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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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Gold Saucer is good fun. Still getting to grips with Triple Triad but I think I can start farming the king for MGP and (hopefully) a Bahamut card. Chocobo racing is interesting, I can't tell if the controls are a bit off or if it's laggy or if I'm just rubbish but the struggle is still enjoyable. The big Cactpot lottery is called at 2am my time though, I wouldn't want to miss that early bird bonus on the off chance I win so I'll have to be on late every Saturday.

Next week we'll be talking to Yoshi-P about Heavensward so I'm looking for any questions you guys might have on the expansion.

Are there any plans to expand the dye system at all? I like the customisation we have but they could really open it up if they improved the way dyes work. Maybe apply 2 different dyes to each piece of gear, or change how colours look on certain materials (e.g. cloth vs leather vs metal) or something. I'd love it if we could dye the unique stuff like all the Crystal Tower drops or the late game gear, but I guess they'd have to make more unique items to differentiate jobs (thinking of things like the Keeper Of The Lake gear for healers, casters and bards all being the same design with different colours.)


Gold Saucer is good fun. Still getting to grips with Triple Triad but I think I can start farming the king for MGP and (hopefully) a Bahamut card. Chocobo racing is interesting, I can't tell if the controls are a bit off or if it's laggy or if I'm just rubbish but the struggle is still enjoyable. The big Cactpot lottery is called at 2am my time though, I wouldn't want to miss that early bird bonus on the off chance I win so I'll have to be on late every Saturday.

Are there any plans to expand the dye system at all? I like the customisation we have but they could really open it up if they improved the way dyes work. Maybe apply 2 different dyes to each piece of gear, or change how colours look on certain materials (e.g. cloth vs leather vs metal) or something. I'd love it if we could dye the unique stuff like all the Crystal Tower drops or the late game gear, but I guess they'd have to make more unique items to differentiate jobs (thinking of things like the Keeper Of The Lake gear for healers, casters and bards all being the same design with different colours.)

Ohhh man, I know how you feel. There are a ton of sets out there where I ended up wanting to dye parts of it one color, and other parts of it another. Good example of this is the Warrior AF. The metal bits look best dyed black or, well metalic. Everything else though, well, I'd love to have black metal with colorful highlights on the thing.

Just one example.

That said, any armor that worked this way would need to be designed to work this way, and that'd probably require extra work. So, I'm not really holding my breath right now.


Suffering From Success
All of you are so zeta slow!

Really not my fault!


Next week we'll be talking to Yoshi-P about Heavensward so I'm looking for any questions you guys might have on the expansion.
I got multiple burning questions.

  1. How will loot be handled in the future? Especially in regards to raiding/lockout content. Are we finally moving towards a token system? Or must we suffer evermore at the feet of the RNGods?
    and based on last night, by we I mean like everyone but me and Alena
    The current bloated system has just got to go.
  2. Pretty much anything DRK related would be welcome, particularly interested in details on how their tank mechanics will work in comparison to PLD and WAR. We heard hints of it being related to parry and magic but that is pretty vague. Also what animal mount will we get? <-- super important
  3. How do they plan to address group composition balance in endgame raids? Content is currently ideally designed with one of each tank, healer, and a bard for some reason. With new classes taking up those roles, what changes can we expect to prevent certain jobs being required over another.
  4. Can you kill Minfillia off in the opening expansion cinematic?
  5. Will the new "relic" like weapon in the expansion involve the same grindy repetitive content, or will we see a move to more original content like the very first relic step? And after he finishes laughing harder when he realizes you are serious, ask why the Zodiac braves were so into the rave scene.
  6. He mentioned recently that crafted gear was intended to be for newer/returning players to catch up, do they plan on changing how the materia/crafting system currently operates to reduce the large barriers preventing something like that from being possible?
  7. Can he go into more detail yet on the hinted retooling of Skill/Spell speed (and any other stats, really)?
  8. If you can't kill Minfilia off, can you meet us half way and ship her off to the moon or something on some super important mission. Then maybe she'd actually use her goddamn linkpearl if she needs to tell us something.

Greedy and I don't expect a lot of real answers to be honest, I am just hungry for some news about the actual gameplay systems rather than all the PR-friendly news we've gotten thus far. That and Minfillia is terrible.


