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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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That translation seems to be interspersing info from previous events into his list, (not to mention the translator botched a few points in there,) as such I'm not sure you should put terribly much stock into this.

Uh, what stuff is from previous events?

And you do know that some of his points also corrected mistakes in the translation restream one, correct? So the same would apply to the streamed one.


I'm not sure why you keep treating six weeks as an insignificant amount of time. We're on week 6 right now, imagine double those drops in that time frame. We'd all have our i130 weapons and would be working towards alt weapons. Most people would have an i130 right side piece if not multiples.

Coupled with the fact that most static groups simply couldn't do this, yes, it's insignificant. Most players in this game don't have alts, many of those that do have them on different servers, (because you have to pay more to have multiple alts on the same server.)

Yes, a small handful of players would be able to gear up slightly faster, and for the majority it'd have no impact whatsoever. Thus, in my mind, a few weeks of gaming the system isn't really significant.

Uh, what stuff is from previous events?

And you do know that some of his points also corrected mistakes in the translation restream one, correct? So the same would apply to the streamed one.

Mostly info about the expansion. The description of Dark Knight was not mentioned in the previous Live Letter, (He pretty much directly quoted Fan Fest info there,) As for mistakes, this translation originally stated that there'd be a new PVP map in 2.5, when it was quite clear that they were talking about a new mode or rule-set using the same map.

Basically, it's a sloppier translation than the Live translation, or the official translation.


You clear a turn as a static. Then whoever got their item, you remove from the group. Set up a PFer or use your FC and get a replacement. Repeat 8 times over until everyone has their items.

Hell, you could repeat infinitely (up to running out of people who want a carry through a turn / chance of item) and completely gear from a turn in 1 week.


You clear a turn as a static. Then whoever got their item, you remove from the group. Set up a PFer or use your FC and get a replacement. Repeat 8 times over until everyone has their items.

Yes, it would be easy to game the system this way. I hope WolvenOne designs an MMORPG some day that we can all play, enjoy, and break.


With the way you're outlining the system, you wouldn't need alts. I feel like that misconception is the first thing that needs to be corrected. You outlined a system for people to get drops on their mains just by rerunning it with the loot funneled to them. That wouldn't really take alts, just some basic organization and some infinite time. Though, yes, alts would make it significantly easier / remove those pesky "other people" from being needed.

This is why the system needs hard limits to the loot / amount of people already with clears in it. To remove these edge cases of funneled loot.


This is why the system needs hard limits to the loot / amount of people already with clears in it. To remove these edge cases of funneled loot.

Vastly reducing the amount of time it takes to get the best raid loot is also contrary to the business goals of a subscription-based MMO - get that sub money.


Yes, it would be easy to game the system this way. I hope WolvenOne designs an MMORPG some day that we can all play, enjoy, and break.

Uh, no it wouldn't work that way. If you've cleared you couldn't roll on things again, this wouldn't be like the CT loot lockout system, where you can keep going until you get a piece of loot. That initial batch of loot you see when you first clear, is the only loot you could possibly roll on with that character.

Now, if you have enough alts to play around, and you're coordinated, yeah, you could possibly get another piece of loot per week. But that's not something most players in this game would be able to do, due to lack of alts, time, coordination.


Crystal Bearer
Also we just assume they will give welfare carbon twine, carbon coat, and encrypted tomestone in 2.5. What happens if they don't? Maybe they just allow it from CT3 only and no hunt system. Then you are weekly capped from getting those.

I can see it happening that way. They want people to do their instanced content they put a lot of time into and 2.3 hunts pretty much took away from a lot of that. Hunts not giving any Nexus light is a sign, imo.


Uh, no it wouldn't work that way. If you've cleared you couldn't roll on things again, this wouldn't be like the CT loot lockout system, where you can keep going until you get a piece of loot. That initial batch of loot you see when you first clear, is the only loot you could possibly roll on with that character.

Now, if you have enough alts to play around, and you're coordinated, yeah, you could possibly get another piece of loot per week. But that's not something most players in this game would be able to do, due to lack of alts, time, coordination.

Static A and Static B have 10-12 on farm.

Week 1, Static A clears 10-11 as normal. They then rerun 10 and 11 8 more times, each time swapping one of their own for somebody from Static B. Static B just received eight weeks of tomestones and upgrade stuff in one week. A gets their normal loot.

Next week, they swap, and A gets eight weeks of crap at once. B gets normal loot.

