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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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Man.. i can't remember how I bought this game. I use to play it A LOT. Checked steam and it's not on my list, checked amazon and it's not in my digital games list.. Was there ever a direct download through Square Enix?


Speaking personally, I don't like the idea that others are watching me while I'm learning content, but I usually cannot control it, and try to ignore it. Just a fact of life, since people like to use streaming as a progression tool.

See that sounds like 90% of end game tanks to me. I swear tanks in raids get more hyped up by their own DPS than half the DPS I've seen. Especially warriors, who I assume are dealing with SCOB solo-tank irrelevancy PTSD.

That, and Titan Egi Ramuh EM Runs.



Speaking personally, I don't like the idea that others are watching me while I'm learning content, but I usually cannot control it, and try to ignore it. Just a fact of life, since people like to use streaming as a progression tool.

I don't like the idea of people watching streams of me in progression content, either. Especially when they then publicly wish failure on the group because they don't want me, personally, to succeed.

...so it turns out I'm still salty about that.



See that sounds like 90% of end game tanks to me. I swear tanks in raids get more hyped up by their own DPS than half the DPS I've seen. Especially warriors, who I assume are dealing with SCOB solo-tank PTSD.

This is absolutely true.
Especially when you consider that even at our absolute best we have all the damage of a foam noodle regardless of the class.






See that sounds like 90% of end game tanks to me. I swear tanks in raids get more hyped up by their own DPS than half the DPS I've seen. Especially warriors, who I assume are dealing with SCOB solo-tank irrelevancy PTSD.

Because doing DPS is about all the excitement we have when tanking. Hitting 1-2-3 is simple so might as well spice it up by doing as much damage as possible while still being as tanky as necessary. Like, from a healing perspective that extra HP from VIT is near meaningless so might as well push damage.

Plus, it's nice to out DPS actual DPS simply by virtue of one side trying and the other side is asleep.

This is absolutely true.
Especially when you consider that even at our absolute best we have all the damage of a foam noodle regardless of the class.

I'll usually do 350-370-ish with i110 crafted right side and my Zeta as PLD. This is without full i130 left side. Probably closer to 400+ with those + Storm's Eye always up if I had to guess?

Still bad compared to real DPS but, honestly, most DPS in WoD or EXDR or whatever are /afk anyway so it's just competing with the people I queued with and randomly that one oither i130 guy going full ham.


BTW, am I the only one that noticed that Yoship was talking about making it so CD's would reset after wipes, either during the 3.0 expansion or shortly there-after?


BTW, am I the only one that noticed that Yoship was talking about making it so CD's would reset after wipes, either during the 3.0 expansion or shortly there-after?

It's about time. For a game that does well to cater to the progression crowd, that was a massive miss on their part.


I'll usually do 350-370-ish with i110 crafted right side and my Zeta as PLD. This is without full i130 left side. Probably closer to 400+ with those + Storm's Eye always up if I had to guess?

Still bad compared to real DPS but, honestly, most DPS in WoD or EXDR or whatever are /afk anyway so it's just competing with the people I queued with and randomly that one oither i130 guy going full ham.
Aye, putting up the best you can possibly do on a class is nice. The fact that we'll always be like a one legged DPS at our best is a simple fact, but when you crit after crit after crit as a tank then SHIT FEELS GOOD SON. Even if it isn't 4 digit multi thousand regular DPS damage....

Super secret footage of the next "relic" weapon for Paladins?
As you can see this is clearly a DRK.


If tanks get to push it DPS close to what I do in content, I want access to at least three defensive cooldowns, including Hallowed.



Aye, putting up the best you can possibly do on a class is nice. The fact that we'll always be like a one legged DPS at our best is a simple fact, but when you crit after crit after crit as a tank then SHIT FEELS GOOD SON. Even if it isn't 4 digit multi thousand regular DPS damage....

As you can see this is clearly a DRK.

Oh, the attire looked terrible so I just assumed it was a PLD.


Incoming drama
: Not sure if you're being serious or not. I take offense to this quite a bit, since most of the "complaining" is mostly jovial and not to be taken a hundred percent seriously. Besides, someone has to be willing to run people through harder content they would like to try and clear since some people would rather run Garuda EX for hours instead.

Sorry, couldn't respond to this cause I as at work. The Angary part was joking but weren't you complaing about that one healer who kept disconnecting? That might have been in FC chat ironically enough. I am also admittedly pretty drunk by that time of night.

Honestly you all can do what you want and I think all of the people on mumble are pretty great folks especially if they are helping people get clears. When I do go on to mumble yes I think there is too much complaining about bad players. The complaining can be justified (as may be the case with a d/cd healer on T9) and I think is something you are going to hear in any online game. Hell you'll see a lot of it on here and on FC chat too. This is the first real online game I've played and I think that the way people tend to act towards others (general statement, not everyone!) may just be something I do not like about the genre.

