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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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Bonus style points if you jumped into a mechanic or off a cliff.
Also played BRD on controller, at work now so no hotbar but it was all super manageable. No problems whatsoever.

Ala Alba

Well, it's been a good run, but I think I'm giving up on FFXIV.

For some reason, I have been suffering from terrible, action-eating* lag this last week, no matter what time of day I have been playing. I was hoping that it was a problem on SE's end, but after the maintenance did nothing to fix my problems, I guess it's a problem on my end (or my ISP, which isn't something I can fix anyway).

As this lag makes the game no longer fun, continuing play is pointless. It's been nice playing with you guys on Ultros, and maybe I'll come back when I have more control over my internet connection (wireless connections are pretty laggy, anyway).

*By action-eating, I mean that incredibly often, like 1/3 of the time, when I hit an action, I will get all of the cooldown time without any of the effect. Furthermore, I will attempt to do something, animation and such will play out (including cast time), and then I will snap back to not doing it. The lag/snap-back can be between 1-10 seconds, which as you might imagine, makes the game pretty much unplayable.


Well, it's been a good run, but I think I'm giving up on FFXIV.

For some reason, I have been suffering from terrible, action-eating* lag this last week, no matter what time of day I have been playing. I was hoping that it was a problem on SE's end, but after the maintenance did nothing to fix my problems, I guess it's a problem on my end (or my ISP, which isn't something I can fix anyway).

As this lag makes the game no longer fun, continuing play is pointless. It's been nice playing with you guys on Ultros, and maybe I'll come back when I have more control over my internet connection (wireless connections are pretty laggy, anyway).

*By action-eating, I mean that incredibly often, like 1/3 of the time, when I hit an action, I will get all of the cooldown time without any of the effect. Furthermore, I will attempt to do something, animation and such will play out (including cast time), and then I will snap back to not doing it. The lag/snap-back can be between 1-10 seconds, which as you might imagine, makes the game pretty much unplayable.

I've found that that happens a lot when you hit oGCDs too quickly.

But I can understand quitting due to connection quality. It's why I quit Tera and it stinks but what can you do.





Bonus style points if you jumped into a mechanic or off a cliff.
Also played BRD on controller, at work now so no hotbar but it was all super manageable. No problems whatsoever.

You're not a true bard unless you repelling shot yourself into a wall of death.



Bonus style points if you jumped into a mechanic or off a cliff.
Also played BRD on controller, at work now so no hotbar but it was all super manageable. No problems whatsoever.

Repelling Shot doesn't even do a twirl or a flip. What a ripoff. I want a refund, preorder canceled, etc.


Well the logic is that we wouldn't have even seen enrage start if people didn't start panicking around the fifth akh morn and failing to execute mechanics we've been doing for the last 13 minutes. It's not like "Oh no, we're hitting enrage, better scramble and put out all the dps, oh wait I got megaflared while trying to do that", it's more like "We died and now we lack the 20-30k damage and now enrage is starting and that's gg folks".

I guess by a strict definition we did hit enrage.
What other definition is there? The vast majority of enrage wipes happen because of mechanical mistakes resulting in deaths or loss in dps.


Lala gets an instant -3 to Style.

First and foremost, I am somewhat new to the MMO world. While I have been playing MMO's now for some time, I have not taken it as seriously as I do now. I find that I get the most enjoyment out of FFXIV when I tackle the really hard raids. This brings me to my question... How does one go about finding a compatible FC? Do you join and drop FCs until you find one that feels right or is there a site that advertises FCs? I imagine one quality an end-game FC looks for in a member is skill, and compared to Helen Keller, I think I'm a close second. However, I want to be great at this game. I believe moving from good to great requires one to surround him/herself with gamers of the same caliber. This is why I would like to find an FC that meets my goals in FFXIV. I am on the Ultros server. If anyone could share how they found their FC and/or relay any advice to I, Rain Man, I would appreciate it.


All these lalafells sponsoring Mad Catz on their faces. I do approve of that Natasha Jayhawk gear being sported by two of those lalafells.


Random question, but does anyone here play BRD on a ps3/ps4? And if so, would it perhaps be possible to see or get an explanation of what your hotbar(s) look like? ^^;

Just make sure your hotbars don't look like Kagari's. They're a mess and make no sense. I use the face buttons a lot, so I have a lot of the most important things there.


