Somebody on BlueGartr posted a pic of a successful 7-WAR T13.
These are the levels of insanity GAF should be aspiring to.
:O Is it the Sargatanas crew
Somebody on BlueGartr posted a pic of a successful 7-WAR T13.
These are the levels of insanity GAF should be aspiring to.
:O Is it the Sargatanas crewI know Xeno and gang have been practicing.
AO does make a world of difference there.
I like this fellow even less now.Back in early March there was a guy who applied to the FC. I still have no idea what to make of him.
W-what? Why would I be jelly?Galen, you jelly yet?
Et tu, Phillip?oh man, I forgot about Gale Storm
you should have accepted, Drama.
Thanks to my newfound obsession with how fast other people are killing things, I'm now fascinated by DnT's FCoB leaderboards. Those bards, man.
ALSO we should now rank all GAF Ninjas as better or worse than Mister Happy. No other rating matters.
Yeah it's good ol Xenosys Vex.
I (poorly) made a gif comparison of DX9 vs DX11.
Galen, you jelly yet?
I played this a year ago, joined the GAF guild it was great but I stopped playing after my time expired.
Was at the store today, game was $20 bucks for the PS4 I grabbed it not really thinking. Is this game fun on the PS4? Or should I be updating files on my PC?
I played this a year ago, joined the GAF guild it was great but I stopped playing after my time expired.
Was at the store today, game was $20 bucks for the PS4 I grabbed it not really thinking. Is this game fun on the PS4? Or should I be updating files on my PC?
Not sure how it is performance-wise but if you're wondering about using a gamepad Vs. using a M+K, I play on the PC and use a gamepad (Xbox controller) 90% of the time and can't stand the idea of playing an MMO without gamepad support now. How weird is that?
Make sure you have a USB keyboard an mouse too tho, cause I can't imagine not having them for typing and stuff.
I play on PS4 and it runs fantastic. I play with a gamepad, but have some old bluetooth keyboard, but solely for chat.
I (poorly) made a gif comparison of DX9 vs DX11.
Plot twist: It was Galen the entire time.
So, STR Warrior is considered BiS today, right?
And what about the 30 points distribution? People are going full STR too or VIT is still priority?
Only ten levels to go on my Fisher. Kind of dreading it because I'll have nothing to do after. I'm too poor to get the good gear for Big Fishing.
My time with Fisher is coming to and end :'(
You do not quit fishing without embracing the suffering that is Silver Sovereigns. Until you've fallen asleep only to wake up when your controller vibrates, energetically slapping your single-button fishing macro, only to inevitably be HQ Mahi Mahi trolled because it has somehow become daytime and you didn't even notice.
HQ AF can get you pretty far (ALL THE SWIMSUITS); if you can fund the melds I can probably make you most of the gear with crap on my retainers right now.
You do not quit fishing without embracing the suffering that is Silver Sovereigns. Until you've fallen asleep only to wake up when your controller vibrates, energetically slapping your single-button fishing macro, only to inevitably be HQ Mahi Mahi trolled because it has somehow become daytime and you didn't even notice.
HQ AF can get you pretty far (ALL THE SWIMSUITS); if you can fund the melds I can probably make you most of the gear with crap on my retainers right now.
I have under 500k. most of which will go on raid food.
I'm mega poor!
I have under 500k. most of which will go on raid food.
I'm mega poor!
I have under 500k. most of which will go on raid food.
I'm mega poor!
So, STR Warrior is considered BiS today, right?
And what about the 30 points distribution? People are going full STR too or VIT is still priority?
You do not quit fishing without embracing the suffering that is Silver Sovereigns. Until you've fallen asleep only to wake up when your controller vibrates, energetically slapping your single-button fishing macro, only to inevitably be HQ Mahi Mahi trolled because it has somehow become daytime and you didn't even notice.
I (poorly) made a gif comparison of DX9 vs DX11.
I fully expect Sword Oath to get a kick in the dick if that new combo has a higher attack potency.
You have a house. I don't even have one of those.
I would never recommend somebody go straight to Olgois. You only have to catch 3 of those; how can they possibly suffer enough? Silver Sovs where it's at.
