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Final Fantasy XIV |OT7| 1000 years DRAGONSONG War

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Please look forward to it.

Anyway not a big deal. Was just curious.
The chocobo XP buff has been super helpful. At low level, you basically level pretty much every race.


Choco FC xp buff affects racing chocobos? Why is this not in our rotation of FC buffs? Can I get this tomorrow?


I think he means the buff to race XP that was added in the patch.

Oh ok, crisis averted then. Meh, it's definitely a small bump but I'm sitting on leveling a pedigree 4 so it still feels like forever for each level. I'm probably saving one race per level though so that's nice.


Which crazy person thought it would be a good idea to put Steps of Faith on the main questline?

Where else would they put it? Its not like it has a purpose other then the main storyline :p People complain enough it will likely get nerfed in the future but for now I am enjoying the trial (I feel like I am the only one that is, its a refreshing trial from all the simple boss fights we are used to as a trial and I hope there are more of them in the expansion!)


Where else would they put it? Its not like it has a purpose other then the main storyline :p People complain enough it will likely get nerfed in the future but for now I am enjoying the trial (I feel like I am the only one that is, its a refreshing trial from all the simple boss fights we are used to as a trial and I hope there are more of them in the expansion!)

Please stop asking the developers to make fights that require the use of cannons. Far too many people suck when it comes to using cannons.


At some point I was dead set on getting my Chocobo partner to level 20.
I think I stopped at 14 and realized that was a dumb idea. I haven't bothered leveling it in ages.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
SE's customer support is an absolute joke. It took them two weeks to respond to me, and they told me that my account was banned for RMT and won't be recovered. They said that I have to create a new account and repurchase the game if I want to play. LOL Fuck off, that's nonsense.


Suffering From Success
Oh no! A multiplayer PvE game requires communication and cooperation in order to beat! What a novel concept, we better vote abandon.

Additionally, I'm never becoming a DPS. I tried dragooning in FCOB, it was just too much. I'd rather heal. Maybe it's a perception issue. Maybe I'm just secretly bad (not secretly).
Please stop asking the developers to make fights that require the use of cannons. Far too many people suck when it comes to using cannons.

I don't get what's that hard.

You aim with the big red circle on the ground and you fire, is not like you need a PhD to do it....

Battle is fun and different. I like it, the only thing it sucks is because you need more communications than a normal fight, or rather it works different than any other fight.

But that's a problem with the community, really.


I don't get what's that hard.

You aim with the big red circle on the ground and you fire, is not like you need a PhD to do it....

Battle is fun and different. I like it, the only thing it sucks is because you need more communications than a normal fight, or rather it works different than any other fight.

But that's a problem with the community, really.

I don't get what the issue is either, but, regardless, I spent over four hours pugging to get past Steps. It was always the same issue too, ineffective use of the cannons to get adds down. Invariably my groups would be over-run by adds to the point of being ineffective every time we got near the end. It was only when I happened into a group of people that seemed to understand how to use the blasted things, that we cleared.

Also, yes it's a problem with the community, but that doesn't change anything. While anyone can learn how to use these things given time, you spend less than one percent of your game-time dealing with those sorts of mechanics. That doesn't really, "force," anyone, to figure it out.


Maybe by the fourth hour of letting your fate be decided by people who couldn't use cannons correctly and then complaining about their incompetence... you could have changed jobs, and be the person using cannons correctly? Or coordinate a group outside of Duty Finder while planning responsibilities and expectations beforehand? But then we would miss out on your posts ranting about other players sucking, so never mind.


Maybe by the fourth hour of letting your fate be decided by people who couldn't use cannons correctly and then complaining about their incompetence... you could have changed jobs, and be the person using cannons correctly?

Tank, and there were an excess of tanks that didn't understand that you had to kite the adds into cannon range. I spent a lot of effort stealing hate from Tanks that kept running behind the boss. And yes, I explained this, most tanks didn't seem to get it, and I can only be in so many places in a fight.

