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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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I picked this up last week and started a character on Ultros. Joined an FC with some friends of mine but is there someone I can talk to to get a GAF linkshell or something? There's almost no public chatter in this game at all besides the gil spammers and it's kind of driving me crazy.

Check the instructions in the OP for how to join the GAF Ultros FC.


Parry doesn't do anything against the burst damage in T13 (Flare Breath, Akh Morn), though it does work on Flatten. It'd be nice if in 3.0 they ended up revamping tank stats to make them useful so there's a point to going for something other than Vitality but I'm not holding my breath.

Also Earth Shaker!



But, yeah, that's pretty much what I mean. Most the burst cannot be Parried and the damage that you can Parry is unreliable and a lot of healing in this game is precasted or at least planned for ahead of time anyway.

Really, Parry could just be made into a defensive Determination and it would be a lot better of a stat if only because it could be planned for.
How much light is 1 Treasure Map alone? Does it matter what type?

Boar and Pieste are 1 light each, Unhidden leather and mysterious are 2. If all you're wanting is to very(extremely) casually go after nexus then honestly it would be best just to wait. The expac will be out by the time you get done, if you only do a few things a day. Nexus is not something you do casually and get while it's still relevant. Honestly I'd say if you really want a 115 wep and for whatever reason don't want to go into t9, wait until Odin and his eventual 115 weps from extreme.


Completely unrelated, but I met a dude in Duty Finder recently:


Rather glad that they're easing the Coil lockout somewhat in 2.45. There were times in 2.2/2.3 that I would've loved to help fellow GAFers learn earlier turns, but the only times I could do it was when I was okay with hampering my own progress. (Which wasn't too often.)

Does anyone know the exact penalty for clearing out Coil turns again? I thought they said that the person running a 2nd or 3rd time just wouldn't be getting any gear. Hopefully they don't gear lockout the people that haven't cleared as well. <_<;;

Boar and Pieste are 1 light each, Unhidden leather and mysterious are 2. If all you're wanting is to very(extremely) casually go after nexus then honestly it would be best just to wait. The expac will be out by the time you get done, if you only do a few things a day. Nexus is not something you do casually and get while it's still relevant. Honestly I'd say if you really want a 115 wep and for whatever reason don't want to go into t9, wait until Odin and his eventual 115 weps from extreme.

Odin will probably drop 120 weapons, and 130 jewelry, if I had to guess. I mean he's essentially going to be filling the same niche as Ramuh.
Rather glad that they're easing the Coil lockout somewhat in 2.45. There were times in 2.2/2.3 that I would've loved to help fellow GAFers learn earlier turns, but the only times I could do it was when I was okay with hampering my own progress. (Which wasn't too often.)

Does anyone know the exact penalty for clearing out Coil turns again? I thought they said that the person running a 2nd or 3rd time just wouldn't be getting any gear. Hopefully they don't gear lockout the people that haven't cleared as well. <_<;;

For every person that has already cleared it, there's a 25% decrease in loot chance. If 4 or more haven't cleared it, then there is no loot. It's perfectly fine considering if the new person could still get loot, then carry groups would be that much more inclined to bring a person through.

In other words, they want you to do nothing more than help other people see the fight and learn it, not actually clear it with them if you've already done so.


For every person that has already cleared it, there's a 25% decrease in loot chance. If 4 or more haven't cleared it, then there is no loot. It's perfectly fine considering if the new person could still get loot, then carry groups would be that much more inclined to bring a person through.

That system does not really create carry situations but more easy replacement systems.

Only reason to carry someone in that situation if if they want story? Since finishing T13 without loot does nothing game wise right now except show the story.
That system does not really create carry situations but more easy replacement systems.

I'm talking about new people still having 100% chance at getting loot, like I would assume Tia was asking about. 100% chance at loot for new people would absolutely involve carry groups more often than not. The situation that I'm talking about and that they are implementing doesn't do anything for carries.

Their fix honestly does very little though since even having 1-2 people who have done it for the week already, means there's a good chance you won't even see loot. A group getting no loot doesn't exactly help with having an easier time getting the boss down without the help of people who have done it before.


I'm talking about new people still having 100% chance at getting loot, like I would assume Tia was asking about. 100% chance at loot for new people would absolutely involve carry groups more often than not. The situation that I'm talking about and that they are implementing doesn't do anything for carries.