9 weeks of drops hit both groups in 2 weeks. It'd probably require each group passing up a day of progression a week to get the time in, but it's not rocket surgery.


I highly suspect that there's going to be, "Some," upgrade system tied to hunts again, though it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was far less lucrative this time around. Maybe'll it'll only be the accessory upgrade item, or whatnot.

Either way, they'll have some other means of getting those upgrade items come 2.5, and it'll be a lot simpler and less resource intensive to do it that way, then trying to game the Coil lockout restrictions.

Static A and Static B have 10-12 on farm.

Week 1, Static A clears 10-11 as normal. They then rerun 10 and 11 8 more times, each time swapping one of their own for somebody from Static B. Static B just received eight weeks of tomestones and upgrade stuff in one week. A gets their normal loot.

Next week, they swap, and A gets eight weeks of crap at once. B gets normal loot.

9 weeks of drops hit both groups in 2 weeks. It'd probably require each group passing up a day of progression a week to get the time in, but it's not rocket surgery.

This outline suggests that there are zero restrictions on the number of pre-cleared people you could run with. It gets a whole lot more complicated if you're limited to running with say, two people whom have already cleared. In that case you either need a lot more players, or alts to make it work, not to mention a lot of time. Long story short, I'd be shocked, SHOCKED, if they allowed 1 newbie to run with 7 whom have cleared. There is definitely going to be some sort of restriction there.


A) The system immeiam proposed would be easier than hunt grinding or CT grinding. You would also be getting non-upgrade gear as well. 6 pieces of coil loot + upgrade items per person assuming you do it for Turns 10-12. It would also be incredibly lucrative selling runs for gear. So a lot of people would be buying and selling. Just not going to happen.

B) Too much assuming going on about 2.5. I hope some of you aren't basing what you're doing thinking you'll for sure get welfare CTs/CCs/ETs.


This outline suggests that there are zero restrictions on the number of pre-cleared people you could run with. It gets a whole lot more complicated if you're limited to running with say, two people whom have already cleared. In that case you either need a lot more players, or alts to make it work, not to mention a lot of time. Long story short, I'd be shocked, SHOCKED, if they allowed 1 newbie to run with 7 whom have cleared. There is definitely going to be some sort of restriction there.

It does, because I've seen zero thusfar to support the idea of arbitrary player count limitations, and restricting the number of clears per group makes the whole thing substantially more limiting and less useful than the chest scaling thing, which we have at least dodgy translation pointing towards.


B) Too much assuming going on about 2.5. I hope some of you aren't basing what you're doing thinking you'll for sure get welfare CTs/CCs/ETs.

Without arguments about the best way of doing things in raids or arguments dealing with assumptions on unreleased content, this thread would be dead! I would have to make more wagers on Galen doing something first to make the thread more interesting.

We need to start gambling on big fish catches. First person to catch X, starting in the same time period.
Chocobo racing it supposed to be coming in 2.5 right? Maybe upgrade items are attached to that somehow.

2.55, Gold Saucer will not be till the 2nd half of 2.5 as they said a few months ago. At that point though they may as well not even put upgrade items in since the expac will be right around the corner. They either get added in 2.5 so they at least have a few months of significance or they don't get added at all.


I'm sure that they'll enact some sort of system that will either be exploited or be too restrictive to even be useful.

I'd rather they make it too restrictive than make it possibly exploited to gain extra lewts.

I would be shocked to see Carboncrap not incorporated into CT3 when it hits. It was way too convenient and useful being in ST for them not to continue that trend. I would love it if they tied them to the new hunts, though. Hilarity would inbound again and it would make the game ridiculous again for a few weeks.


If they want to put a catchup mechanic in 2.4, there are only so many places they could put it. CT is a logical place, but, if that was the only place you could get coats/twins/ETs, they would absolutely have to either put them on a separate loot lockout from the gear, or, take the items off lockout entirely. Only getting one of the three per week, would make upgrading via CT alone, immensely time consuming.

If they place those items somewhere else in addition to CT, then it really doesn't matter as much. In fact, go ahead and put them on Hunts again. So long as there is some sort of weekly hard cap on upgrade items, it should be fine.
Haven't played in months and currently thinking about jumping back in as an ARC/BRD (or WHM if I'm feeling crazy) from scratch on Ultros. I was in the FC at one point as well.