PS: I saw the same flipping issues when Stone Vigil HM was new as well. The community not having a clue about how to handle cannons is hardly new.


Tank, and there were an excess of tanks that didn't understand that you had to kite the adds into cannon range. I spent a lot of effort stealing hate from Tanks that kept running behind the boss. And yes, I explained this, most tanks didn't seem to get it, and I can only be in so many places in a fight.

1. Nothing is stopping you from going as non-tank.

2. If a fight requires some communication for success, and members continue to fail in communicating (listening and understanding the group's strategy is part of communication)... You are at fault for deciding to stick around for that amount of time and expecting any change in success.

3. You don't need even two tanks in that trial. One tank can grab everything. So the other tank could be on cannons.


1. Nothing is stopping you from going as non-tank.

2. If a fight requires some communication for success, and members continue to fail in communicating (listening and understanding the group's strategy is part of communication)... You are at fault for deciding to stick around for that amount of time and expecting any change in success.

3. You don't need even two tanks in that trial. One tank can grab everything. So the other tank could be on cannons.

1: Considering there are multiple cannons and tower that needs to be manned, going as a DPS likely would not greatly alleviate things if nobody else understands cannons. Additionally, so sue me for trying to run the content on my main class. I was about to try running it on DRG when I hit a group that could actually clear it.

2: You're assuming most these groups lasted long. No, most disbanded after two wipes, three at most. You are GROSSLY underestimating how much of the community does not understand how to use cannons.

3: The worst group I tried Steps with was a PF group, which couldn't even get the boss to 50% after multiple runs. I had better luck with DF groups, and those FORCE you into a two tank set-up.

PS: It probably would've been somewhat fun with a GAF group, but nobody else wanted to run this until around the same time I cleared.


Maybe an issue is that SV HM was in ex roulette rotation during the heyday of hunts. I think I've done that dungeon 3 times total.


Maybe an issue is that SV HM was in ex roulette rotation during the heyday of hunts. I think I've done that dungeon 3 times total.

Possible, and I also think that people that struggled with the cannon mechanic, probably avoided going into that dungeon again.


2: You're assuming most these groups lasted long. No, most disbanded after two wipes, three at most. You are GROSSLY underestimating how much of the community does not understand how to use cannons.

And how many in those multiple groups were first-timers still figuring things out in those few opportunities before the group disbanded? You think people were spamming the trial in DF after clearing it? If you're doing the trial via Duty Finder on the first day, not even the first night... most players you're encountering have not cleared, are new to the fight, and need some time to learn mechanics. I am not underestimating the community's understanding of cannons. I am underestimating your ability to understand how day one Duty Finder works.


And how many in those multiple groups were first-timers still figuring things out in those few opportunities before the group disbanded? You think people were spamming the trial in DF after clearing it? If you're doing the trial via Duty Finder on the first day, not even the first night... most players you're encountering have not cleared, are new to the fight, and need some time to learn mechanics. I am not underestimating the community's understanding of cannons. I am underestimating your ability to understand how day one Duty Finder works.

No, flipping, duh Stalkhawk. How dumb do you think I am!?

No, I fully expected any group to need a few runs to figure things out. However, what added to my frustration, is that several times I'd be in groups that seemed to be, "starting," to get it, getting the boss to under 20% HP, only for two people to decide to vote abandon. This even happened on a run where the boss was down to 1%, so another run would have almost certainly been a clear. But, nope, somebody got impatient, and I was stuck DFing for another hour as a flipping result. This only made it even more of an exercise in pure aggravation!

So, yeah, so sue me for wanting the developers to avoid throwing in cannon mechanics again. Frankly, they're boring even when people are doing them right. When people aren't, they consistently create the most aggravating situations I've ever encountered in this game. These mechanics are bad, and you should feel bad!