Next week we'll be talking to Yoshi-P about Heavensward so I'm looking for any questions you guys might have on the expansion.

Will Boobfilia receive any further enhancements?

How many new Egis will summoner's get in 3.0?

How many new dungeons are being added in 3.0?

Can mounts please be made faster in 3.0?

New hunt levels?

How will loot between Alexander welfare mode differ from Alexander git gud mode?


Next week we'll be talking to Yoshi-P about Heavensward so I'm looking for any questions you guys might have on the expansion.

1. How are they going to handle 3 different healers? Will WHM always be required because of protect +?

2. Will any fights be designed slightly favoring any of the 3 tanks giving each one a chance to shine?

3. Will spell speed ever affect dots to even out and balance gear progression between the two Caster dps?

4. With the adding of more SMN pets how will they make each one useful and prevent what has already happened for most of ARR already with everyone favoring one pets usefulness at end game?

5. Where will Machinist fit into end game when Bards provide regen buffs? Why would a group want to bring a Machinist?


Currently we get two sets of max ilvl armor per Raid Cycle. (Not sure if this is the proper term to use, but whatevs.) Will this remain the same in the expansion, or are they planning to increase the number of top ilvl armor sets?


How are they going to handle 3 different healers? Will WHM always be required because of protect +?

Will any fights be designed slightly favoring any of the 3 tanks giving each one a chance to shine?

Will spell speed ever affect dots to even out and balance gear progression between the two Caster dps?

With the adding of more SMN pets how will they make each one useful and prevent what has already happened for most of ARR already with everyone favoring one pets usefulness at end game?

Where will Machinist fit into end game when Bards provide regen buffs? Why would my group want to bring a Machinist?

Ooh... You know what would be interesting? If Machinist could provide buffs to buffs/debuffs? Or Astro could?

Enhanced Protect/Stoneskin for SCH bringing it up to WHM levels; Enhanced Medica; Enhanced DoTs; Haste; Oooooo


Honestly I'm just hoping they were not brain dead and gave Astro the m.def half of the whm's protect.

That way if you only have a Sch and Astro you get both. Actually the astro would probably be able to do both if it can use whm skills


Fuck King Elmer III for not dropping a Bahamut card after over an hour of play, fuck Garuda for not dropping her card after 20+ attempts, fuck SE for turning a fun minigame into a tedious grindfest devoid of any semblance of fun. I'm out.


I came back to try Gold Saucer. I really want to stay into the game, but I'm so far behind (2.2 was the last real end game content I did). I've never set foot in second coil. I'm on Ramuh Ex. My top job is only ilvl 99. I love the game but the thought of dungeon grinding to catch up to just be able to do content kills me.


I came back to try Gold Saucer. I really want to stay into the game, but I'm so far behind (2.2 was the last real end game content I did). I've never set foot in second coil. I'm on Ramuh Ex. My top job is only ilvl 99. I love the game but the thought of dungeon grinding to catch up to just be able to do content kills me.

Why would you dungeon grind? i99 sounds like you have a decent amount of weathered soldiery gear. You can gear up by:

- Running WoD and picking up one i120 item a week
- Running ST or trying out Second Coil for sands/oils to upgrade your weathered soldiery gear (and, with second coil, i110 gear in general.) Also tomestone and sands for i110 weapon in ST if you never got one.
- Do the story and the new dungeons, plus the above, and earn some poetics to buy an upgradable i120 piece. You'll also have boatloads of soldiery to replace any sub-i100 gear.
- Beat Ramuh then go spam Shiva for an i115 weapon and maybe a pony.

Soldiery is easy to get; this is probably one of the least-grindy catchup times to play.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Fuck King Elmer III for not dropping a Bahamut card after over an hour of play, fuck Garuda for not dropping her card after 20+ attempts, fuck SE for turning a fun minigame into a tedious grindfest devoid of any semblance of fun. I'm out.

It took me like 4 or 5 hours to get Bahamut. Put in some actual work before you lash out at the man.

Agreed about the grind. TT should be so much fun but it's such a damn chore. I finally got up to 30 cards owned which is such a massive step forward for your decks' overall strength. Feels like it will take months and months before I get up to 60.


Ok guys, I don't know if I fucked something up but, last night, I got my Omnilex Novus. I picked the soul glaze mission and recieved the Zodiac Glass. However, I am unable to use the Zodiac Glass with the Omnilex equipped, a message appears saying that I don't have a compatible weapon equipped. I also did a dungeon run and received no light, what gives?