Yeah that's what I meant. I was agreeing with you. It just allows you to add a replacement of someone who's cleared if one member can't make it. I don't know if I would want to risk 25% loot loss with that though. I feel most won't take advantage of this until 2.5+ where they want T13 clears.


Assuming you still get achievments and progression credit as a carry with an otherwise locked out group I suspect there'll be at least something of a market. IIRC you get a minion for clearing the coil questline? Minions are serious business. Plus the people who buy carries to link achievments to get into groups that require proof of clears.


Honestly, don't care about not getting loot a second time myself. Sure, the loots nice, but I usually just vanity the Augmented AF over everything anyway, so aside from helping me with future content, it's fairly low value to me. Coil for me has always merely been a group activity that I could do with people, the experience is far more valuable than the gear itself for me.

Back in 2.2 and 2.3, there were a lot of times when I wanted to go back and help friends with this, just so they would have a bit of a resume, and could get into groups more easily. Sadly the lockout has always made this difficult. I understand why they have it in place, but it does make the entry into endgame raiding all the more difficult for people running behind.

Well, thankfully they're breaking raids up into Normal and Hard modes come expansion time. That's good, it means we won't be having a ton of players stuck behind Twintania or Nael anymore.

-25% for one person? Oh man. Was that in the official recap of the Live Letter?

Just checked, and it doesn't appear to be in the official recap.


You would need 8 people to feel the same and not care about loot, and that won't happen.

Spending the time trying to find that? May as well just form a static.

Now it will allow T13 carries soon for money. If it's not for money, most people won't be motivated to carry.


Crystal Bearer
You would need 8 people to feel the same and not care about loot, and that won't happen.

Spending the time trying to find that? May as well just form a static.

Now it will allow T13 carries soon for money. If it's not for money, most people won't be motivated to carry.

Carrying anyone though any of Final Coil seems to be really almost impossible right now. Especially in T12 where you actually get punished if a dead body sits on the floor too long.


Well, there's a difference between carrying and helping people learn. Obviously one or two people cannot carry six or seven people that have never seen the fight before. However, they can help explain the mechanics, point out things they're doing wrong, and if they're close to clearing they may be able to help actively push them over the finish line.


Carrying anyone though any of Final Coil seems to be really almost impossible right now. Especially in T12 where you actually get punished if a dead body sits on the floor too long.

Well if I remember correctly, during the fanfest when the question was first asked, it was about an individual or a couple of people helping another group for coil content that they already cleared for the week. Not for carries. And lets be honest, we won't be seeing any post T12 carries until the nerfs hit during the expansion.


That's the best part. You died? Lol, stacks. Still dead? Lol, stacks. Seriously, still dead? Lol, can I just wipe you guys now?

25% per person seems quite a bit for this game, Yoshi wants people to clear the content. I would imagine it would be a 12.5% drop per person.

I had assumed it would be 1 person is "free", the second would cause a lost chest, and then 4 would be both chests gone. So the same end result as -25%, essentially, but at least subbing one person in isn't potentially detrimental.


This is how they worded it, assuming the Live Translation is accurate.

In 2.45 we will also be introducing a system where players can help people with the final coil of bahamut after they've been locked out. For people who don&#8217;t want a second chance at loot but rather want to help their FC mates and friends clear.

So, the only thing we know for certain, is that people that've cleared once before won't be getting a second shot at loot. If that's the only restriction than that's awfully generous.

In other news, decided to hold off on buying a new GPU, until the DX11 Benchmark program is released later this month. I figure it'd be smart to actually look at how GPU's actually handle it before buying. You know, as opposed to Guestimating.


In 2.45 we will also be introducing a system where players can help people with the final coil of bahamut after they've been locked out. For people who don’t want a second chance at loot but rather want to help their FC mates and friends clear.

If that's true and accurate: FINALLY.


Sound to me like whoever fills in simply won't be able to roll on the loot at all, which is more than acceptable, I suppose.


Yea, essentially puts Final Coil onto a Loot Lockout like CT. Though I suspect there's some other restriction, a limit on how many pre-cleared people per party, or, something.

Edit: Well, not exactly like CT, there you can run until you see the loot you want. In this scenario you'd only get the one shot, regardless of whether you got the loot you wanted or not.


