Just completed the game, and I'll stand by what I said, that this does manage to be a good game despite all the obvious issues. The troubled development cycle shows, especially when it comes to the story. There were times that I felt like I was missing half of the cutscenes because events didn't follow logically into each other. The plot is barely there and what is there is poorly told and at times feels like nonsense. Moments which feel like they're meant to have emotional resonance come across as forced and flat. The gameplay has its obvious issues as well, and combat fails to feel suitably strategic because of the lack of control you have over your comrades. What hurts the most though is that I can see what could have been a great product shining through at times, even when it comes to the story. It definitely feels like one of the weaker entries in the franchise overall for me.
Yet, despite all this, I find myself having fun with the game more often than not. The game's biggest strength is the four main characters, while I like some of them more than others, they all are well-written, voiced and have a great chemistry. It's fun to see them interact and follow them around, and during the times where you're adventuring together, listening to banter or watch them team up in combat I can't help but smile. Despite the problems with the combat camera and bad partner AI, the action feels good to control most of the time, and when everything is working right you feel awesome and it's a great visual spectacle. Now that I've completed the game I actually can't wait to get back into the open world and start roaming around, exploring and going on more adventures. This is a product that feels like it could and should have been a lot better, but I still feel like it was a worthwhile experience and could even see myself coming back to it some time to relive the whole adventure.
Most of all though I hope that after this game and its DLC cycle is done with that they put Final Fantasy XV and everything related to it behind them. Integrate it into the Final Fantasy canon and crossovers like all the rest of the games, but I really hope we're not in for several years worth of spinoffs. I expect that we won't hear anything about the next numbered game in the franchise until it's close to completion though, but then again you can never tell with Square Enix.
And Chapter 13 is still absolute doodoo.