Edit: nvm, did not glaze the weapon xD, silly me.


Why would you dungeon grind? i99 sounds like you have a decent amount of weathered soldiery gear. You can gear up by:

- Running WoD and picking up one i120 item a week
- Running ST or trying out Second Coil for sands/oils to upgrade your weathered soldiery gear (and, with second coil, i110 gear in general.) Also tomestone and sands for i110 weapon in ST if you never got one.
- Do the story and the new dungeons, plus the above, and earn some poetics to buy an upgradable i120 piece. You'll also have boatloads of soldiery to replace any sub-i100 gear.
- Beat Ramuh then go spam Shiva for an i115 weapon and maybe a pony.

Soldiery is easy to get; this is probably one of the least-grindy catchup times to play.

Yeah, this is what I was looking for. I really want to turn NIN into my main job but it's only ilvl 75. I do have nearly all weathered soldiery gear on my BLM though so I may focus on getting it up. Thanks for the advice.
Ok guys, I don't know if I fucked something up but, last night, I got my Omnilex Novus. I picked the soul glaze mission and recieved the Zodiac Glass. However, I am unable to use the Zodiac Glass with the Omnilex equipped, a message appears saying that I don't have a compatible weapon equipped. I also did a dungeon run and received no light, what gives?

same thing happened to me. You gotta talk to the guy again, and there is something called novus enhancement or something and you'll see an option to soulglaze a relic weapon. Choose the omnilex and he'll be like your weapon is now soulglazed all over. Pretty much the quests end right before the last step lol.


same thing happened to me. You gotta talk to the guy again, and there is something called novus enhancement or something and you'll see an option to soulglaze a relic weapon. Choose the omnilex and he'll be like your weapon is now soulglazed all over. Pretty much the quests end right before the last step lol.

Yeah, just figured it out xD, that's kind of dumb. Why not soul glaze it in the same cutscene? XD not like you will lose anything...
But thanks anyways


Yeah, just figured it out xD, that's kind of dumb. Why not soul glaze it in the same cutscene? XD not like you will lose anything...
But thanks anyways

It's like the stupid sphere scroll. In the space of like a week three of us independently went to the Bonfire, had the quest discussion, left the Bonfire, and realized we still had inks but no scroll.

Or how during Zeta Jazalan has an incomplete quest marker on him, but you dont get the weapon by completing the quest, you get the weapon by picking a menu option wayyyy towards the bottom, and then once you have it you can complete the quest.

Entire relic questline is designed to make me feel stupid, I swear. It was very successful.


One relic is grindy enough, but two or more all the way up to zodiac level? I couldn't do it. Most I'll get of my other relics is PLD and MNK to animus


Welp, Golden Saucer not as happy and shiny as it appears. It doesn't end at hair bets.

Fuck King Elmer III for not dropping a Bahamut card after over an hour of play, fuck Garuda for not dropping her card after 20+ attempts, fuck SE for turning a fun minigame into a tedious grindfest devoid of any semblance of fun. I'm out.
It's day two. It's supposed to take time! (And fucking lol at only over an hour) If you aren't enjoying getting new cards, then I suggest changing your methods up a bit, either switching up opponents or just taking a break. You don't need all the cards today.

I'm at 32/80 right now, the vast majority of those have been from grinding on NPCs. It was annoying at times but was a lot of fun/oddly addicting too. Garuda card can be obtained form timed npcs if you don't wanna farm her(I don't blame you), it's that way for a lot of the dungeon cards. The only instance card I've grinded for thus far is Terra
to no avail
, but even that didn't seem that bad as I just played against npcs inbetween queues.


Next week we'll be talking to Yoshi-P about Heavensward so I'm looking for any questions you guys might have on the expansion.

Hopefully this hasnt already been asked but I was wondering how do we go about sending you questions for him? I have 2 basic ones to run by you to see if they are worthy of asking.

1. What will the requirements be to unlock these new "Jobs" (or whatever they are calling the 3) once we own the expansion. What im wondering is will I need to do something in the main game before I can access them. Example: Hit 50 as a tank class for The Dark Knight.