Can't wait to see how long it takes to get to 50 now.
I'm sure that they'll enact some sort of system that will either be exploited or be too restrictive to even be useful.

I'd rather they make it too restrictive than make it possibly exploited to gain extra lewts.

I would be shocked to see Carboncrap not incorporated into CT3 when it hits. It was way too convenient and useful being in ST for them not to continue that trend. I would love it if they tied them to the new hunts, though. Hilarity would inbound again and it would make the game ridiculous again for a few weeks.

New hunts? They should just tie them to the current ones, including the current allied seals and logs for the extra laughs!


It is literally impossible for me to play right now.
Like I tank something and things lock up every 10 seconds
I fucking hate verizon
Just to note, you do know she still heals on her own under Obey, correct?

Wait, what? Is this how it's always been? I thought she just sat around getting a free carry through content. Well, in that case, I can maybe remove the Water Pony from my hotbar to make room for Whispering Dawn...


Wait, what? Is this how it's always been? I thought she just sat around getting a free carry through content. Well, in that case, I can maybe remove the Water Pony from my hotbar to make room for Whispering Dawn...

Gotta read those tool tips, at the bottom of each ability it will say whether or not she can use it when on obey.
Gotta read those tool tips, at the bottom of each ability it will say whether or not she can use it when on obey.

...there's already too much dialogue/text in this game. I thought this was supposed to be casual. And where the heck is my Ifrit pony, SE? It's clearly broken. Why do I even pay for this?

Item Box


wow, now I cant even wear a hoodie in a videogame without getting scrutinized either



Unconfirmed Member
DRGs get profiled by GC Officers everyday, it's time for them to rise up.

Like literally rise up, they're on Titan's floor again.


So today I learned that if thunder hits about 200m from your house you'll probably get 90k'd.

The more you know :p


Quick question- is anyone running FFXIV at 4K? I'm wondering what performance would be like. I recently returned to the game last week, and I'm considering 4K monitors since there's a 28" panel now for $500-700. Currently running an oc'ed i7-4770K with R9-290X and obviously it's buttery smooth at 1080p.

Also, I really love this game. My wife and I played 1.0 at launch, long enough to get Legacy accounts, and we were there at ARR launch, which turned us off with all of the down time. Ended up going back to FFXI and then WoW, but now that most of XIV's growing pains seem to be worked out, we decided to come back. It's been a blast so far. We came back to our characters on Ultros and got right back in the swing of things :)


I'm really salty they put the dreadwyrm bard chest in T13. So stupid. /firstworldproblems

Wanna hear something crazy? Skoje has more dreadwyrm gear than ya (unless you weren't wearing some on purpose) :O He loot whored tonight :) He deserves it though as he had bad luck during our 2nd coil runs until we could farm.


Throwing points down the drain is a bit of an overstatement. The gains you get from crit/det are just as minimal, especially in tank stance. And STR/parry should never be a realistic option/trade off. The only time you are picking one or the other is accessories and the real choice there is STR/VIT, and whether or not you can survive without the extra vit.

Parry vs damage secondary is really a choice between a tiny amount of extra damage or a tiny amount of extra mitigation. When doing progression undergeared the tiny amount of mitigation can really save you, you can't rely on it but that doesn't stop it from happening.

Except high constant damage is a real thing in final coil in current/progression gear. It's not a coincidence many of the first clear tanks geared max parry. The idea is to lower amount of healing needed, even a small amount, during non-tank kill move parts so that healers can either conserve MP or dps. Sure once you got it on farm/overgear it then things change, but that is always the case, and it seemed like semper was talking first progression.

But you're right on your final statement....except for when the tank doesn't have enough accuracy and misses a threat combo!

Amen :)

Maybe i'm just stubborn but with the little play time i have and thats only raiding 2 hours 2-3 times a week i don't bother with maxing out my gear other then getting raid drops and poetics.

Like said before the diff between DET/CRIT and Parry is so little.. it doesn't do much for the casual gamer like me.

We are so close to downing T12.. and now we gotta take a break till januari due vacations baaahh XD

Also can't wait for those goon buffs. Was doing some ex roulette yesterday and the tank kept turning and moving, resulting in alot of Heavy Trust misses which really piss me off :p


I can't wait to suffer through all the DRG gear tomorrow.

I mean ugh.

Thats all we getting too..

I'm a WAR as main but my DRG is better geared then my WAR cuz final coil keeps dropping goddamn goon lewt.

Altho.. the chest really fits me :D
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