That's the best part. You died? Lol, stacks. Still dead? Lol, stacks. Seriously, still dead? Lol, can I just wipe you guys now?

I had assumed it would be 1 person is "free", the second would cause a lost chest, and then 4 would be both chests gone. So the same end result as -25%, essentially, but at least subbing one person in isn't potentially detrimental.

Now that I think about it, this percentage stuff stemmed from a speculation thread on reddit after the fanfest. All Yoshi said was that there would be subs, and the subs wouldn't be able to roll on loot, so there may be no percentage loss at all for the people who haven't cleared it.


If I needed a rep I'd rather look for an alt than someone's main who has cleared. Can't have that reduced chance at DRG loot!


Yea, essentially puts Final Coil onto a Loot Lockout like CT. Though I suspect there's some other restriction, a limit on how many pre-cleared people per party, or, something.

Just for the record, the "reduced chest count" thing was mentioned at the Live Letter. There's no exacts onto the system they'll use, however.


I was under the impression you couldn't join more than one but that you could use multiple link shells.

That's true, but there's not really a general GAF linkshell (unless you really like fishing at the moment). All general chat for GAF goes on in he FC chat, which is still pretty active. Join that and have your friends do a linkshell.


Just for the record, the "reduced chest count" thing was mentioned at the Live Letter. There's no exacts onto the system they'll use, however.

You mean the Live Letter back during the Fan Fest? That's mentioned nowhere in the most recent Live Letter. Honestly I suspect/hope they dropped that idea. Again, I really don't care if I don't get loot, but I'd hate to punish the people that haven't cleared yet. (Hypothetically speaking, of course.)
It seems very simple what he does and he plays with controller. Have you thought of creating all those macros (i.e. Bio + Embrace)?

I setup my controller interface to have repetitive commands I use in same spots on multiple hotbars to minimize the need for toggling between them. The only time I toggle between hotbars as SCH/WHM is if I'm going DPS. That's my secret to how I how I play somewhat okay, IMO. If I want to have more than 1 pet ability on my hotbar, I will require a 3rd hotbar, or completely re-organizing me two hotbars to remove these repetitive skills I frequently use. IMO, changing that will cripple my playing ability and require a lengthy learning curve to "unlearn what I've learned".

So much of my healing skill, IMO, is based on muscle memory and memorization so I never need to think about what I'm pressing or look at that area of the UI. That's just how I prefer it, and changing that up at this point is a big undertaking. Given that nothing so far has impeded my or a group's progress that was strictly due to my inability to heal well enough, I do not believe this change is warranted at this point. Come 3.0 when we all get more skills, I might need to re-evaluate my hotbar setup, but that's months away.

However, I have a whole other issue with the sic/obey debate -- I don't totally believe that Eos/Selene on obey is inherently better. Eos does other actions independent of me when I set it to sic, yes, but I also do not need to worry about it being idle and doing nothing when I don't issue it a command. Yes, I lose the precision of having it cast a certain ability at maybe a few key moments, but on the flip side, it is constantly healing/buffing people and letting me focus on other things. While it might not be always casting the most effective thing, it's frequently doing something to aid the party and allowing me to focus more.

I also don't believe the benefit of getting a certain ability cast at 1-3 moments max, which can obviously and apparently easily be overcome with SCH's own tools (Succor, Adlo, Sacred Soil), to be worth the extra thought process during the battle. The most I need to think about with Eos/Selene ever is placement or swapping them out during a fight at certain points. And as I said earlier, if we ever get to something that simply can't be overcome by better gear or my play style, but could have with the extra manual control of my pet, I will reconsider this argument.


They'd have to reduce the chest count or the treadmill breaks--too many ways to arrange guaranteed upgrade items by running 7/1 groups after the first 8 clear.


You mean the Live Letter back during the Fan Fest? That's mentioned nowhere in the most recent Live Letter. Honestly I suspect/hope they dropped that idea. Again, I really don't care if I don't get loot, but I'd hate to punish the people that haven't cleared yet. (Hypothetically speaking, of course.)

No, I mean the one from a few days ago. Maybe it was a translation mistake or something but some of the other translations of the notes mention it.