I think the issue with mumble may be that it's a sort of in-group that is not readily viewed/listened to by all members. Yeah any one can go on but a lot of people don't. So you start to wonder what's being said about you. I know I could be a lot better at this game, I'm pretty open about being casual and not playing a whole lot. Is me being a bad a big topic of conversation on mumble? Knowing all you guys I know it isnt but there's always gonna be that little thought that people who you respect as players are laughing at you behind your back. Better for me to just not go on and not have to think about it.

If anything the only thing I have an issue with is how open people have been about help night becoming "carry" night. I started doing it on Fridays so I kind of feel like I have some ownership of it or something and I don't like the pejorative connotation that comes when people start calling it "free carry Friday" or when Felix says (jokingly? Idk) that there are no learning parties on help night. The whole idea I had for it to begin with was a low stress environment where people could get help and learn battles. The first few ones we'd go whole nights without getting a Titan ex clear! But if other people don't view carrying or being carried negatively I'd say it's just my own hangup. People are getting clears and if they are happy and the people don't mind doing it that's great! Now let me never write a post this long again.


Edit: I do know that Mumble Lobby likes to watch other people stream and can get carried away. This might seem malicious to outsiders at times and could make others feel anxious or unwelcome. Let's try to dial this back a bit, please.
Yes, exactly. We should all be friendly towards each other, even if we aren't all friends. We all share a common interest, so that should be enough :>

I don't like the idea of people watching streams of me in progression content, either. Especially when they then publicly wish failure on the group because they don't want me, personally, to succeed.

...so it turns out I'm still salty about that.
... That's pretty messed up. I don't really know why people would do that. That being said, gimme your bard pants you don't deserve them >:T

Now let me never write a post this long again.
The healer who was disconnecting, yes. That was getting a bit irksome, like I said, because I was probably tired from T9 and the wipes rolled in. I can say that was not the correct way to handle the situation, and something that I would do differently if given the chance to do it over. I like to think of the behavior as an exception, and not a rule. As for your thoughts on help night, I am 100% on your side, and told Felix as such. We're all trying to pull in the same direction and try to be helpful. Some people have different definitions of it (like Felix) but everyone wants to do the same thing - help people out who need it.

I see what you're saying too about mumble being an opt in feature of connectivity, and yeah. Like I said, I just don't want to help perpetuate the negative connotation about it (though I guess I did in the end). Like Maple said, I think everyone could do with trying to keep it to a minimum and maybe be more mindful going forward. I guess it's a matter of you can't please all the people all the time, and I'm kind of guilty I think of trying to do that a little too often.

Maybe Tabris is right and we need our own Ultros FC drama thread afterall.


... That's pretty messed up. I don't really know why people would do that. That being said, gimme your bard pants you don't deserve them >:T

Because mumble, obviously. Why they'd say it in the lobby and not assume I'd hear from, like, multiple people I have no clue, but hey.

And I've never once pretended to deserve my pants, but Loot RNG is a hilarious troll and I'm running with it. Besides, what would a ninja do with bard pants?


Outside the AF we all wear the same gear.
Most likely the DRK will be doing the exact same thing in 3.0.
I hope you're all ready for more junk tank gear.


Unconfirmed Member
Outside the AF we all wear the same gear.
Most likely the DRK will be doing the exact same thing in 3.0.
I hope you're all ready for more junk tank gear.

You have the best WoD set and most of the best dungeon sets, stop complaining! (yeah I'm scy what up???)


You have the best WoD set and most of the best dungeon sets, stop complaining! (yeah I'm scy what up???)

Personally I'm using a mix of things for my glamor. Hell, I wasn't even using actual armory looking gear till like the start of Feb. Most of it was cloth.

Nuh-uh, you're gonna need some sweet PIE.

They're going to add PIE to tank gear to allow PLD to flash once more and so WAR can actually have more than 10MP.
Actually that's a good point to make though, I wonder what they'll do for DRK stats. I want to say they'll make another set for DRK, but frankly I think they'll take the lazy as fuck route. Meaning one tank set. Hope they prove me wrong. They probably won't even give you PIE, probably just give you an MP regen skill that's constantly active because they'll be like aaayyy fuck multiple sets!!
Personally I'm using a mix of things for my glamor. Hell, I wasn't even using actual armory looking gear till like the start of Feb. Most of it was cloth.

They're going to add PIE to tank gear to allow PLD to flash once more and so WAR can actually have more than 10MP.
Actually that's a good point to make though, I wonder what they'll do for DRK stats. I want to say they'll make another set for DRK, but frankly I think they'll take the lazy as fuck route. Meaning one tank set. Hope they prove me wrong.

TBH since I plan to actively play at least 2 tanks roles, I hope they take the lazy route.

Living the tank life.
The tank life is fantastic.
At its laziest you can literally gear up two classes at once, slap on a different weapon and be ready to go in a second. Hopefully DRK is just one set. I'd like to be able to level and gear DRK, WAR and PLD at once.

Is truly fantastic, specially since I end getting so fucking tired of PLD.

God, WAR is so much fun.


Fraction based MP abilities. It won't matter how much MP you have, you'll only be able to use the move about four times before needing more MP.
Because mumble, obviously. Why they'd say it in the lobby and not assume I'd hear from, like, multiple people I have no clue, but hey.

