Max CP you can get is 355, you can do this with 10 less CP, but for 4* I like the extra CP, means the difference between 87 or 90 to finish, and you can't with 87. If you are going Goldsmith with 2x Twinthread + 1x Silver ingot, it is expensive! For Blacksmith, Spruce Plywood, you only need 1x Spruce Lumber and you can mass synth 2x Horn Glue from the Aldgoat Horns from the Kobold Vendor... the most expensive part is the shards.
I don't know what I'm missing to get to 355. Did a new accessory come out and I missed it?
You are right that's it's convenient to start with all NQ items, but I think I've come up with something a little better.
12 touches 369 CP. Even at 352 it's only an NQ stone soup, which is vendor sold at 37 gil. 12 touches, 11 at 80%, one at 50% fully macroable, no ToTs needed. It has a much better chance to HQ. You can miss 2 touches and still be guaranteed 100%. You have a 47% chance of getting at least 10 touches and 73% of getting 9 (which gets you to around 90%).
The rotation is CZ, IQ, WN, SH2, HT*5, SH2, HT, CZ, HT*3, MM2, HT, SH2, HT*2, GS, ING2, BB, CS2*3.
You could have that one HT under SH2 if you didn't use ING2 on BB, but it's worse. The Ingenuity really helps on 2 star recipes.
Edit: I realized where I was counting wrong. I haven't melded my WVR off-hand yet. I have 352 on the others. Still rocking the ixal gloves.