However, I have a whole other issue with the sic/obey debate -- I don't totally believe that Eos/Selene on obey is inherently better. Eos does other actions independent of me when I set it to sic, yes, but I also do not need to worry about it being idle and doing nothing when I don't issue it a command. Yes, I lose the precision of having it cast a certain ability at maybe a few key moments, but on the flip side, it is constantly healing/buffing people and letting me focus on other things. While it might not be always casting the most effective thing, it's frequently doing something to aid the party and allowing me to focus more.

Just to note, you do know she still heals on her own under Obey, correct? And, besides that, there's actual zero benefit to Fey Covenant or Fey Illumination being used out of sync with actual magic damage coming or big heals going out. It's not a case of "sometimes she does things poorly" and more like "she'll never do things properly" barring times where her cooldowns magically sync up with the phase of the fight.

Realistically, her on Sic means you're missing all of her buffs being used when they're actually needed for their benefit; you'd get the same out of her if you put her on Obey and never manually casted her buffs.


I can't comment as I don't play SCH, I'll let other SCH's comment if they have tips or thoughts, but on the comment of change - I think each one of us has had to change some radical things on what we do over the last couple of months. Hell, Skoje had to change the way he moves in the game. That was such a fundamental change for him, good on him. So if it does end up being a better way of playing SCH, I would recommend at least trying to practice at it. No harm trying right? Of course if it's not a better way then you're all good.


They'd have to reduce the chest count or the treadmill breaks--too many ways to arrange guaranteed upgrade items by running 7/1 groups after the first 8 clear.

Which would be an issue for a total of six weeks, until the upgrade items are available freely in CT3 and/or Hunts. Besides, if they limit the amount of people in your party whom have already cleared to 1 or 2, that makes such arrangements a bit more difficult to pull off.

Aaaaaaand besides that, world first, second, third, fourth, fifth etc, have already been reached. I'm not sure there's really that much incentive to try gaming things like that at this point.
They'd have to reduce the chest count or the treadmill breaks--too many ways to arrange guaranteed upgrade items by running 7/1 groups after the first 8 clear.

There's groups who have an alt group that are capable of doing the same content as mains, hell even our fc has a group like that. All it would take is the alt group bringing in a main one at a time so that the main wouldn't have to roll against anyone for upgrades.

Which would be an issue for a total of six weeks, until the upgrade items are available freely in CT3 and/or Hunts. Besides, if they limit the amount of people in your party whom have already cleared to 1 or 2, that makes such arrangements a bit more difficult to pull off.

Aaaaaaand besides that, world first, second, third, fourth, fifth etc, have already been reached. I'm not sure there's really that much incentive to try gaming things like that at this point.

Why didn't they just drop the lockout after the first week then? The contents been cleared, time to pack it up and start handing out.


No, I mean the one from a few days ago. Maybe it was a translation mistake or something but some of the other translations of the notes mention it.

Just to note, you do know she still heals on her own under Obey, correct? And, besides that, there's actual zero benefit to Fey Covenant or Fey Illumination being used out of sync with actual magic damage coming or big heals going out. It's not a case of "sometimes she does things poorly" and more like "she'll never do things properly" barring times where her cooldowns magically sync up with the phase of the fight.

Realistically, her on Sic means you're missing all of her buffs being used when they're actually needed for their benefit; you'd get the same out of her if you put her on Obey and never manually casted her buffs.

Only seen two translations, and I did just try googling others with no luck. Anyhow, the translations that are being cited most often, are the Reddit Live Translations, (Which was later cleaned up a bit by the translator,) and the partial official translation, which is seems to have omitted half the Q-n-A's.


Which would be an issue for a total of six weeks, until the upgrade items are available freely in CT3 and/or Hunts.

Assuming this system lives and dies with the 2.X line of content, it's six weeks. If they want to maintain a loot lockout in future raids, and want to allow people to assist for the future going forward, they hopefully took a longer view of the implications than six weeks.

Besides, if they limit the amount of people in your party whom have already cleared to 1 or 2, that makes such arrangements a bit more difficult to pull off.

Well, yeah, if the system is actually designed around statics finding replacements and not just letting whoever run whatever with whoever, then things change. But that seems silly and counterproductive to me--why do this and then not let a bunch of bored people with clears team up and run stuff with uncleared folks who maybe aren't hyperfocused on the loot aspect?

Reducing drops makes the most sense in terms of flexibility and long-term stability to me. It probably shouldn't kick in until the second cleared person, or something, but it's not an outlandish approach.