My main hotbar. Intricate/Complex/Amazingly Detailed Bard rotation on R2 Face buttons, Invaluable off gcd shit on R2 D Pad, Secondarily good off GCD stuff/situational crap on L2 Face buttons, and The Buffs on L2 D Pad.


My secondary hotbar. I use this with the extended crossbars enabled, so this one functions a bit differently, but it's pretty much the same. AOE rotation + Invig so I don't have to swap back for it and songs on D pad since I have to hit them once and wait for the cast anyway. Other side has X Pots, Ethers, the super amazing Shadowbind, another instance of Invig (you can never have enough), as well as my Game Saving Limit Break™, Mantra, and Second Wind. Also I think that's Purify for PVP because I dunno why.

^ That's what they look like in action, for reference.

Also I have this little dohickey to the right of my crossbars v


Handy for seeing when a bunch of CDs are ready at a glance. Mostly useful for potion cooldowns and Battle Voice. Plus I have way too many Hi-Elixirs. B4B isn't there because 1. It's always up, and 2. Sometimes it's better for me to not know that it's ready to be used.

Basically for 99% of my barding I'm on my main hotbar, switching to my cross bars if I need to A) Sing a song (lol yeah right) or B) AOE the crap out of stuff.

Also now Qhon can see how I accidentally pop X Pots during AOE rotations in dungeons. I'm sorry, senpai. You know my shamfur secret.
First and foremost, I am somewhat new to the MMO world. While I have been playing MMO's now for some time, I have not taken it as seriously as I do now. I find that I get the most enjoyment out of FFXIV when I tackle the really hard raids. This brings me to my question... How does one go about finding a compatible FC? Do you join and drop FCs until you find one that feels right or is there a site that advertises FCs? I imagine one quality an end-game FC looks for in a member is skill, and compared to Helen Keller, I think I'm a close second. However, I want to be great at this game. I believe moving from good to great requires one to surround him/herself with gamers of the same caliber. This is why I would like to find an FC that meets my goals in FFXIV. I am on the Ultros server. If anyone could share how they found their FC and/or relay any advice to I, Rain Man, I would appreciate it.

pretty much just gotta feel out each fc's to see if you like them or not and whether they fit what you want out of it. The only real place that advertises fc's is probably the official forums.
First and foremost, I am somewhat new to the MMO world. While I have been playing MMO's now for some time, I have not taken it as seriously as I do now. I find that I get the most enjoyment out of FFXIV when I tackle the really hard raids. This brings me to my question... How does one go about finding a compatible FC? Do you join and drop FCs until you find one that feels right or is there a site that advertises FCs? I imagine one quality an end-game FC looks for in a member is skill, and compared to Helen Keller, I think I'm a close second. However, I want to be great at this game. I believe moving from good to great requires one to surround him/herself with gamers of the same caliber. This is why I would like to find an FC that meets my goals in FFXIV. I am on the Ultros server. If anyone could share how they found their FC and/or relay any advice to I, Rain Man, I would appreciate it.

I don't know if there's really anything like an FC directory. Sometimes FCs advertise themselves (be it by shouting in cities, advertising in PF or posting on the official forums), but I'd say the way to go would be to stick your neck out and make the first step by getting to know people and asking around. Check out Free Company profiles and visit their website if they've got one to get an idea of what they're like. That sort of thing.

In my case, I just joined the GAF FC when 2.0 came out since it was the easy option, but it sounds like you'd probably want a smaller, more close-knit FC, so that might be one thing to look out for. I don't think there's any harm in trying out FCs, and it might be nice to even just join a social FC while you're finding your feet so that you're not alone out there. Honestly, I get the impression that most FCs outside of hardcore progression FCs vaguely fit into the "social" category, so I think if you want help, advice, and raiding buddies, you'd be best served finding a group of friendly people that you fit in with rather than looking primarily at what an FC makes itself out to be.


If you go to Fireweave and miss it's roughly a 4.6-ish potency loss and a 5.8-ish gain if it hits. So you're net negative if you factor the chances (60%, 40% respectively) though crits really change the math here. Basically, with a good enough crit chance, you're coming out positive but it's not a massive difference (e.g., ~1 potency).

