I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you, and good bye to everybody in the Ultros GAF FC for everything in the past year.
As I have slowly told more and more people the past few weeks, an FC with hundreds of active members that log on over the course of a day does not match my plans and goals with Heavensward - especially with what has been revealed with regards to FC crafting. I will look for a smaller FC that is similar to the one I was a member of when I started off in 2.0.
The crafting system was the main draw that caused me to subscribe to this game back in 2010 for 1.0 back on Trabia server and in 2013 for 2.0 on the Hyperion server, with which Trabia merged. All my crafting and gathering classes reached 50 before my Monk. The only reason Paladin got to 45+ was to unlock Mor Dhona leves. I am more eager to get crafting in 3.0 more than diving into any battle components of the expansion.
I will still raid with my current group and I will remain on Ultros. I will still hop on Mumble on occasion. I have filled my friend list with almost 200 GAF FC members over the past few weeks during my completed quest to cap out my friend list. Feel free to make any crafting or other requests come expansion, as long as you don't try to sell my products for profit.
Good luck with Heavensward, especially with the new hunts when I can easily stalk most of you via friend list.
Enjoy your new FC