Yay, hit Summoner level 50 eariler than expected. Mostly because I hanged around in dungeons all the time.
Celebrated by purchasing a new dress.
Celebrated by purchasing a new dress.
This was fun. Did not expect to do this at all, just joined a PF (a group that was normally a static needed fill-ins because not everybody were interested) and we did it in two days from essentially zero. Free loot![19:22]You earn the achievement “A Flower by Any Other Name”!
Glad to hear you like BRD. It's my fav DPS job and a lot of fun. Also very easy and laid back compared to the other DPS jobs.
This is basically what all bards do anyway.
So after doing the hard modes of all the dungeons going back and doing your duty roulette for lower level characters just feels boring. I'm pretty sure I definitely pissed off a dragoon for barely paying attention in the manor
I stopped doing LLDR with level 50 characters a long time ago. It's just too boring and there are so many other ways to get soldiery so why bother with it?
So apparently Edda's ghost shows up in town every so often. Will we ever be free?
I'm still waiting for Edda to found the Necromancer's Guild and recruit the player into it. Necromancer would be a fun class to have in FFXIV.
Isn't the spot kinda taken up by the summoner? Conjure things to fight for them, attack enemies with poisons and sheer ruination. That sounds like the concept for a necromancer to me except things just happen to be foxes and fairies and chicken nuggets instead of spirits and undead.
Well if they ever fix Summoner so it's actually like traditional FF Summoner, then the pet class could be Necromancer instead.
Just got into GAF FC, everyone seems very nice which is great (my character is Mike Nieto, you might see my little Lalafell running around waving to you in Ul'dah/Thanalan). Also just hit level 15 and don't know if I should just keep focusing on main scenario quests, THAU quests and whatever else shows up in my Recommendations window.
I wanna visit other areas, see what they offer but monsters in Southern Thanalan are still too strong for me so I'm scared about getting too far from Ul'dah. I also want to start leveling a crafting class, especifically alchemy (Atelier fan here), but it seems like I'll need to spend a shit ton of gil on ingredients. I'm Alchemist level 3, so any recommendations there¿ or should I just focus on Thaumaturge for the time being¿
Ah, I forgot to ask. Is there an auction house here like in FFXI¿ I haven't seen any and the game is giving me the impression that most things are sold by NPCs... so I don't get what the point of the crafting jobs are if you can't sell your stuff.
Ileterate Panda Death Squad static, GAFs best EU static (lol) finally downed T12. Good job guys. Bahamut prime is next. :3
Ileterate Panda Death Squad static, GAFs best EU static (lol) finally downed T12. Good job guys. Bahamut prime is next. :3
^The OP has your answers~
Q. EB me?
how many waifus you want? angary's gonna get pissed
Yay, hit Summoner level 50 eariler than expected. Mostly because I hanged around in dungeons all the time.
Celebrated by purchasing a new dress.
I don't even know how to do the stupid one-time password thing since it won't let me fucking login and locked my account out.
Isn't the spot kinda taken up by the summoner? Conjure things to fight for them, attack enemies with poisons and sheer ruination. That sounds like the concept for a necromancer to me except things just happen to be foxes and fairies and chicken nuggets instead of spirits and undead.
If you look at previous versions of the Final Fantasy Necromancer (mainly the one in FF V), it was less about summoning the undead as much as being the undead. Most enemy necromancers were undead, the Lich Ring turns you into the undead in FF IV, etc. It's all about selling your soul to darkness for a body that is really hard to kill and powerful, unique attack spells. And dying to Cure II.
I'm having a blast with the story quests and finishing everything other quest and hunting log entry. I'm almost level 18 thaumaturge and will probably try to begin a business as an alchemist, I'm interested in that. Since my goal for the game is to become a Black Mage, I might need help soon traveling from Uldah to Gridania. Have no clue how to do that or the retainers thing for my alchemy.
I'm having a blast with the story quests and finishing everything other quest and hunting log entry. I'm almost level 18 thaumaturge and will probably try to begin a business as an alchemist, I'm interested in that. Since my goal for the game is to become a Black Mage, I might need help soon traveling from Uldah to Gridania. Have no clue how to do that or the retainers thing for my alchemy.
Just keep doing the story quests, they will take you to every part of the world. Also, I'd suggest taking it easy on the crafting until you a) get a Gil base and b) get a better grip on the game and how it works. At the moment its pretty hard to make Gil as an alchemist on anything because potions are generally used in progression and we're at the very end of the patch cycle and no one is using them. You can still make money on X-Pots but you need to be a high level crafter for that.
I made level 20 on Archer but I'm still about 4 levels over my story quest levels.
I hope it doesn't take that long to get to 30. I really want bard.
Lalafell depravity knows no bounds.
Tell me that Nexus is easier/faster, please![]()
D:Do you want me to lie to you?
And to think everything will be useless in less than 2 months...
And to think everything will be useless in less than 2 months...
But real talk, a lot of people say Animus books are the shittiest step these days. I wouldn't entirely disagree with them. The light farming was pretty nerfed (cut in half) so I'm sure it's not as soul crushing as it used to be.
I hope you like Garuda.