If you're watching MP ticks, you could probably go for it if you finish the last fire on an MP tick since the ~.5s delay from an oGCD + Blizzard 3 cast puts you basically at an MP tick the moment you gain Umbral Ice. Means you can T2 -> Fire 3 as your Umbral step instead on a missed Fireweave.

That said, not actually a BLM so it's just math to me..

Your math is spot on. In practice, I don't bother with the fire weave at the end. If you are lucky with procs and crits then your DPS will go up slightly more than it was already going to, if you are unlucky it will decrease slightly more than it was going to. Personally, I'd rather have a smaller range of where my DPS can fall because that helps me set a better expectation of where a bosses health should be at a particular time.

I don't know what you guys are talking about but it sounds highly relevant to my interests. Please explain.

Yesterday I tried T9 for about 6 hours, between fighting and finding parties (requesting EXP on last phase). I memorized the whole 4th phase rotation and knew what to do.

I managed to get 4 parties during that time. Some of the good players I know were busy with their statics, so things were slower than usual.

First party, we got to 10%. After 4 tries, people had to leave. Second and third parties were not really good, so we couldn't beat it too.

Fourth party was nice, we got to 15% twice, but someone always made a mistake. I've managed to dodge everything in almost all tries, but it's hard to dodge your friend thunderstrucking the entire party.

Then, when I gave up for the day, a farm party appeared in PF. I ask the leader to join, and he accepts me. We get to final phase, I get fire out, thunderstruck and divebomb. Wasn't expecting that, so I misplaced the divebomb. Next try, 10%, someone thundestrucks the party.

Someone got a stomachache and would need to leave. Stays for another pull. 7%, I'm fucking sweating. People don't stack for Thermionic. Both healers are dead. Party leaves.

The T9 struggle is real. We'll get there, bro. You just have to believe.


First and foremost, I am somewhat new to the MMO world. While I have been playing MMO's now for some time, I have not taken it as seriously as I do now. I find that I get the most enjoyment out of FFXIV when I tackle the really hard raids. This brings me to my question... How does one go about finding a compatible FC? Do you join and drop FCs until you find one that feels right or is there a site that advertises FCs? I imagine one quality an end-game FC looks for in a member is skill, and compared to Helen Keller, I think I'm a close second. However, I want to be great at this game. I believe moving from good to great requires one to surround him/herself with gamers of the same caliber. This is why I would like to find an FC that meets my goals in FFXIV. I am on the Ultros server. If anyone could share how they found their FC and/or relay any advice to I, Rain Man, I would appreciate it.

I just joined gaf. It's big enough that there's something for everyone.
I don't know what you guys are talking about but it sounds highly relevant to my interests. Please explain.

Fireweaving is using an off GCD ability(swiftcast, surecast, manawall, manaward, raging strikes, apopopopostasis etc) right after a Fire I to see if you got a Firestarter proc and hit it before casting another Fire I. This isn't particularily useful, other than on the last Fire 1 in your rotation. If it procs at that point, you're already casting Blizzard III, so you'll have to use it at the end of the mana regen rotation, with Transpose, meaning your Fire III will only get 1stack of Astral Fire damage bonus. If however you fireweave on that last Fire I, you can then hit the Fire III at 3stacks, then Blizzard III.

The gain is minimal, and if it doesn't proc, you just waste time, and a cooldown(which might or might not be relevant, depends on content). If it never procs over the course of a fight, you will do less damage than if you hadn't bothered at all. Same if it doesn't proc enough. It needs to proc several times and you need to catch the procs right away for it to be worth doing, and you're still potentially losing utility from dumping random abilities at the end of a rotation.

Out of the BLM tricks, it's probably the least useful.


Fireweaving is using an off GCD ability(swiftcast, surecast, manawall, manaward, raging strikes, apopopopostasis etc) right after a Fire I to see if you got a Firestarter proc and hit it before casting another Fire I. This isn't particularily useful, other than on the last Fire 1 in your rotation. If it procs at that point, you're already casting Blizzard III, so you'll have to use it at the end of the mana regen rotation, with Transpose, meaning your Fire III will only get 1stack of Astral Fire damage bonus. If however you fireweave on that last Fire I, you can then hit the Fire III at 3stacks, then Blizzard III.