First of all, why are you buying premade raid food instead of having it made for you. The only real expense in risotto is clusters. Paying MB prices for food is dumb.
Second of all, you don't have to meld anywhere near cap for entry level Big Fishing. I went with it initially because it wound up being the only crafting/gathering thing I could afford to pursue. We'll talk; you're nowhere near done with fishing yet.
To Urth's Gift!
If you can handle fishing you surely can SB a few (hundred) sets without falling asleep
I don't see anything wrong with what you said. Inner Beast requires timing since it only lasts 6 seconds, requires Infuriate and is on GCD. Paladin defense abilities are offGCD and last much longer making them easier to use since you don't have to build anything up to reduce incoming damage.
I need to be able to make gear to SB.
No crafting jobs at 50?
The stuff you will sb you just need the class at 50 to make really. Weaver, goldsmith, and leatherworker and you're set. Worst case scenario, get the mats and ask someone to make you NQ/HQ versions, they are super duper easy to make and NQs take a bit longer to SB but most 50 crafters can literally make the items while afk via quick synth.. SBing is all about time, the money you need to out in is next to nothing and the profit margins are pretty great.
No crafting jobs at 50?
The stuff you will sb you just need the class at 50 to make really. Weaver, goldsmith, and leatherworker and you're set. Worst case scenario, get the mats and ask someone to make you NQ/HQ versions, they are super duper easy to make. SBing is all about time, the money you need to out in is next to nothing and the profit margins are pretty great.
Are there any good tips some Master Warriors can share with me (as a fledging Warrior)? Anything in depth, tricks of the trade and so forth? I really dig the class. Its right there with MNK in making it my main class. =)
most of which will go on raid food.
People still use food?!
Will wait to watch WARs become the old n busted come 3.0 while PLD/DRK ride off into the sunset.
Shouldn't your reaction be "People still raid?!"
As long as you're using Cooldowns for predictable damage and not at random (ie don't do like the WAR I just played with who thought popping Unchained for Revelation was the best option), you're fine with 10k+ up to Turn 13.So, STR Warrior is considered BiS today, right?
And what about the 30 points distribution? People are going full STR too or VIT is still priority?
I would never recommend somebody go straight to Olgois. You only have to catch 3 of those; how can they possibly suffer enough? Silver Sovs where it's at.
Only started SBing again myself recently; because I realized I could make the lvl48 accessories myself now that I had Goldsmith at fifty. Before buying all the HQ accessories on the board was a bit too expensive for my blood. I mean, once you consider that you could go through several sets before getting anything good.
You're not wrong of course, you don't need a ton of crafting classes leveled and geared to do this. It does help by giving you more options; but it's not necessary.
Get ready for such a fun class! I had no idea what I was getting myself into starting FFXIV as its my first MMO (well, since PSO) and picked MRD because it wasn't a magic class in Limsa but out of the DPS classes I've tried since, nothing tops WAR for me.Are there any good tips some Master Warriors can share with me (as a fledging Warrior)? Anything in depth, tricks of the trade and so forth? I really dig the class. Its right there with MNK in making it my main class. =)
It may not be exciting, but it's effective as hell.I wouldn't mind, Sword Oath isn't exciting to use because of its passive nature imo. I'm still hoping one of the new abilities will be a offGCD attack.
What I've been learning is that any Tank-based mechanic has a cast bar. If it has a cast bar, you can IB it. The thing is that there's really just a small window where dropping IB doesn't help you in any what whatsoever for mitigation. I mean, even if you drop IB after a hit, you're still leeching back health you lost and mitigating any auto attacks or whatnot that follow. As you learn a fight as WAR you can time the IB more accurately and not buttclench. Not like Thrill of Battle is hard to use if you get scared.PS: Had a bit of an argument with somebody in-game about this yesterday, and I figured I'd bounce it off you guys to see what you think. I'll black it out for people that don't want to see it though.
Sorry for sharing. This argument rather annoyed me, as much for the tone as anything else. But I just wanted to know if I was off base or not.
This is how you get demoted.Oops, double post.
Will wait to watch WARs become the old n busted come 3.0 while PLD/DRK ride off into the sunset.