No, flipping, duh Stalkhawk. How dumb do you think I am!?

Is there an item level that could quantify this?

So, yeah, so sue me for wanting the developers to avoid throwing in cannon mechanics again. Frankly, they're boring even when people are doing them right. When people aren't, they consistently create the most aggravating situations I've ever encountered in this game. These mechanics are bad, and you should feel bad!

People were able to successfully complete Castrum Meridianum more than a year ago when 2.0 came out. Are you sure cannons are to blame for your frustrations? It seems like impatience from a few people every time you joined a pick-up group should get the blame.


Is there an item level that could quantify this?

People were able to successfully complete Castrum Meridianum more than a year ago when 2.0 came out. Are you sure cannons are to blame for your frustrations? It seems like impatience from a few people every time you joined a pick-up group should get the blame.

Castrum and Prea cannons would fell adds with one or two successful shots, and there were enough cannons that the bulk of the party could get on, creating a tremendous amount of redundancy in the fights. Steps cannons did not fell enemies as quickly, and had far less redundancy. Meaning the shortcomings in competency are far more obvious in Steps.

PS: Despite this, I've seen groups fail miserably on cannons in Castrum as well.


Castrum and Prea cannons would fell adds with one or two successful shots, and there were enough cannons that the bulk of the party could get on, creating a tremendous amount of redundancy in the fights.

Steps cannons did not fell enemies as quickly, and had far less redundancy. Meaning the shortcomings in competency are far more obvious in Steps.

Shortcomings in player competency mean the cannons are to blame! Ground-target AOEs controlled by players are not going away in this game. Shadow Flare, Sacred Soil, Caster Limit Break are some examples of ground-target AOEs that you are dealing with in this game on a regular basis. Having a mechanic involving ground-target AOEs controlled by players will be a staple in dungeons and trials to come. When will people start complaining about the community being terrible at aiming cannons on the FC airships in Heavensward?


Shortcomings in player competency mean the cannons are to blame! Ground-target AOEs controlled by players are not going away in this game. Shadow Flare, Sacred Soil, Caster Limit Break are some examples of ground-target AOEs that you are dealing with in this game on a regular basis. Having a mechanic involving ground-target AOEs controlled by players will be a staple in dungeons and trials to come. When will people start complaining about the community being terrible at aiming cannons on the FC airships in Heavensward?

Yeah, and people that were using classes where ground target AoEs are the norm, didn't seem to have much issue with them. People that did, obviously don't play those classes much if any.


Typically any issues I've seen from cannons have stemmed from tanks not doing things correctly.

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Man I hope tanks do okay in steps. Tanking that is braindead simple. Just flash/overpower literally everything and stand on Lao-Shan Lung's hitbox for canon shots on everything.

Hit button do thing.

Remember to use the dragonslayer guys.


I DF'd this and was in and out in a half hour with 5 randoms. We were probably one of the first groups on the primal cluster to go through so no real strats out there yet. Wiped twice, third one was the kill. None of us even knew to use the dragonslayer spear until near the end of wipe 2 and our success on attempt 3 was with someone ignoring me when I said to not fire the damn thing until the dragon was tethered. So only 2/3 hit and we still finished it before it even got to the gate (though the progress was at about 98/100), still plenty of time though since he gets there and has to cleave like 5-6 times.

Carve your own destiny, something something bootstraps, something something git gud, something something communication.


Man I hope tanks do okay in steps. Tanking that is braindead simple. Just flash/overpower literally everything and stand on Lao-Shan Lung's hitbox for canon shots on everything.

Yeah, super simple for Steps. Honestly, simple to the point of being a boring slog.

I'm sorry, but while the fight had some cinematic merit, I REALLY didn't like it.


Yeah, super simple for Steps. Honestly, simple to the point of being a boring slog.

I'm sorry, but while the fight had some cinematic merit, I REALLY didn't like it.