The gain is minimal, and if it doesn't proc, you just waste time, and a cooldown(which might or might not be relevant, depends on content). If it never procs over the course of a fight, you will do less damage than if you hadn't bothered at all. Same if it doesn't proc enough. It needs to proc several times and you need to catch the procs right away for it to be worth doing, and you're still potentially losing utility from dumping random abilities at the end of a rotation.

Out of the BLM tricks, it's probably the least useful.

This in a nutshell. Medium level BLMs will swear by the technique and while it is true that it can lead to some big DPS gains, it is all luck based (more so than BLM already is) and won't lead to anything significant overall. Super luck and this technique is how you end up with those super high DPS meters though.
This in a nutshell. Medium level BLMs will swear by the technique and while it is true that it can lead to some big DPS gains, it is all luck based (more so than BLM already is) and won't lead to anything significant overall. Super luck and this technique is how you end up with those super high DPS meters though.

It's latency based too. I posted a video a while back of bad latency turning a Firestarter proc into a hardcast Fire 3 - this can happen when you're weaving too. I do occasionally end up with situations like this:
Fire 3 > Fire > Raging Strikes (Firestarter procs during animation) > Hardcast Fire 3 anyway lol

It's really annoying.

Edit: Here's a couple of stills from the video in order to illustrate. Firestarter floating text came up during the Fire cast.
I don't know if there's really anything like an FC directory. Sometimes FCs advertise themselves (be it by shouting in cities, advertising in PF or posting on the official forums), but I'd say the way to go would be to stick your neck out and make the first step by getting to know people and asking around. Check out Free Company profiles and visit their website if they've got one to get an idea of what they're like. That sort of thing.

In my case, I just joined the GAF FC when 2.0 came out since it was the easy option, but it sounds like you'd probably want a smaller, more close-knit FC, so that might be one thing to look out for. I don't think there's any harm in trying out FCs, and it might be nice to even just join a social FC while you're finding your feet so that you're not alone out there. Honestly, I get the impression that most FCs outside of hardcore progression FCs vaguely fit into the "social" category, so I think if you want help, advice, and raiding buddies, you'd be best served finding a group of friendly people that you fit in with rather than looking primarily at what an FC makes itself out to be.

Is this FC on Ultros?
Just make sure your hotbars don't look like Kagari's. They're a mess and make no sense. I use the face buttons a lot, so I have a lot of the most important things there.


My main hotbar. Intricate/Complex/Amazingly Detailed Bard rotation on R2 Face buttons, Invaluable off gcd shit on R2 D Pad, Secondarily good off GCD stuff/situational crap on L2 Face buttons, and The Buffs on L2 D Pad.


My secondary hotbar. I use this with the extended crossbars enabled, so this one functions a bit differently, but it's pretty much the same. AOE rotation + Invig so I don't have to swap back for it and songs on D pad since I have to hit them once and wait for the cast anyway. Other side has X Pots, Ethers, the super amazing Shadowbind, another instance of Invig (you can never have enough), as well as my Game Saving Limit Break™, Mantra, and Second Wind. Also I think that's Purify for PVP because I dunno why.

^ That's what they look like in action, for reference.

Also I have this little dohickey to the right of my crossbars v


Handy for seeing when a bunch of CDs are ready at a glance. Mostly useful for potion cooldowns and Battle Voice. Plus I have way too many Hi-Elixirs. B4B isn't there because 1. It's always up, and 2. Sometimes it's better for me to not know that it's ready to be used.

Basically for 99% of my barding I'm on my main hotbar, switching to my cross bars if I need to A) Sing a song (lol yeah right) or B) AOE the crap out of stuff.

Also now Qhon can see how I accidentally pop X Pots during AOE rotations in dungeons. I'm sorry, senpai. You know my shamfur secret.
Wow. This was incredibly clear and detailed! Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much for taking the time to go through all of that for me!! :) I really appreciate it!

So in terms of cross-class skills, things like B4B and Invigorate are vital, right?
So in terms of cross-class skills, things like B4B and Invigorate are vital, right?

Invigorate is. B4B is great but I wouldn't say vital, more like highly recommended. It's a good DPS cooldown, but it's also a lot longer to get. Eventually you definitely want it for most DPS classes, but you can start doing content without it, especially as a bard.


