Back in September, on the rare occasion I checked Party Finder. I wonder if he accepts green girls too.
Probably falls under the "darker" category.
Back in September, on the rare occasion I checked Party Finder. I wonder if he accepts green girls too.
Fiorellelaurent on Asura
I got killed by an orcish thing today but I got to like level 4 or something
Scything bought it too so JOKES ON HIM
Bard to 50!
I have to say I thoroughly enjoy this job. Now to figure out what the f**k I'm actually doing and get all the stuff I need from WoD.
Question for any bards out there about the songs: how do you judge what ballad to play? Obviously I'll like to avoid singing anything that hits my DPS. Do you try and judge what ditty the occasion might call for or just take requests? If there's black mages/summoners in the party I guess I can just go ahead with foe requiem with no DPS penalty...
Typically you can open with Foes Requiem since it's zero dps loss. You sing Paeon as your melee request it, since you can't see TP in game. Or you sing it when you need it. You sing Ballad based on Healer MP. Typically when a WHM's MP starts hovering around 2000 you should -probably- start to sing. The only requests you usually take are for paeon's, because if your healer is requesting a ballad, usually it's already too late. If you ever pop Battle Voice, always keep the song on until Battle Voice ends at the very least.
If you're going to play bard, it's good practice to put singing first and dps second. As you get more used to the class you can figure out by feel when to dps and when to sing and when to pop your buffs. It's really a matter of feel.
The trick is to always let other bard sing so you can focus on looking good on your ACT overlay
Firstly, because I'm a worrywort and I always like to play things safe in basically every game I play. You never want a healing spike to happen and for your healer to suddenly be at three digits. That'll end up in you spending more time singing. If you sing with the MP being at a higher number, you can stop singing sooner. If you wait until they're under 1000 you may have to BV it if the party is in bad shape and then you're stuck singing for 30+ seconds minimum. If you sing earlier you can cut it at 3k, which is a perfectly safe number.Seriously, why 2000? I've done it at 1000 and we've been fine (or more accurately, I haven't been yelled at).
No point really singing it if there aren't any casters in the group, but you may get some ninjas who want it for raiton or some scholars who want it for their dots. If not, then don't bother with it. Some people see MP as a resource for bards and a "why not use it" mentality, especially when you look at foe requiem.That's cool; I can totally be down with the whole support thing. Thanks for the tips. I thought Foes was 10% magic resistance debuff so if there's no DPS mages in the party is there any point singing that one? Paeon is for personal and as requested and watch WHM MP bar for Mage's Ballad. Cool.
I have another question in terms of the range of these songs. I normally position at max range from the opponent, should I be concerned about people/enemies being out-of-range or is the range quite generous?
Gonna jump into ST to ease into doing eight-man stuff then head over to WoD I reckon.
Firstly, because I'm a worrywort and I always like to play things safe in basically every game I play. You never want a healing spike to happen and for your healer to suddenly be at three digits. That'll end up in you spending more time singing. If you sing with the MP being at a higher number, you can stop singing sooner. If you wait until they're under 1000 you may have to BV it if the party is in bad shape and then you're stuck singing for 30+ seconds minimum. If you sing earlier you can cut it at 3k, which is a perfectly safe number.
Basically 2000 is always the number I start thinking about singing ballad for. It depends on the party's health, the stage of the fight, what the fight even is, and so on. Is there raid damage coming up? Spike damage on the tank? Is there downtime coming up where you can sing instead? All things I think about because I think too much.
Firstly, because I'm a worrywort and I always like to play things safe in basically every game I play. You never want a healing spike to happen and for your healer to suddenly be at three digits. That'll end up in you spending more time singing. If you sing with the MP being at a higher number, you can stop singing sooner. If you wait until they're under 1000 you may have to BV it if the party is in bad shape and then you're stuck singing for 30+ seconds minimum. If you sing earlier you can cut it at 3k, which is a perfectly safe number.
Basically 2000 is always the number I start thinking about singing ballad for. It depends on the party's health, the stage of the fight, what the fight even is, and so on. Is there raid damage coming up? Spike damage on the tank? Is there downtime coming up where you can sing instead? All things I think about because I think too much.
No point really singing it if there aren't any casters in the group, but you may get some ninjas who want it for raiton or some scholars who want it for their dots. If not, then don't bother with it. Some people see MP as a resource for bards and a "why not use it" mentality, especially when you look at foe requiem.