And I've never once pretended to deserve my pants, but Loot RNG is a hilarious troll and I'm running with it. Besides, what would a ninja do with bard pants?

maybe I'm out of line here but if people are doing that you need to name names, because that shit is unacceptable.


How about focusing on gear for your main job, Ninja?

Because mumble, obviously. Why they'd say it in the lobby and not assume I'd hear from, like, multiple people I have no clue, but hey.

And I've never once pretended to deserve my pants, but Loot RNG is a hilarious troll and I'm running with it. Besides, what would a ninja do with bard pants?
G-guys... you have both heard Kagari's excellent impression of me and my feelings towards Ninja.
But srsly, that's super shitty.

more t12 trial by fire tonight purease.

valor will be molded into a god-tier tank, one wipefu at a time.
My cat body needs time to recover. I'm still crying in a corner hoping for the bennu to go away. but they won't.


I hope everyone is ready for terrible, terrible DRK tanks. The type of tanks that never learned about flash/overpower at minimum. That don't care if they lose a mob to a healer while it gets blown away, eat every AoE or force the melee DPS to position so that they'll never be able to dodge anything or finish a combo.

It'll be great.


Rin. I'm Rin.

Feel free to blacklist me.

If anything the only thing I have an issue with is how open people have been about help night becoming "carry" night.

It's become this because we got through most the people who actually knew the fights but couldn't get a clear before due to, you know, the fights actually being failed for whatever reason. Then we started getting the people who never watched a video or did and "totally get the fight" and then wipe the group for an entire lockout. It became the time to ask for a clear of whatever you were stuck on so just wait for Friday and get it done! People were being straight up told to just wait for Friday to get the fight done, nobody will help outside of those days.

It's not really your fault, just more of it being something that morphed over time to "wiping for 5 hours is frustrating, let's just get it done."

But if other people don't view carrying or being carried negatively I'd say it's just my own hangup.

Seeing as a lot of this probably stems from me, my hangup on it is the combination of these carries and then the way people act in FC chat or with random groups. The DPS that complain constantly about how all the DPS they get are shit and yet can't parse above 200 (blah blah blah yes I always parse), for instance. Or those who go along for farms to get a drop while being AFK.

Getting carried is fine. It's the nature of the game at this point. What's less fine is somehow thinking that being carried means you know something and acting superior to people for whatever reason due to it. It's even less fine when we have the people who join just to get carried through stuff and then leave us, that's also pleasant.

G-guys... you have both heard Kagari's excellent impression of me and my feelings towards Ninja.
But srsly, that's super shitty.

Look on the bright side, nobody will ever joke to you about your Ninja pants!
I hope everyone is ready for terrible, terrible DRK tanks. The type of tanks that never learned about flash/overpower at minimum. That don't care if they lose a mob to a healer while it gets blown away, eat every AoE or force the melee DPS to position so that they'll never be able to dodge anything or finish a combo.

It'll be great.

Can't wait to give 101 tank lessons to level 50+ players, maybe those players will be more thankful of tanks once they learn about it.


Can't wait to give 101 tank lessons to level 50+ players, maybe those players will be more thankful of tanks once they learn about it.

Personally I'm just going to level PLD to max ASAP with my group then level the DPS since everyone and their mother will be DRKing it hard. Easy time to level that. Maybe the healer too, but I'm not the best healer. I'd rather let Eos do its thing.


FYI blacklisting Rin won't be fully effective. Dude has an alt he's withholding information about.

maybe I'm out of lane here but if people are doing that you need to name names, because that shit is unacceptable.

It was one person, it was a while ago at this point (well, the instance I know about, it's entirely possible they're stabbing pins in a voodoo doll and wishing prolonged T13 failure on me right now), and I don't see the point in calling them out further. They theoretically now know I know; it's mostly reflecting on bullshit I've heard in and about mumble made me cranky and I don't think I'd ever openly bitched about it and it STILL bugs me. There were 7 other people there, why wish failure on them?

I dunno, I'm all pissed off, ignore me.
Because mumble, obviously. Why they'd say it in the lobby and not assume I'd hear from, like, multiple people I have no clue, but hey.

And I've never once pretended to deserve my pants, but Loot RNG is a hilarious troll and I'm running with it. Besides, what would a ninja do with bard pants?

I know what you are talking about and it wasn't "people" it was "person" if this was back in 2nd coil time


FYI blacklisting Rin won't be fully effective. Dude has an alt he's withholding information about.

It was one person, it was a while ago at this point (well, the instance I know about, it's entirely possible they're stabbing pins in a voodoo doll and wishing prolonged T13 failure on me right now), and I don't see the point in calling them out further. They theoretically now know I know; it's mostly reflecting on bullshit I've heard in and about mumble made me cranky and I don't think I'd ever openly bitched about it and it STILL bugs me. There were 7 other people there, why wish failure on them?

I dunno, I'm all pissed off, ignore me.

Do you want to hug it out?
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