Fireweaving is using an off GCD ability(swiftcast, surecast, manawall, manaward, raging strikes, apopopopostasis etc) right after a Fire I to see if you got a Firestarter proc and hit it before casting another Fire I. This isn't particularily useful, other than on the last Fire 1 in your rotation. If it procs at that point, you're already casting Blizzard III, so you'll have to use it at the end of the mana regen rotation, with Transpose, meaning your Fire III will only get 1stack of Astral Fire damage bonus. If however you fireweave on that last Fire I, you can then hit the Fire III at 3stacks, then Blizzard III.

The gain is minimal, and if it doesn't proc, you just waste time, and a cooldown(which might or might not be relevant, depends on content). If it never procs over the course of a fight, you will do less damage than if you hadn't bothered at all. Same if it doesn't proc enough. It needs to proc several times and you need to catch the procs right away for it to be worth doing, and you're still potentially losing utility from dumping random abilities at the end of a rotation.

Out of the BLM tricks, it's probably the least useful.

This in a nutshell. Medium level BLMs will swear by the technique and while it is true that it can lead to some big DPS gains, it is all luck based (more so than BLM already is) and won't lead to anything significant overall. Super luck and this technique is how you end up with those super high DPS meters though.

This sounds intriguing but I need all of those abilities except surecast and the apopop-whatever. Maybe I'll try it out with surecast and see if there is any use to it. I guess it would need be executed super fast to have any point...
Invigorate is. B4B is great but I wouldn't say vital, more like highly recommended. It's a good DPS cooldown, but it's also a lot longer to get. Eventually you definitely want it for most DPS classes, but you can start doing content without it, especially as a bard.

Okay, got it :). Thanks!! I'm so used to SCH, so this is all kinda new to me ^^;


I'm always gentle with newcomers and I'm willing to clear all rooms if asked, but if another person asks me if it's ok to clear AV first room for EXP I'm going to burst.


This sounds intriguing but I need all of those abilities except surecast and the apopop-whatever. Maybe I'll try it out with surecast and see if there is any use to it. I guess it would need be executed super fast to have any point...

If you are level 50 then you have all of those abilities. Manawall and Manaward should be on your bar and easily clickable at any time, they can save run from a terrible tank.

Edit: I might have mis-read what you said. Don't mind me if I did. I can read what I quoted in two different ways.


Wow. This was incredibly clear and detailed! Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much for taking the time to go through all of that for me!! :) I really appreciate it!

So in terms of cross-class skills, things like B4B and Invigorate are vital, right?
The five skills I currently have crossclassed are Internal Release, Second Wind, Invigorate, Blood for Blood, and Mantra.

Internal Release, Second Wind, and Invigorate are must haves. Blood for Blood is super important, I feel, for DPS to have because it's another straight up damage boost. In terms of cross class slots, why not use one on it? Mantra is a whatever choice, since the 5% healing is pretty laughable but whatever.

Invigorate is. B4B is great but I wouldn't say vital, more like highly recommended. It's a good DPS cooldown, but it's also a lot longer to get.
Think about it this way: You already level Lancer to like 22/24 or so for Invigorate. What's another ten levels for Blood for Blood?


Think about it this way: You already level Lancer to like 22/24 or so for Invigorate. What's another ten levels for Blood for Blood?

10 more levels of the worst class in the game? Hell, the only thing that could be worse is playing as a bard.
I'm always gentle with newcomers and I'm willing to clear all rooms if asked, but if another person asks me if it's ok to clear AV first room for EXP I'm going to burst.

I think the eggs are fine, not sure why people want to clear the trash in the first room though, it's annoying to pull, doesn't die fast and doesn't give better xp than anything else, it's a waste of time. I'm glad AV only took me 4 runs, and all of them were fairly good, even the one with the clueless new tank.

I saved all the counts of my runs for Zodiac, overall it took 94dungeon runs, with a weird spread with many dungeons taking 1 runs(5 of them), a few 4 or less, and then every other taking 10+ with Pharos topping it at 15. I'm glad AV and DD were among the short ones, but I never want to do Stone Vigil hm and Pharos ever again(and I guess I did AK 13 times but eh, got used to it during 2.0). On the upside, I got enough seals from the gear to buy 20moonstones and have 40k seals left over, so that's pretty cool I guess.
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