Tanks only see that dude's ass or stomach the entire fight.
I haven't even done it as a DPS, I don't even see his face 90% of the time.
I don't even know what the slayers look like since I'm just sitting there soaking attacks.


Tanks only see that dude's ass or stomach the entire fight.
I haven't even done it as a DPS, I don't even see his face 90% of the time.
I don't even know what the slayers look like since I'm just sitting there soaking attacks.

They look like silver pointed dildos.


Tanks only see that dude's ass or stomach the entire fight.
I haven't even done it as a DPS, I don't even see his face 90% of the time.
I don't even know what the slayers look like since I'm just sitting there soaking attacks.

They look like dragonators.


I thought the Steps of Faith was good fun. Honestly, the fact that they can still pump out interesting fights has me way more interested in Heavensward than that ending story does.


Honestly, I'd like to see more trials that are different like Steps of Faith, and glad it's not a pushover story trial -- until you figure out exactly what to do.

I don't know what the beef is aside from DF being a pit of bad.

Which... duh?


I thought the Steps of Faith was good fun. Honestly, the fact that they can still pump out interesting fights has me way more interested in Heavensward than that ending story does.

Same, there are a lot of good ideas in coil fights that I think can be translated in a friendlier way to main scenario quest fights. I understand the goal is that everyone should be able to see the storyline but it is a video game first and foremost, the player should feel challenged at times. They shouldn't be walking around one shotting everything and standing in every AOE possible.

People complain that some stuff that happened in the storyline was uncharacteristic of our character, but if you take the average amongst all player characters. That average Warrior of Light could probably be subdued by two drunk guards and a dog.


Same, there are a lot of good ideas in coil fights that I think can be translated in a friendlier way to main scenario quest fights. I understand the goal is that everyone should be able to see the storyline but it is a video game first and foremost, the player should feel challenged at times. They shouldn't be walking around one shotting everything and standing in every AOE possible.

People complain that some stuff that happened in the storyline was uncharacteristic of our character, but if you take the average amongst all player characters. That average Warrior of Light could probably be subdued by two drunk guards and a dog.

Yea I liked this fight too. Took me 3-4 DF attempts soloQ. The one that killed it was the one where he was dead before LB3 was ready. Most of the mid/upper tier raid encounters are very enjoyable and memorable (barring input lag n stuff).

And it's uncharacteristic only in the sense that we "lost". We can't be Mary/Marty Sues all the time in the story, especially when we as the player see a lot of additional things our character does not throughout the main storyline and whatever else.

We as the player don't even know what is going on sometimes (a lot of the time), and if you want to get technical lots of NPCs and our character know things we don't. As an example, we don't know where our characters were born, since iirc the Warrior(s) of Light aren't even from Eorzea. but obviously they lived somewhere before they came here. It's ok to be blindsided when the blanks aren't all filled in, especially
post-Midgardsomr stab precognition nerf


I didn't think it was that uncharacteristic.
Your character's a source of infinite benevolence; resisting arrest would probably be more out of character than letting a top government official's soldiers capture you.


I didn't think it was that uncharacteristic.
Your character's a source of infinite benevolence; resisting arrest would probably be more out of character than letting a top government official's soldiers capture you.

This too.
These RMT spammers can seriously fuck off. They banned 8 thousand accounts for doing that shit and what does it do? Absolutely nothing when I can't even log in 10mins before a raid without getting bombarded every single minute of that.

Amazing to see the OF full of people who are all like "stop complaining that they aren't anything, they just banned this many people, they dun gud". Bullshit "they dun gud", I have never seen an mmo with spam this bad.


Completed the Steps of Faith in the first DF party I got, it took us 3 tries while getting better everytime. (About 30% hp left, then 8, then dead just after the second tower)
But yeah, we talked a lot about who do what and such.

Anyway, as a solo guy, I'm super happy to have completed the story, I finally can level my DoH/DoL classes without the DF stress and all that until Heavensward.
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