2. Are they thinking about adding extra side quests or options for players that are leveling their second or third job and need ways of gaining more xp other than Fate grinding and the Duty finder. (I know they are thinking with all the extra Tanks and Healers the Duty Finder should even out) Is there anything they are planning on doing to the opening areas for these types of players that need more quests are or options for xp. Maybe even have side quests that reset after a certain time period or reset for each job.

Sorry for the long post, that is all. Let me know if this is the wrong place for this and where I should send it if it isnt.


Nope you get Gundam title instead!

Nice! Id kill for a Gundam quote! Hopefully I can get something as sick as that.


Alright, application sent on the Ultros server under the Mark Delran name :D Hopefully I can join the cool guys :p

Seriously, I like it so far, but I'm barely level 14, so still a lot to see and do!


2. Are they thinking about adding extra side quests or options for players that are leveling their second or third job and need ways of gaining more xp other than Fate grinding and the Duty finder. (I know they are thinking with all the extra Tanks and Healers the Duty Finder should even out) Is there anything they are planning on doing to the opening areas for these types of players that need more quests are or options for xp. Maybe even have side quests that reset after a certain time period or reset for each job.

Serious question, you do know what leves are, right? Because they basically fit what you're saying.

There's not that many of them, and they're super repetitive if you do choose to grind them, but they do exist.
Serious question, you do know what leves are, right? Because they basically fit what you're saying.

There's not that many of them, and they're super repetitive if you do choose to grind them, but they do exist.

To be fair if you spam leves, you run out in like 6-7levels or something even with a starting stock of 100, and then well it's 6 a day so you don't progress very fast. I think they should let you do leves for no item/gold rewards when you're out, so you could do that, and at the same time prevent botting and what not.


So I got 2 and a half animus books done today. Only 3 and a half left though I need to start grinding sol.

Got lucky with Main Scenario roulette today, new person which got me 240 Sol in total for a quick prae run.

I've started to embrace the idea of speed running thanks to these books. I can't imagine doing this for more than one weapon though.


To be fair if you spam leves, you run out in like 6-7levels or something even with a starting stock of 100, and then well it's 6 a day so you don't progress very fast. I think they should let you do leves for no item/gold rewards when you're out, so you could do that, and at the same time prevent botting and what not.

I APPARENTLY DELETED MY POST. Anyway, yeah, they're not all that efficient or even really that good outside of a few specific situations. Was more just wondering if he didn't know about them at all or if those aren't good enough.

Edit: Also worth noting, Guildhests first time bonus resets per job ... but it's still a queue time issue >>


Welp, Golden Saucer not as happy and shiny as it appears. It doesn't end at hair bets.

It's day two. It's supposed to take time! (And fucking lol at only over an hour) If you aren't enjoying getting new cards, then I suggest changing your methods up a bit, either switching up opponents or just taking a break. You don't need all the cards today.

I'm at 32/80 right now, the vast majority of those have been from grinding on NPCs. It was annoying at times but was a lot of fun/oddly addicting too. Garuda card can be obtained form timed npcs if you don't wanna farm her(I don't blame you), it's that way for a lot of the dungeon cards. The only instance card I've grinded for thus far is Terra
to no avail
, but even that didn't seem that bad as I just played against npcs inbetween queues.

If we'd done WoD together, it could have been 33/80!!


Am interested in getting back into this game.. do you think I should just wait for Heavensward to come out so I have a whole bunch of new stuff to do with an appropriately new character or just go ahead and swing right into it?


Am interested in getting back into this game.. do you think I should just wait for Heavensward to come out so I have a whole bunch of new stuff to do with an appropriately new character or just go ahead and swing right into it?

If you have the time/money I see zero reason to wait. There is more than enough content to keep you busy until the expansion hits.
Ahhh I feel so scrubby today.

That feeling when you're the shitty healer on Levi EX who gets a ton of stacks and becomes useless.

It was my first time doing Levi EX but still. Didn't help I feel asleep during the duty finder.


Man that vine item in choco racing is the red shell of this game. You get surrounded by 2 people with them? tough luck, maybe next time unless you have the stamina tablet on you
Finally got a card from a dungeon! Sadly it was just a one star Malboro card but at least it means I don't have to grind out Aurum Vale for it.

I am really hating that combo rule, had a npc flip the entire board on me, ouch.

Euro-gaf seem to be the card hounds, tread with caution.
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