So I've got my PLD to 50, finished the level 1-50 main quests, and finished off my class quests to get my AF(?) armour, which I think looks awful on my character sadly. I also love how i managed to miss every boss battle in the duty for that last mission because I was watching the cutscenes and as such everyone else just kept going, it was like 20mins of cutscenes and finished.
So where do I go from here? I know I've got the rests of the main quest line to go and I assume I'm going to need better stuff to finish them off and before the expansion. So what should I be doing now over the next couple months before the expansion hits to be ready and finish off the rest of the story content? Where should I be getting my armour and weapons from, I've noticed this other currency was introduced in the last few levels, soldiers or something, I assume that is what I going to gather next?
So I've got my PLD to 50, finished the level 1-50 main quests, and finished off my class quests to get my AF(?) armour, which I think looks awful on my character sadly. I also love how i managed to miss every boss battle in the duty for that last mission because I was watching the cutscenes and as such everyone else just kept going, it was like 20mins of cutscenes and finished.
So where do I go from here? I know I've got the rests of the main quest line to go and I assume I'm going to need better stuff to finish them off and before the expansion. So what should I be doing now over the next couple months before the expansion hits to be ready and finish off the rest of the story content? Where should I be getting my armour and weapons from, I've noticed this other currency was introduced in the last few levels, soldiers or something, I assume that is what I going to gather next?
Another day of hullbreaker. Capped out on Sol, 70 more poetics til I cap (from doing nothing but Hullbreaker).
This is truly hell. In the meantime, I've watched Alice right next to me get her hullbreaker, Qarn HM, HMHM and Sastasha HM drops.
All while I've been doing Hullbreaker.
Do we know anything about changes in the loot system in Heavensward? Because it's already hard enough to get drops for your class. Adding three more types of weapons to the raids is going to make things worse...
Alexander SM is going to utilize some sort of different loot system (no details given, but probably partially tokenized), Alexander NM is probably just RNG since it's CT model for the loot. Primals were described as having token drops akin to Shiva dropping Diamond Dust.
This naming convention isn't going to work for me at all. From my time in other games, SM is story mode and NM is nightmare mode.
Most of the almost naked people I see are Roegadayn (wearing Moogle Helm), Highlander and Elezen males.
I do not consider it to be a problem though.
T13 solo tanking by a JP group. Just for anyone interested in seeing this.
Not all cats wear bikinis.
Only weapon you should be glamoring to is the moogle ones so you can annoy people with moogle sounds.
Is there a way to auto-dismount when you use attacks? We're both so accustomed to this in WoW that's it's really annoying have to dismount before being able to attack.
Is there any way to boost graphical settings even further? Via macros or the like.
Ingame, config is it.
Outside of the game, it depends on what you want exactly.
SweetFX can do something for color saturation. Downsampling makes everything look incredibly nice if you can manage it. I personally run 1440p. DX11 is coming in 3.0, so that will help in this department.
What are the orange pins on the map for?
...Orange pins? In housing areas they mean owned homes. Orange pins in the field... I'm blanking out.
Oh right, forgot about downsampling - will try.
It's these ones i'm talking about:
Oh right, forgot about downsampling - will try.
It's these ones i'm talking about:
For anyone who wants to see it, here is the T13 7 War kill that was mentioned earlier in the thread:
Solo Tank T13 is more entertaining, I think. The dodgy part is definitely the tethers. It was kind of humorous watching the dps drop like flies in the last phase.GAF attempting this when?
I'll make popcorn and we can take bets on how high repair bills get before everyone realizes it's too hard.
or solo tank T10! If adds can be solved for it should be doable! Just. Something!
Another day of hullbreaker. Capped out on Sol, 70 more poetics til I cap (from doing nothing but Hullbreaker).
This is truly hell. In the meantime, I've watched Alice right next to me get her hullbreaker, Qarn HM, HMHM and Sastasha HM drops.
All while I've been doing Hullbreaker.
So, I know it's technically all RNG, and it's pointless looking for "patterns," but... I've found that I get a dungeon atma on the first run every time when I come back to the game after a break of a day or two. I know, it's probably just luck...
Another day of hullbreaker. Capped out on Sol, 70 more poetics til I cap (from doing nothing but Hullbreaker).
This is truly hell. In the meantime, I've watched Alice right next to me get her hullbreaker, Qarn HM, HMHM and Sastasha HM drops.
All while I've been doing Hullbreaker.
The comments about fishing here make me really look forward to it. Currently at level 22, doing Leves to level up.
I get the argument. Guy is shitting on WAR and saying it's not hard to learn fights as WAR. You say he's biased because he knows the fight already so he has an advantage. I say that he's completely right. People underestimate Warrior because people who play Warrior typically play it poorly.
GAF attempting this when?
I'll make popcorn and we can take bets on how high repair bills get before everyone realizes it's too hard.
or solo tank T10! If adds can be solved for it should be doable! Just. Something!
Solo Tank T13 is more entertaining, I think. The dodgy part is definitely the tethers. It was kind of humorous watching the dps drop like flies in the last phase.
I doubt GAF has the kind of ability to pull off anything like this, unfortunately.
Missing the exact argument again. The argument being, that you need to know the rotation of a boss well to take full advantage of Inner Beast. Yes it's an amazing defensive maneuver, but if you're attacking when a shorter cast bar starts going off the 2+ second wait is probably gonna prevent you from using it.
The problem is you keep thinking your defensive rotation starts and ends with Inner Beast. I don't rely on IB as a tank killer cooldown. I have oGCD ones to utilize that are functionally the same as a Paladin rotation.
So their horns are actually ears?
I stated earlier that there are other CDs you can fall back on but only a few really have a good chance of saving you from a tank killer, and using those early can get you in trouble later in certain fights.
Besides, this is about which class has a lower skill floor; or possibly which has a higher skill cieling. Depends on which set of semantics you prefer.
|The argument isn't whether or not Inner Beast is amazing, it's about how easy it is to take advantage of for first time tanks.
The problem is you keep thinking your defensive rotation starts and ends with Inner Beast. I don't rely on IB as a tank killer cooldown. I have oGCD ones to utilize that are functionally the same as a Paladin rotation.
First, pick an argument. Is it about learning a fight on WAR or is it about skill floor/ceiling? Choose an argument.I stated earlier that there are other CDs you can fall back on but only a few really have a good chance of saving you from a tank killer, and using those early can get you in trouble later in certain fights.
Besides, this is about which class has a lower skill floor; or possibly which has a higher skill cieling. Depends on which set of semantics you prefer.
What will happen to these repeated arguments once people stop playing WAR in 3.0?
What will happen to these repeated arguments once people stop playing WAR in 3.0?
What will happen to these repeated arguments once people stop playing WAR in 3.0?
Enhanced Shield Oath: Your shield is now a secondary weapon, adding +5000 potency to all auto attacks.which is better tank DPS, WAR or DRKand why is it secretly PLD
I (poorly) made a gif comparison of DX9 vs DX11.
Then we'll argue about BRD versus Machinist. Please look forward to my rants about that too.
Thanks catjerks said:
Enhanced Shield Oath: Your shield is now a secondary weapon, adding +5000 potency to all auto attacks.
AFK max dps dream.
It feels like just yesterday you betrayed Bard for Ninja, and you're already planning your next defection. Machinist is already inferior; they have no style. You'll fit right in!
You speak too soon. You know what's coming, right?
Hats for their bots.