This hurts to read. Goddammit.
Bunnyhops review of Watch_Dogs 2 seemed interesting to me because he was shitting on the characters. He called them incredible cringey and annoying and forced nonsensical misfit teens, but he somehow came around to them. Like he managed to find something worthwhile in these broken characters once he embraced the ham.
It's been my hope that it would be the same for the FFXV group. I really liked the idea of a road trip to try and make good characters. It seems like a good and safe trope you can use. You have some characters with similar goals; They are together on a trip. It's hard to screw up I'd imagine, which is why I am going ??? when I see this thread.
I loved FFXIIIs graphics and combat system. That game is my least liked Final Fantasy because the characters were so.. They just sucked so fucking bad, and it makes me mad. I'd rather have a bad story with great characters, than a great story with bad characters. I'm not against "save-the-world type stories".
If I really dig a character I'll sit through anything. That is probably why I love all of the modern Bioware games. I love that there are cut scenes where Garrus is shooting bottles with Shepard, or scenes where Dorian is trying to confront his dad who won't accept that he is gay- These things are personal smaller details that have nothing to do with a overall "white jesus saves the universe" story, but it gives context to going out and mindlessly slaying and shooting monsters and aliens.
FFX12 is the latter. FFX12 is the game with the mature and deep political intrigue that was really impressive,but that game also lacked characters that where truly memorable. Still I have really fond memories of FFX12 I just don't remember it. It was good, but not memorable.
I feel bad for Tabata and friends. How did they miss the mark on this? Who supervises a project of this magnitude and doesn't run the script through the best writers in Japan to weed out inconsistency, characters acting unbeliveable? They should have hired 30 Haruki Murakami's to drill home characters that was bound to put you to your knees.
If this is as bad as you guys are making it seem it's hard to believe that scenario and characters were done by actual writers.