and mess things up. But I think I'm finally get my win this week, I've been able to get decent parties in PF with "divebombs exp required".

I'll finally stop hating people with Dreadwyrm stuff. How much harder is FcoB, compared to ScoB? I got all turns (except 9) cleared before nerfs and echo.
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