Which would be an issue for a total of six weeks, until the upgrade items are available freely in CT3 and/or Hunts. Besides, if they limit the amount of people in your party whom have already cleared to 1 or 2, that makes such arrangements a bit more difficult to pull off.

Aaaaaaand besides that, world first, second, third, fourth, fifth etc, have already been reached. I'm not sure there's really that much incentive to try gaming things like that at this point.

Six weeks is a long time. That's pretty much half the lifespan of it being gated.

And if we could game the system for more drops for people, we totally would simply because loot diversity hasn't been favorable for basically non-casters for us.

Only seen two translations, and I did just try googling others with no luck. Anyhow, the translations that are being cited most often, are the Reddit Live Translations, (Which was later cleaned up a bit by the translator,) and the partial official translation, which is seems to have omitted half the Q-n-A's.

From the Reddit thread. If there's archived footage available, probably easier to just listen to it and figure it out too.


Having one chance at a treasure chest per week is dumb. They should just give each party member all the items on the first clear of that turn.


There's groups who have an alt group that capable or doing the same content as mains, hell even our fc has a group like that. All it would take is the alt group bringing in a main one at a time so that the main wouldn't have to roll against anyone for upgrades.

So assuming eight players all had alts, they'd each be able to get 2 Encrypted Tomestones per week, instead of 1. That's of course assuming there's no limitation on the number of people with clears you can have in your party, if there are this gets more complicated.

Why didn't they just drop the lockout after the first week then? The contents been cleared, time to pack it up and start handing out.

What do you think Poverty Sands and UaT's were in 2.3? Congratulations, if you manage to pull this off you get a small handful of extra upgrade items before the flood gates open six weeks from now.

*slow clap.*


What do you think Poverty Sands and UaT's were in 2.3? Congratulations, if you manage to pull this off you get a small handful of extra upgrade items before the flood gates open six weeks from now.

*slow clap.*


A) Sands, Oils, and UATs still are gated behind weekly poetic caps after 2.5. It takes 3 weeks to save up enough poetics for a weapon.

B) You are ignoring all the gear you get outside of the sands, oils, and uats.
So assuming eight players all had alts, they'd each be able to get 2 Encrypted Tomestones per week, instead of 1. That's of course assuming there's no limitation on the number of people with clears you can have in your party, if there are this gets more complicated.

Not the way they are talking about the lockout. The way you are trying to comprehend is it that each new person could keep rolling and people who have already cleared it get no rolls but can keep doing the content. If an alt group were to bring a main through each time, based on your own lockout system, then each new person could get all the drops each week, which would mean each new person/main gets their tomestone/upgrade item when they run with the alt group.

Now how does that sound when everyone can get their upgraded weapon in the same week as long as they have the tomes to buy the base weapon?

What do you think Poverty Sands and UaT's were in 2.3? Congratulations, if you manage to pull this off you get a small handful of extra upgrade items before the flood gates open six weeks from now.

*slow clap.*

"In 2.3" is all that needs to be said. 2.3 was 3 months after the raid was relevant, not a month and a half. There's quite a difference between the 2 when it comes to locking people out of loot.

*slow clap*


What do you think Poverty Sands and UaT's were in 2.3? Congratulations, if you manage to pull this off you get a small handful of extra upgrade items before the flood gates open six weeks from now.

*slow clap.*

I'm not sure why you keep treating six weeks as an insignificant amount of time. We're on week 6 right now, imagine double those drops in that time frame. We'd all have our i130 weapons and would be working towards alt weapons. Most people would have an i130 right side piece if not multiples.


Also we just assume they will give welfare carbon twine, carbon coat, and encrypted tomestone in 2.5. What happens if they don't? Maybe they just allow it from CT3 only and no hunt system. Then you are weekly capped from getting those.


Six weeks is a long time. That's pretty much half the lifespan of it being gated.

And if we could game the system for more drops for people, we totally would simply because loot diversity hasn't been favorable for basically non-casters for us.

From the Reddit thread. If there's archived footage available, probably easier to just listen to it and figure it out too.

That translation seems to be interspersing info from previous events into his list, (not to mention the translator botched a few points in there,) as such I'm not sure you should put terribly much stock into this.

Granted, we really won't know for certain until the 2.45 patch notes hit, in another six days or so.
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