The range of the songs is relatively large, so you don't need to be like on your melee's hip when Paeon is being sung, but you also shouldn't be too far away. You can see icons on your party members when they're in range of your songs, so as long as you see them you're fine.
our group's special
As usual, it depends on the situation.Seriously, why 2000? I've done it at 1000 and we've been fine (or more accurately, I haven't been yelled at).
So do I just grind fates when i run out of quests?
12 GB of updates. I guess i can play tomorrow morning then...![]()
Oh lord what are all of these things lol. What lvl do i unlock them my guy is only lvl 12FATEs, guildleves / levequests, hunting log, challenge log, daily beastmen quests, queue for dungeons & guildhests, and daily duty roulette: low level.
Oh lord what are all of these things lol. What lvl do i unlock them my guy is only lvl 12
That's what happened to me lol
EDIT: Having a lot of fun with Archer, how long does level 30 usually take? Is it better to grind Pugilist first or wait for 30 first?
Oh lord what are all of these things lol. What lvl do i unlock them my guy is only lvl 12
FATEs, guildleves / levequests, hunting log, challenge log, daily beastmen quests, queue for dungeons & guildhests, and daily duty roulette: low level.
Guildhest roulette is 10 and dungeon roulette is 16.
Hinting log should be from the start?
Beastmen doesn't open til 50 does it?
Much earlier than that.
Does anyone here use the Guildwork client? Can I get banned for using it? It would help me a lot with my last Alexandrites to do Hunts while FATEing, but Hunts are dead and no one calls or wait for them anymore. That Hunting thing from the client would be great![]()
Does anyone here use the Guildwork client? Can I get banned for using it? It would help me a lot with my last Alexandrites to do Hunts while FATEing, but Hunts are dead and no one calls or wait for them anymore. That Hunting thing from the client would be great![]()
Beast Tribe Quests don't unlock until you reach level 41 of the Main Scenario Quests, even if your character is over level 41. Once unlocked via the Main Scenario Quests the Beast Tribe Quests become dependent on character level and not Main Scenario Quest level.
41 is not 50, so I guess you're agreeing with me.
There was a noticeable "gap" at ARR's launch in the 40's where you would run out of quests and have to run dungeons a lot or grind FATEs to level up, it's clear now the Beastmen tribe quests were meant to fill that gap and weren't ready to go at launch.
So how far am I into the story if I'm on the hunt (massive spoilers)for Cid's airship?
Felt a little bad piling up all my dead homies in the back of that wagon couple of quests back.
Games text is pretty well written. They did a nice job with the translation.
"Gotta go fast."
Wowsers. I was hoping I had a bit left and I guess I do, lol.You are maybe 80% to what I assume is the end of the 2.0 content. And then you'll be able to do about double the amount of content it took you to get from the beginning to the end of that part to do the rest of the story content that was added for post 50. You have some work ahead.
Here's a list of main scnario quests if you want to just check where you are: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/?category2=1&page=5
If you don't want to be spoiled, you are on around 210 of 346 quests
On the plus side, I just checked and I only have 16 left~!
Wowsers. I was hoping I had a bit left and I guess I do, lol.
Thanks for the link.
Tell us more about back in your day, grandpa. I was pointing out that it won't be available until late game my point was just saying do beast quests as a catch all "stuff to do" isn't taking into account he may not be high enough to take advantage. If asks people where to find the beast quest tribes and then runs out there and he's 10, he's not gonna get much done, yeah? "Much earlier" is relative.
Look, I gotta find some clouds to go shout at so I'll be more brief.
He's not going to be "running out there" to do Beastman dailies at 10 anyways since those are in zones he won't be visiting at level 10. Furthermore I've been playing MMOs long enough to know that any point in the game where are you are still leveling towards the cap is still very early in the game. When you're level 41 you're still a young Padawan, the modern MMO doesn't even start until you're at the level cap. For better or worse, I suppose. I gather there are still a group of people who pine for the days of FFXI and EQ where every level you gained towards the cap was paid for with immense suffering.
So apparently Edda's ghost shows up in town every so often. Will we ever be free?
His attitude doesn't change that you were wrong gg
Fiorellelaurent on Asura
I got killed by an orcish thing today but I got to like level 4 or something
Scything bought it too so JOKES ON HIM
Well being a console player I have no clue what I'm parsing so I'll just do the support stuff and tell myself that my DPS is fabulous.![]()
what was going on? Oo
This is basically what all bards do anyway.
Can someone pls explain this error to me?
First we got stuck in the starting circle for around 5 min, when we finally started a healer and me got stuck, no movement, no skills and according to our status we were watching a cutscene. As you can see there was no cutscene. Also i wasn't able to log out.