Probably I'll glamour the AF DRK gear if I end becoming one, it's the only AF right now that deserves so.

Probably I'll glamour the AF DRK gear if I end becoming one, it's the only AF right now that deserves so.
If anything the only thing I have an issue with is how open people have been about help night becoming "carry" night. I started doing it on Fridays so I kind of feel like I have some ownership of it or something and I don't like the pejorative connotation that comes when people start calling it "free carry Friday" or when Felix says (jokingly? Idk) that there are no learning parties on help night. The whole idea I had for it to begin with was a low stress environment where people could get help and learn battles. The first few ones we'd go whole nights without getting a Titan ex clear! But if other people don't view carrying or being carried negatively I'd say it's just my own hangup. People are getting clears and if they are happy and the people don't mind doing it that's great! Now let me never write a post this long again.
Oh yeah.
XIV has shit AA doesn't it.
I always forget.
It uses some FXAA but it's not very effective from what I've noticed. I haven't added any AA solution to this overlay because I downsample from 1440p - you can force extra SMAA or FXAA (blurry), though.
I downsample as well and it always felt like a dumb solution since it introduces a number of other issues with things not rendering to scale. I'd like to see if DX11 presents any solutions to the problem, I'm not nearly as versed in with it entails.
Question. If I die my Zodiak will it stay dyed in Zeta form or will I have to re dye it?
The dye stays.
Cool after cause I was gonna dye mines Metallic Gold and didn't want to waste it if it didn't stay in zeta form. Now what about if you dye it glamour it then disspell it.
The dye stays.
Wait we complained about carry friday and I wasn't in the convo?
Guys, I leave for one day...
Is truly fantastic, specially since I end getting so fucking tired of PLD.
God, WAR is so much fun.
Weird, my Metallic Gold dyed Zodiac Lilith Rod changed to the base colour when I upgraded to Zeta. Had to dye it again.
Let's not get carried away here. I mean WAR has 3 whole different combos compared to PLD having 1. We're not talking about rocket science here.
Also Pacification after Berserk can go fuck itself.
I love the Metallic Gold dye btw
Every time I enter this thread, drama brews.
The fuck is wrong with you people?
Every time I enter this thread, drama brews.
The fuck is wrong with you people?
just log on and tell them "meet me somewhere"This is my mental image (minus the hot girl aspect) of Mumble GAF:
A lot of Mumble GAF is as mean as me, but at least I'll do it in front of someone's face.
how about we all just stop playing for a while
let those subs lapse
Way ahead of you.
better than playing yuzu
Game is dead.
The fuck else we got to do but alternately please Tabris by ripping each other apart and annoy the crap out of him by spamming in-jokes?
how about we all just stop playing for a while
let those subs lapse
Wow at the last few pages of this thread hahahah. You guys need to get out more.
After playing WoW for years, and suffering through 6 month to year-long droughts in content, I find it downright adorable how some folks in this tread cry the game is dead, when there'll be only a few months before the expansion hits. You guys don't know how good you have it. XD
During that 6 month drought, I ended up playing FF14 and loving it, but I'm more dedicated to WoW at this time.
Anyone else like me and just stored all the various materia you've created over your time, not realizing you're sitting on a goldmine?
Stealth Brag, 305 pieces valued at 2.9 Million. I aught to do something with this, right?
Prices will most likely dump in 3.0 with Rank 5 Materia becoming a thing. Prices will also slowly drop over the next couple of months as the game dies down. Sell now.
So what is up with that Pharos Sirius glitch? Had that darn crystal show up from the bottom floor in our fight with Siren, was kinda hilarious to be honest.